Movie 1: The Tale of the Duck Twins Part 9

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Ducktales – Tales of the Duck Twins Part 9

Back in the present Donald is sat on the couch with Dewey and Webby, having finished telling the story to the both of them in order to fully resolve their argument during Scrooge's game night. The both of them are touched and near tears after hearing the special bond Donald and Della had and how everything began for them. Donald happily looks down reminiscing about the good times with his sister, parents and uncle before looking back to his nephew and niece.

Donald: And that's how it all began for me and Della. From then on the both of us have gone on a lot of adventures with Uncle Scrooge. We still went on our own adventures from time to time of course. Our lives truly began from that point.

Webby: Wow… That is one of the most touching, sweetest and amazing stories I've ever heard! Oh man, this is going inside my Duck Family journal!

Dewey: That is totally awesome! You and Mom are so cool!

Donald: Thanks kiddo.

Dewey: So that's how it all started for the both you.

Webby: And that's where that 'Ducks don't back down' motto came from.

Donald: These days I still keep the Wayfinder charm Della made for the both of us. He takes out his dark blue star-shaped Wayfinder. Dewey and Webby stare at it in amazement.

Dewey: Whoa!

Webby: So pretty!

Donald: This little thing represents the bond the two of us have and I'm always gonna keep it with me.

Webby: That's sweet.

Dewey: So wait, whatever happened to the Gilded Man?

Donald: Oh, we keep it stuffed in the garage as a trophy. Don't worry though, there's absolutely no way it's going to reactivate after the damage we did on the inside.

Dewey: Dewey breathes a sigh of relief. Phew.

Webby: What about that stone you and Della found?

Donald: Uncle Scrooge gave it to Gyro for safe keeping. He actually uses it as the power source for his time-tub. Without the stone it wouldn't be able to travel back in time.

Webby: Do you still keep that walkman with you.

Dewey: Webby of course he does. Uncle Donald let me listen to the music in his walkman all the time.

Donald: I sure did. Webby happily looks at Dewey.

Webby: I guess your love for music and dancing was a big clue for that.

Donald: Dewey yawns a little a bit. It's getting a little late. How 'bout we all turn in for the night.

Webby: Webby yawns as well. Yeah, it might be sleepy time.

Dewey: Do you think you could tell us more stories about you and Mom someday Uncle Donald.

Donald: Of course I will. But for now, I'm going to bed. He gets up and proceeds to walk out. Night kids, see you in the morning.

Dewey & Webby: Goodnight Uncle Donald.

When Donald leaves Webby jumps down from the couch and looks to Dewey.

Webby: Well, I'm gonna head off to my room now. See you tomorrow Dewey. Webby proceeds to leave but Dewey who has the nervous feeling to get something off his chest jumps down from the couch.

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