Movie 3: Moonvasion Infinity War Part 11

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Moonvasion Infinity War Part 11

Back at the forge, Donald's group is just about ready to reawaken the forge. The kids and Gladstone are stood with Hephaestus.

Dewey: So how does this work exactly?

Hephaestus: In order to restart forge we must break the ice that binds these rings together… then Donald will use his powers to energize the sphere and awaken the star within.

Gladstone: And how are we gonna free these rings? It'd take someone super strong to do that.

Louie: Luckily for us, Uncle G, Storkules does strong.

Huey: Huey presses his earpiece communicator. You in position Uncle Donald!?

Donald: I'm ready to light this thing up and bring the star back to life!

Donald is stood on the top centre of the sphere with Mage staff in his hand.

Della and Fethry are piloting the Gummiship which is floating above the massive rings surrounding the sphere, the engines tied to rope. The other end is held by Storkules who jumps off the ship and on the first ring.

Fethry: Uh…Storkules…I'm not sure if you understand the Scientifics here. These rings are gigantic. Not even Mitzy could pull them off.

Della: Yeah, Muscles. You may have muscles but we'd need something a lot bigger to yank these rings loose.

Storkules: Storkules smiles. Do not fret my friends, for I am Storkules, the God of Strength, You need only but leave freeing these frozen rings to me.

Fethry: Leave it you?

Della: Storkules, we're in space. All you've got is a rope and a-

They shout when the ship is swung. Storkules is using his Herculean strength to spin the Gummiship around like crazy. Della and Fethry are screaming in horror from the excess G-forces. After building up enough speed with three good loops Storkules slacks his grip enough to send the ship shooting away from the pod, trailing behind it like a kite tail.


Della and Fethry straighten up, activate the engines and put the pedal to the metal. The engine ignites and blasts forward. Storkules claws onto the next ring and grinds his sandals through it. After getting a good foothold Gummiship stops when Storkules reaches the edge, pulling with all his might.

As a result, the ice accumulating around the ring axis was cracking.

Dewey: It's working!

Storkules: More power Della and Fethry!

Fethry: You heard the Godman!

Della: Yeah! Punch it cuz!

Della and Fethry accelerates with everything they got and the ship is now at full power, resulting in the ice completing shattering into pieces and the rings spun free, realigning into effective configuration. Della and Fethry share a high-five.

A faint glow emerges from the sphere and Donald flares with electricity.

Donald: Now it's my turn.

He holds up Mage Staff, summoning a thundercloud from above. A bolt of lightning roars down from the cloud, engulfing the staff and Donald. With a shout he smashes the sphere and it becomes engulfed in electricity, prompting Donald to leap far off. As result of Donald's power and ring realignment the star within bursts back into life. A blazing core of pure light and interstellar energy radiates from the sphere and lights up the darkness of space.

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