Season 3: Episode 16 - Escape from the ImpossiBin Part 1

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Episode 16 – Escape from the ImpossiBin Part 1

It's been a week since the craziness that went down in Saint Canard, Darkwing Duck defeated Taurus Bulba, took Gosalyn in as his crime-fighting partner and Bradford Buzzard was finally revealed as the leader of FOWL. The Duck-McDuck family were on high alert now that they know their greatest enemy has returned and their adventure has become more dangerous than ever before.

We go inside of McDuck Manor at night where Beakely and Webby are informing Donald, Dewey, Huey and Violet about F.O.W.L as they sat on the stairs. Donald, Huey and Violet were serious while Dewey lay on his sides. Beakely and Webby are more serious than usual as they stood near a board of information and at the centre of it was a picture of Bradford.

Beakely: F.O.W.L., the Fiendish Organization for World Larceny, is back. Long thought to have been eliminated by agents of S.H.U.S.H., they've risen again, led by a devious traitor.

Scenes then cut to Scrooge's office in the Money Bin where Scrooge informs Della, Louie and Lena sat in front of his desk. He points his cane at Bradford's picture.

Scrooge: Bradford Buzzard, the head of my board of directors, and my most trusted business partner, was surreptitiously (slams desk) spying like a sanctimonious snake of secrecy, SINISTERLY SLITHERING IN SLIMY—

Della, Louie and Lena exchanged looks over Scrooge's ranting.

Scenes shift back to the mansion.

Huey: Violet, remember that Steelbeak guy we encountered on our first date.

Violet: I remember him quite well.

Donald, Dewey, Webby & Beakely: Steelbeak?

Violet: He was a cyborg Hubert and I once encountered. He tried to assassinate us because we were close to discovering something we shouldn't. Hubert and I barely drove him off and survived.

Beakely: I know Steelbeak. He was one of the last agents FOWL had recruited before it fell. It seems they have been keeping an eye on us for some time now.

Dewey: Didn't you guys tell us about him in our sleepover?

Huey: Yeah, we did. He wore white, black pants, fancy shoes and he was as muscular as Launchpad.

Dewey: Wait a minute… Dewey widens his eyes in shock. That's the same guy I encountered in Funzo with Launchpad when we played the VR video game together. I forgot about the story back then 'till today. That means…the villain Launchpad and I faced was actually real life. I didn't think he was real, I thought it was a game.

Donald: Why would you assume it's a game?

Dewey: We were wearing high-tech glasses that took us to a different world, LP and I thought he was part of it.

Violet: It would seem FOWL's been trying to strike us down when we least expected it and it's almost worked because we barely managed to survive their agents.

Donald: FOWL hates magic, Phantom Blot could be a member of FOWL too.

Beakely: Perhaps. But FOWL's next betrayal could come from anywhere or anyone.

Webby: These are our top suspects.

Webby flips the board into a whiteboard to show a drawing of potential traitors: Lil Bulb, "Uncle" Donald, Fenton, Bluescreen Beagle, and "Louie". Donald was surprised to see himself on the board.

Dewey: Dew-abolical.

Violet: Huey reads his guidebook. That makes sense.

Donald: Donald is outraged. WHAT!? You think I'm an agent for FOWL!

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