Movie 3: Moonvasion Infinity War Part 5

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Moonvasion Infinity War Part 5

Della is stood in front of the mansion's main gates, opposite of Lunaris… the monster who took her brother away from her, murdered him and her best friend, Penumbra. Lunaris is stood with his hand behind his back and a sick grin on his face as Della glares at him with hatred and vengeance.

Lunaris: It's been quite a while Della. How've you enjoyed returning to the comfort of your home…? …Because in a few short days you will lose that all…forever.

Della: YOU LYING, BLACK-HEARTED, MANIPULATIVE, MURDERING MONSTER! HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME LUNARIS!? HOW COULD YOU BETRAY ME LIKE THIS!? I trusted you! You took me in! Helped me fix my rocket! Gave me home on the moon while I fixed up my stupid rocket! I thought you were my friend! I was even willing to talk to you about my brother!

Lunaris: A deception. And you fell for it like the idiotic Earther you are.

Della: You lied to me! You used my trust in you just for your half-baked invasion! And what's worse is that you're lying to your own people, the people who have faith in you! Don't you care about what will happen to them on our planet!

Lunaris: A few brave soldiers do get hurt and the thought is most regrettable…but that is just one of the many casualties of war. In the end making such sacrifices is worth it for the glory of the planet Moon.

Della: Della feels tears welling up in her eyes. You took my brother from me… you even betrayed Penumbra, who respected you more than anyone else.

Lunaris: Lunaris laughs evilly. You were such a gullible Earther, both you and your brother. You both thought you knew everything. But you were blinded by your arrogance and desperation to return to Earth and your brother underestimated me. Though I should thank you Della… Lunaris presents the manual. …For providing me with this.

Della: Della gasps in horror to see the manual she gave to Lunaris before leaving the Moon. My Spear blueprints!

Lunaris: Indeed. If it wasn't for your gullibility, trusting heart towards me and my people and Penumbra's desire to get rid of you, I never would've gotten the ticket I needed for my invasion and assembled my fleet. I've been planning this for a very long time. I've spent years trying to build some form of transportation to Earth and make it suffer…but my attempts were far from successful and your wretched Cornerstone of Light had blocked me off from transporting via the Space Stone. It all seemed hopeless…until you crash-landed on my planet Della. You had a rocket, the kind of rockets I needed mass-produced in order to invade your planet. Della grits her teeth in hatred and anger as Lunaris spoke. You became the key for my invasion plans. It was rather simple, all I had to do was leave you to be broken and desperate enough to do anything to return to your home for 10 years, reveal myself at the right moment and gain your trust. He opens up the manual. And I'd say my plan has worked…it was easy to take advantage of good old Earth compassion to get you to give me this. And it was even easier to motivate my people into becoming the warriors they are now, by turning the love and trust they had for you into betrayal. Now they're just as determined as I am in making you pay and destroying this wretched planet that drove my people intohiding.

Della: I never should've given you those blueprints…EVER! I'm going to pay Lunaris. I can live with you betraying me, but… She clenches her fists as hard as possible. …You took my brother from me. I could do nothing but watch as you tortured him and made him suffer. His screams… him needing my help… I CAN HEAR IT ALL IN MY HEAD AND IT'S ALL BECAUSE OF YOU! YOU KILLED MY TWIM BROTHER, THE PERSON I LOVED AND TREASURED THE MOST! YOU KILLED DONALD! AND YOU KILLED PENNY! NOW I'LL MAKE YOU PAY!

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