Movie 1: The Tale of the Duck Twins Part 5

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Ducktales – Tales of the Duck Twins Part 5

Donald (Narration): And so...because of one dumb mistake I lost my sister. A couple of months later Della and I were on speaking terms again but we still hated each other and are arguments were how you say, a little bit...violent...

(6 months later)

Donald and Della have been living in McDuck Manor like Scrooge said they would ever since the death of their parents and both have been able to settle in but both of them still haven't swallowed their pride enough to make amends. Scrooge wakes up from his bed yawning, puts on his robe and opens up the curtains to take a look at the sun.

Scrooge: Ahh…good morning you beautiful ball of brightness. I'd say today is the beginning of whole new and peaceful day.

Scrooge hears crashing, items getting broken and the sound of fighting outside his door.

Scrooge: What the blazes is that!?

Scrooge opens it to find Donald and Della playing dart, only more deadlier and serious.

Donald: Die Dumbella! Die!

Donald shoots out multiple darts from his gun and Della avoids them by jumping from chandelier to chandelier.

Della: Come and get me angry bird!

Donald: Oh I'll get you alright!

The multitude of darts he unleashes causes multiple chandeliers to fall down much to Scrooge's horror. Della jumps towards Donald and fires multiple darts too. Donald rolls out of the way and tackles her in the air. They both lose their dart guns and are now rolling on the ground fighting and yelling at each other. Scrooge watches with an annoyed deadpanned expression as they get up and grapple their hands, trying to push back against each other. Ever since their parents have died they've been having these sorts of fights for 6 months. At first Scrooge thought they'd eventually let bygones be forgot but it's clear he was wrong and now these fights are destroying his house.

Donald: You dumb idiotic tree climber!

Della: You temperamental selfish jerk!

They are yelling at each other and viciously calling each other names. Scrooge groans and just leaves to go have a bath not bothered dealing with this.

Scrooge: Beakely! Duckworth! Deal with this!

Donald and Della feel themselves getting grabbed by their collars by an angry Beakely.

Beakely: That's enough! Both of you!

Duckworth: Yes. I believe you've caused enough house damage for one day.

The twins look around to see the damage they have just caused and hatefully glare at each other.

Della: It wasn't my fault; it was Dumb Donald who shot the chandeliers!

Donald: You were the ones jumping from them Dumbella!

Della: Della is now furiously kicking the air. Stop, calling me that!

Scrooge makes his way to his washroom to save himself from the loud argument he can still hear, causing him to groan in annoyance.

Scrooge: They've been arguing like this for 6 whole months. Typical, you invite two youngins into your home and they tear it apart. He goes inside his washroom to take his money bath.

A couple of hours later Scrooge, Donald and Della are having their breakfast. Scrooge is reading a newspaper while having a cup of nutmeg tea and as for Donald and Della the both of them have been forced to sit next to each other and are exchanging hateful glares. They just eat without saying a word to each other. Scrooge takes a peek and sees that his plan to start up a friendly conversation between them is not working. Instead it backfires when Della sips in some water and Donald quickly takes the last of her food after finishing his which she notices much to her anger when Donald rubs his belly.

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