Movie 1: The Tale of the Duck Twins Part 2

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Ducktales – Tales of the Duck Twins Part 2

It's morning time in Duckburg and Scrooge wakes up feeling fresh as a daisy after yesterdays snake incident. He gets into his robe, opens the curtain and dreamily stares at his money bin.

Scrooge: Good morning you gleaming bin of bounty.

He's interrupted by an angry Beakely and Duckworth carrying tea and a newspaper. Their hair is dishelved and their faces are covered in dirt.

Scrooge: Beakely! Duckworth! They walk inside.

Duckworth: Don't ask.

Beakely: Though we should probably warn you what's out there. Beakely pours the tea and Duckworth puts the newspaper down on the tray.

Duckworth: For once I agree. It's not pretty.

Scrooge: Please, how bad could it be? What are those youngins doing? They walk to the door. Leaving roller skates by the stairway, barely any peanut butter left? When he opens the door their eyes widen to see darts being shot and coming towards them. Scrooge throws the tea pot, cup and newspaper in the air and uses the tray as a shield. Duckworth quickly catches the newspaper and Beakely frantically catches the teapot and cup. Scrooge watches the scene with a small smile; not bothered one bit.

Scrooge: An elaborate series of war games I see.

Della is running across the hallway and running from series of darts blasted by Donald. She counter by launching darts as well as her brother chases her.

Della: You'll never catch me Angry Bird!

Donald: That's what you think! He kneels down and initiates rapid fire. Eat darts Dumbella! He laughs loudly and Scrooge throws away the tray.

Scrooge: Donald! He grabs the gun and gives a demonstration firing stance. Don't yell at your target before you fire, you'll ruin the element of surprise. He gives back the gun and walks off.

Donald: Thanks for the advice unc! Donald continues chasing after Della and launching hundreds of darts, prompting Della to roll behind and knight armour before jumping of the way. The knight armour gets knocked down and as does a vase. Duckworth stops the armour falling down and Beakely slides on the floor to catch the vase. Good hands Beakely and Duckworth!

He ducks to avoid a couple of darts then continues chasing after Della, passing an angered Beakely and Duckworth.

Duckworth: Must we really put up with this for a couple of days?

Beakely: For once I actually agree with you.

Donald gives out a cry of joy as he hunts down her sister who is stationed on a chandelier with her Nerf gun ready.

Della: Target acquired. Got you now Donnie.

She fires away and multiple darts head towards Donald who manages to roll out of the way and spot his sister on the chandelier.

Donald: Hey, that's cheating! Della mischievously smiles.

Della: I don't remember a rule saying we aren't allowed to climb on chandeliers. It's not my fault if you have bad aim.

Donald: Bad aim, eh? How's this for bad aim?

He fires away and Della jumps from chandelier to chandelier. Donald fires at every single one she gets on and the force of the darts cause the ceiling decorations to crash to floor. Donald leaps above one of them to chase Della after she gets on the floor and makes a left down the hallway. Della arrives at the foyer and grinds on the stair railing. She leaps off and gets upside down to launch multiple darts at Donald the moment her arrives. The boy manages to avoid them and grind on the stair railing too before leaping off and firing at Della who rolls on the ground. Just as Della was about to fire Donald tackles her and now the two of them are rolling everywhere on the floor. Darts are fired in random directions, sticking to walls, paintings and causing several items to drop on the floor. They're both yelling words at each other but that stops when they crash into a bookshelf, causing a multitude of books to drop on them from the impact. Della is on the ground with some books piled on her and Donald emerges with one on his head. They exchange big smiles before bursting into laughter.

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