Season 2:Episode 31 - Glomtales Part 2

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Episode 31 – Glomtales Part 2

Scrooge, Della, Dewey, Huey, Webby, Launchpad and Beakely (holding a Hobo Bindle) are stood in front of the Money Bin with Zan Owlson. The Bin has been decorated with banners of Scrooge and Glomgold facing each other and the business people are stood by metre gauges obviously representing the amount of money Scrooge and Glomgold have. Scrooge's is red, represented by a top hat symbol and Glomgold's is green, represented by a Scottish hat symbol. Unsurprisingly, Scrooge's metre is high, thus he's the winner and officially the Richest Duck in World. He wears a silver crown around his hat as proof.

Owlson: Mr McDuck, I believe congratulations are in order.

Scrooge: Why, thank you Owlson, we're looking forward to having you on the team. They shake hands.

Owlson: Obviously I'm upset that I'll be forced to work with a successful, competent business WHO CAN MAKE ALL MY BUSINESS DREAMS COME TRUE! She coughs. Very sad, it's a very sad day…

Scrooge: Where is Flinty, anyway? Scrooge turns to the stool that has a card reading "reserved for the loser."

Della: I'm gonna head to the mansion to give Louie his Hobo souvenir, I'm worried about him.

For once Della shows concern, worry and guilt for Louie.

Huey: The DT-87 hasn't reported a single scheme in 24 hours. Everything's fine.

Scrooge was about to sign the paper until they're attacked by a gust of wind.

Clan Glomgold theme

The Iron Vulture lands in front of the Bin and the deck opens. Clan Glomgold exits the plane and reveal themselves.

Glomgold: Not so fast McDuck!

Scrooge: Scrooge clenches his fist in determination at his enemies. I knew this day would come! Magica's grand revenge.

Magica smirks while Glomgold is upset with having to share the spotlight.

Glomgold: I'm clearly standing in front!

Della gasps in sheer shock to see two figures from her past.


Magica: Why, hello there Della.

Merlock: How nice you see you again. Glad to see that you remember us.

Della: Della shakes her head in denial. No…it can't be! This is impossible! You two shouldn't be here! How are you still alive, Merlock!? Donald and I turned you into a kid and you were sent adrift in lava!

Merlock: Yes, but I survived and an ally of mine turned me back into my adult state. Now, I'm back and better than ever!

Della: Della looks to Scrooge. And how is Magica here, Uncle Scrooge!? I thought we trapped her in your Number One Dime!?

Scrooge: Scrooge tugs his collar nervously. Eh…some things happened while you were gone Della and Magica escaped from the Dime.

Magica: That's right and now I'm back! She frowns. Unfortunately, not better than ever thanks to your brother defeat me and causing me to lose almost all of my powers.

Della: Della smirks and points right at Magica. Ha! That's my bro! Of course my brother defeated you witch! No one can ever beat him, especially a decrepit old hag like you!

Magica growls and Merlock notices something off. His most hated nemesis is missing.

Merlock: Hold on a minute. Someone's missing…where's your brother? Where's Donald Duck!?

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