Season 2: Episode 29 One-shot Prelude - Della and Webby

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Episode 29 One-shot Prelude – Della and Webby

At night, Webby is happily skipping through the corridor in her workout clothes while holding a pink sweat towel and singing a tune.

Webby: Ah, nothing like a good workout and flexing my muscles before a goodnight sleep.

She stops in her place when she hears grunting and metal clanking coming from Della's room.

Della: 9991, 9992, 993, 9994…

Webby: Della?

She sees her door slightly open so Webby takes the liberty to peak through and what she sees causes her to gasp in amazement and shock.

Della is in her workout clothes minus the jacket. She has a barbell weighing 800kg held above her head with one hand and in the other she does continuous reps with 400kg dumbbell. She grunts with each reps she does with the barbell and dumbbell with little to no effort and her shredded muscles are flexed. Right now she has hers abs flexed in 6-packs. Della is stood in front of a mirror as she does this with sweat beading over her body.

Webby: OMG…

Della: 9995, 9996, 9997, 9998, 9999, 10,000!

Della tosses the heavy items and they bang on the floor, staring into the mirror with her hands on her hips. After that she flexes her shredded biceps with a bored look.

Della: Having super strength can be a real bore; this just isn't a challenge anymore. But hey, it feels nice to be super strong.

With a grin she flexes both her biceps, abs and back muscles in every sexy pose she can think off. When she turns to flex her back muscles she gasps to see Webby standing at the door with her beak wide open in happiness. Della blushes as her muscles deflate and she sheepishly rubs her hair.

Della: Oh! Webby! Uh…I was just…uh…how long have you been standing there?

Webby: Sorry, the door was open.

Della: It's okay. She smiles a little. Guess someone was bound to know my little secret sooner or later.

Webby: Webby runs over with a fangirl look. You have SUPER STRENGTH!? AND YOU HAVE RIPPING MUSCLES TOO!?

Della: They sit together on Della's bed. Yeah, back on the moon I trained intensely. You see Gyro developed this special workout chamber and I would often train inside it as much as I could. I collapsed and fainted from time to time but I didn't care, I kept lifting weights and doing all forms of exercises until my bones broke. Every time I found myself standing in puddle of my own sweat from working out excessively… but all I could think about endlessly was becoming stronger. She slyly smiles. And I wanted to look good for my boys… give them a super strong Mom when I come back.

Webby: Wow…that is so amazing! You're so cool Della!

Della: Really? Della becomes flattered. Thank you. Though, I'd appreciate it if you kept this between us. I'd rather save this surprise for my boys later on.

Webby: Ooh, you mean like a girls secret.

Della: Yeah, something like that.

Webby: Of course! I'm super good at secret keeping!

Della: Then I'm safe. And I've gotta say, I love that outfit your wearing.

Webby: Oh, this. Thanks, I was just on my way to do my own workout.

Della: Della raises a surprised eyebrow. Your own workout?

Webby jumps down to get in front of the barbell while giving Della a smug smile.

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