Season 2: Episode 6 - Double Triplets

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Episode 6 – Double Triplets

Daisy was driving through the streets of Duckburg in her car. She was a humming a tune to herself as she drove around in a good mood. At the back seats were her 11 year old nieces April, May and June Duck. Strangely, the same ones that had Donald, Panchito, Jose and Xandra defeat Lord Felldrake and Baron von Shellgoose years ago and they haven't aged a bit for some reason.

Daisy is wearing her primary outfit.

May is wearing an orange tank above a light orange full-sleeved shirt similar to Dewey but with the left sides being slanted down a little, an orange headband and she has short hair that reaches above her shoulder.

April is wearing a light blue striped t-shirt underneath a yellow cardigan with a dark green skirt. Her hair stands rolled up out front, a little hair standing up at the bank she wears a yellow ribbon.

June is wearing a purple hoodie similar to Louie. Her hair is done in a short ponytail.

Daisy: Now April, May, June. Remember that when we get to McDuck Manor I want the three of you to behave. Is that clear?

April, May & June: Yes Aunt Daisy. The girls seem pretty excited.

April: I can't believe we're going to the home of Scrooge McDuck!

June: June has a mischievous smile on her face. I wonder if there's a few expensive stuff in there that he won't miss. They deadpan at the youngest triplet.

Daisy: Now June…

June: I'm kidding! She whispers to her sisters. Well…half-kidding. They both roll their eyes.

May: I wonder how Donald's doing. We haven't seen him in like forever. Didn't you see him about a couple of months ago Aunt Daisy?

Daisy: That's right May. It was during the Shadow War when we fought Magica De Spell together. And he's been doing so wonderful since then. He's come to terms with losing his sister, he and Scrooge have made up and he's regained his adventuring spirit. He's so much happier and energized when I speak with him on the phone. I thought I'd use this vacation time to spend some time with him. I can't wait to see him.


Donald's staff and Scrooge's dime falls out of the sky. The dime rolls and the staff flies away from Donald and Scrooge who are smirking with confidence. Donald motions Huey, Dewey, Louie, Webby and Scrooge to follow his lead and they run after both items while running from all of their enemies.

Life is like a hurricane

Here in Duckburg!

They now run in the city itself, everything zooms out to reveal multiple people to Launchpad who give a salute before quickly taking back control over the plane.

Race cars, lasers, airplanes

It's a duck-blur!

Webby uses a flashlight to help search the dime and staff in the darkness but the kids gets scared away by Demonworth.

Might solve a mystery or rewrite history!

DuckTales! Woo-oo!

Scenes shift to a room where Donald, Scrooge and the kids relish with the treasure they've found but yelp in horror when a lobster monster arrives causing Louie to make a run for it but loses the gold he picked up in the process.

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