Movie 1: The Tale of the Duck Twins Part 6

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Ducktales – Tales of the Duck Twins Part 6

Scrooge and Beakely are with the chief in front of the Gilded Man which is pretty much almost completed and getting ready for testing.

Chief: While we wait for the kids to return perhaps you both can watch our creation be tested.

Scrooge: I don't see why not. It's not like we have anything better to do.

Chief: Fantastic. A bird engineer walks up to the chief.

Engineer: Sir. I just thought I should let you know that the Gilded Man will be completed and ready for testing within 15 minutes.

Chief: Excellent!

The Engineer walks away and Beakely bends down to Scrooge with concern latched on her face.

Beakely: McDuck. Are you absolutely sure that those kids will be alright in that temple.

Scrooge: Scrooge dismisses the concern with a wave of his hand. Ah, quit your worrying 22. Those kids will be fine.

Beakely: But you know they haven't been able to get along for 6 months. How can you be so sure?

Scrooge: Because I have faith in those kids. Besides, as long as they stick together and aren't stupid enough to actually separate then everything will be okay.

Unfortunately Donald and Della aren't together. After a vicious and brutal fight and argument the twins are walking down separate paths. Donald is walking down in a slump, looking utterly dejected from the recent argument that occurred between him and Della.


Donald: You say I never felt anything for our parents. Well here's how I've been feeling. He brings up his fist and begins relentlessly pounding her without showing any signs of mercy. Della screams in pain and anguish as she feels Donald constantly slam his fists against her face and they're much harder and painful for her. It becomes worse and her screams become louder when Donald begins mercilessly slamming both his fists into Della's stomach and he does it with tears gushing out of him. This just a fraction of what I've been suffering!

He hits her harder and she screams even more.

Donald: You don't even know what I've been through! You don't even care!

He does it again and then begins to strangle his sister. Della is unable to get him off her and she begins to choke. Donald's grip becomes tighter and Della feels herself dying. It was at that moment Donald's eyes widen in horror, as she looks at her sister's scared and hurt face, reminding him of the promise he made to his parents and Della when they were 6 that he would protect her no matter what.

(End of Flashback)

Donald looks at his shaking hands in fear and in shame over the fact that he almost killed his own sister. He was mad at her but he never wanted to hurt her like that.

Donald: I can't believe I almost killed my twin sister… He lets tears drop from his eyes as he closes up his arms and sits against a rock in a fetal position. I…I…I'm a monster…! I'm so sorry…Della…I really am…

Della walks down her path with the same feelings of dread and shame as her brother as he thinks about the argument she just had with him.


Della: Ever since you got our Mom and Dad killed you've been nothing but a jerk!

Donald: Della grunts when Donald tackles her in pure anger, pinning her down again. Stop it! Stop saying that!

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