Season 2: Episode 14 - Dewey and Webby Part 2

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Episode 14 – Dewey and Webby Part 2

While Dewey, Donald and Beakely prep up prep up, inside Black Heron's lair on the desert island Webby lies on her side on the metal floor unconscious and for some strange reason she's in her gym outfit, black tracksuit trousers, pink sports bra underneath a light pink and white sports jacket and pure white trainers.

Webby groans in pain, eventually opening her eyes slowly and lifting her head up, rubbing her forehead a little.

Webby: Ugh…what's going on? Where am I?

She gasps when she takes a look around to see where she is. She gets on her two feet.

Webby: I know this place. This is Black Heron's lair! What am I doing here!? She takes a look at herself. And why am I in my gym clothes?

Webby hears a spotlight shine behind her, revealing Black Heron standing in front of her desk.

Heron: It's a suitable outfit for the game I have for you, child.

Webby: Webby turns and grits her teeth in anger, summoning her Power Gauntlets. Black Heron!?

Webby rushes forward leap up and deliver a crushing blow only smash the desk and crush the floor, making the floor crack around her. She turns to see Heron standing a behind a couple metres away from her smirking.

Heron: Impressive. So you have enhanced strength now.

Webby runs forward to launch acrobatic punches twice, followed up by a spin kick only for them all to be evaded and when she throws another punch Heron catches it with her metal hand. She twists it, causing Webby to scream in pain when she hears her bones cracking a little. She throws another punch with her free hand only for Heron to catch and twist it too. Webby screams louder as she is forced to her knees.

Heron: But even all the strength in the world will never beat me. You're still weak. You will never beat me again little girl.

Webby: You've got some major ego issue…

Webby flip kicks Heron in the beak, freeing herself before delivering a double kick that sends her tall opponent flying only for Heron to bounce off and launch 3 missiles. Webby runs to dodge the first one, cartwheels to avoid the second and then deflects the third one with a kick. Heron lands on the ground and Webby tackles her to the ground, seemingly knocking her out and Webby mocks her.

Webby: OHHH! She points with two fingers. Is that all you got!? She mockingly puts her hands on her hips. I thought I was supposed to be weak! Now who's the weakling!?

Webby leaps up to deliver and elbow drop only for Heron to wake up smiling.

Heron: Still you.

She sends out a missile and it explodes on Webby, sending her screaming and slamming into the glass wall. Heron wraps her metal hand around her waist before reeling the small girl duck. Webby has a pained expression and she screams in agony as Heron squeezes her, cracking some of her bones in the process and slams her onto the stairs which cracks upon impact. Webby groans in pain as she twists to get on her hands and knees, panting in exhaustion. She twists her head to see Heron looming above her.

Webby: How…how could you have gotten so strong?

Heron: I told you…I don't plan on losing again. Her expression becomes deeply angered. Though the fact that I was beaten by a child and that I had to train just to defeat the same child would be the biggest humiliation on my record. It's time you give me back my honour.

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