Movie 3: Moonvasion Infinity War Part 10

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Moonvasion Infinity War Part 10

We go to the Planetary Engine's main control room where Gibbous and Zenith report everything to Lunaris sat on his throne via hologram.

Zenith: And that concludes our report sir in regards to the humans and McDuck's whereabouts.

Lunaris: Interesting. So the heroes of the Keyblades have finally appeared. I had a feeling that they'd come eventually. No matter, even with the boy known as Sora and his human friends joining this war my plan is all but flawless. And you say this encounter occurred in Scotland.

Gibbous: Yes sir, that's where McDuck has gone. From what we heard he kept talking about the Soul Stone and a place he calls Castle McDuck.

Lunaris: The Soul Stone? Castle McDuck? Could Scrooge know the location of Soul Stone.

This new information intrigues Lunaris and Zenith presents radar that has a gauge with the arrows moving left and right.

Zenith: If I may sir, when we arrived in Scotland the device you gave us to track down the rest of the Infinity Stones reacted.

Lunaris: What?

Gibbous: It went completely off the charts and it gets noiser the closer we go in Scrooge's direction. Maybe wherever he's going is the location of the Soul Stone itself. It's certainly a possibility.

Lunaris thinks hard about what he's studied on Castle McDuck and its mystical properties. When he puts two and two together with the information given to him, he's hit with a look of realization.

Lunaris: Of course! How could I be such a fool!? The answer was there all along! He smiles proudly at his two officers. Excellent worth Gibbous and Zenith! This information has been most helpful! Now I know where the Soul Stone is!

Gibbous: He quickly puts on his gauntlet. Of course, sir! Anything to be of service!

Zenith: Is there anything else you'd like us to do, General?

Lunaris: Send one of probes to keep watch of Scrooge's movements and then return to Duckburg to guard McDuck manor with Palus. I want Scrooge's fortress to be completely inaccessible.

Gibbous & Zenith: They salute. Yes sir!

And with that reported they both disconnect and Lunaris turns to see Maleficent and Pete smiling evilly.

Lunaris: Ah, I was wondering when you'd appear.

Pete: Sorry we're late. We had some business we had to take care of in Radiant Garden. Don't want any of the brat's close friends to cause trouble for us.

Maleficent: You've done well Lunaris. Your plan is finally in motion and is working quite smoothly. My compliments in having dispatched that temperamental mage, Donald with ease.

Lunaris: Why thank you. And your Heartless and Nobodies have been most helpful in my conquest. But I will require your assistant for a simultaneous matter. I've just received word that Della's group is in Disney Town; meaning Lena is likely to be there as well, hence the Reality Stone. Now that I know the location of the Soul Stone I'll need someone to lead my forces in Disney Town.

Maleficent: Leave that to me. I shall lead the army in battle there.

Lunaris: Excellent! Then I leave the matter of Lena to you, Maleficent.

Meanwhile, The Gummiship continues flying along the now rainbow coloured lanes in between. The main cockpit is much larger than normal, obviously modifications have been made. Fethry has taken over the co-pilot controls for Donald and Storkules points up ahead.

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