Chapter 55 Nightdress show

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In the backyard of the county government office, surrounded by green trees and flowers, the county magistrate's wife sat in the pavilion to enjoy the coolness and drank a herbal tea to relieve the heat.

Several maidservants in red and green stood behind them, shaking their fans.

"Madam, look, the pomegranate flowers in our yard are much brighter this year than in previous years, and they seem to be extraordinarily lush." ​​A new maid behind her pointed to the flowery yard innocently and lively.

The county magistrate's wife was just in a good mood to admire the blooming flowers, but when she heard this, her face suddenly changed, and she stopped drinking the herbal tea that was brought to her mouth.

Tian Xiang has been serving in front of the county magistrate's wife since she was a child. She understands the lady's mind best, often without the lady's words, just a look and a movement to know the meaning.

He immediately reprimanded in a loud voice: "Madam, there is no place for you to talk while watching the flowers, don't let me go!" The

maid did not know what she said wrong, she was so frightened that she was paralyzed on the ground, trembling constantly, and she was finally killed by the two maids. dragged down.

"Madam..." The

county magistrate's wife, however, had lost her mind to appreciate the flowers, and waved her hand.

"This flower is so lively that it's not suitable for meditation. Let's go back."

"Yes." Tian Xiang helped the county magistrate's wife to walk into the yard, and sent people into the house to settle down before they came out. He waved his hand and summoned a few maids, and said softly: "Find a few servants to shovel all the pomegranate trees in the house, and none of them are allowed to fall. If anyone asks, they will say that I have a new problem recently, and I can't smell the fragrance of pomegranate flowers. , Every time I smell it, I will sneeze repeatedly, my nose and mouth are red and swollen. Madam is kind, pity that I served in front of me since I was a child, and specially allowed to eradicate the pomegranate tree."

The maid didn't understand what Tianxiang meant, and said dumbly: "Sister Tianxiang, you don't have this chronic disease. Besides, didn't the former lady like pomegranate flowers the most, saying that it is an auspicious tree, which means more sons and more blessings..." Having said this, the maid slammed her mouth shut and dared not speak any more, her exposed eyes were full of horror.

Tian Xiang hates the iron and sticks out her index finger and stabs the maid's forehead fiercely, and reprimands in a low voice: "Are you stupid, I told you several times not to talk nonsense, why are you still thinking before you speak? Don't care about the past. What, I just said that now, I have such a strange disease, if you still want to live, remember my strange disease for me, and everyone can talk about it."

"Yes, yes, yes." The maid was frightened. She responded with repeated voices, swearing pointing to the sky and pointing to the ground, and then cautiously said: "What if instead of growing pomegranates?"

"Anything is fine, as long as it doesn't cause me such a strange problem." The

maid quietly stepped back and returned . As soon as he stepped into the door with one foot in the courtyard where the servant lived, someone rushed up crying. "Xiao Cui, what should I do? Madam wants to drive Xiao Li out of the house. You and Madam Tian Xiang have

walked the closest. Can you go to Sister Tian Xiang's place to talk?"

Seriously refused, and resolutely pulled away the hand that was tightly tugging at her sleeve.

"I only said when you were good sisters. Listen to my advice. Don't get involved in this matter. Xiao Li must leave. Tell her not to be noisy and make trouble, and leave obediently. Maybe if something happens in the future, Madam can still I want to help her with the old relationship."

"Why is it so serious, Xiao Li didn't say anything. Madam is usually the mildest tempered, and rarely makes such a big fire."

Xiao Cui sighed heavily and only said three points. talk. "I asked you that the pomegranate tree is blooming well, what do you think?" The

pomegranate tree, an auspicious tree, has bright flowers and many children.

How many children?

Yes, the bad is bad on the many sons.

Some time ago, the county magistrate brought in a new concubine, and she was very favored, but the lady never cared about it. It's just that the concubine's belly will grow up in a few months. I asked a well-known doctor in the town to feel the pulse, and they all said that this baby is a boy in nine out of ten.

So far, the county magistrate has only had one son produced by his official wife, and the others are daughters, so he is looking forward to the boy. After knowing that this concubine is very likely to be a son, I am overjoyed. In addition, it is barely considered an old man, and it is more and more important. On the spot, he promised the concubine that if she could give birth to a son, she would be rewarded with ten acres of fertile land, a thousand taels of silver, and a shop. For a while, the concubine had the same scenery and was very proud. The whole house was carefully serving up and down, and the limelight had a tendency to overshadow the county magistrate's wife.

For this reason, the county magistrate's wife is worried every day, and now Xiaoli directly came to say that the pomegranate flowers bloomed more prosperously this year than in previous years. Isn't this a disguised affirmation that the concubine must be a boy, the county magistrate's wife can't be angry.

The maid gasped, and after she figured it out, she knew that Xiao Li had to leave, so she didn't dare to say any more, and left in fear.

"Madam, why did you eat so little today?" Tim Xiang asked.

The county magistrate's wife wiped the corners of her mouth and waved annoyedly. "Tian Xiang

, how many days do you think the master hasn't been here. I prepare his favorite food and drink every day, but I can't see it every day. How can I have an appetite."

It was a red satin salutation from his sleeve.

"This worship post is exquisitely made, and the color is beautiful, where did it come from?" The county magistrate's wife was depressed for a few days, but this one became interested in this bright red silk, so she turned it over.

Tian Xiang said: "Madam still remember the two peasants who would sell us lipsticks in the spring. They brought this greeting card to the mansion with a token. They said that they were going to hold a show, please come and watch it."

"Show?" The county magistrate's wife repeated: "What is that, I've never heard of it."

Seeing that the lady was interested, Tian Xiang hurriedly said: "The lady has never heard of it, and the slaves have never heard of it. But listen. The two peasant family members said it seemed quite novel, why don't you go and have a look

? Just said I would go."

"What, the county magistrate's wife actually agreed to come?" Wang Ren was immediately dumbfounded, what is the identity of the county magistrate's wife, what are their identities, the difference between clouds and mud is nothing more than that.

Shen Lin was also shocked: "Brother, how can you invite the county magistrate's wife? When did you get a friendship? This is not a dream."

Zhou Jing laughed: "It's not a dream, as for friendship, Zeng help She was a little busy, and the county magistrate and wife remember it to this day, and she is willing to return it."

Actually, Shen Mo is a pity to waste this favor like this, he always feels that if he encounters a bigger matter in the future, he needs to go to the yamen to arbitrate. , then take out the token and ask the county magistrate's wife to help and say a few words in front of the county magistrate. It's not a wasted opportunity.

But Zhou Jing said that if there is really any major event, the words of the county magistrate and wife will not be of much use. It is better to take advantage of it this time, and his family's cloth house business may soar to the sky.

"Brother, I really admire you. You used to be a disgusting little ruffian in the village, and you used it to scare children. How can you suddenly understand everything? You can do everything." Wang Ren didn't want to explore a simple sigh.

This was enough to cause Shen Mo's panic.

Zhou Jing stretched out his hand and tightly clasped Shen Mo's, intertwined with his index finger, calmly comforting him.

"You, you are married now, don't you understand?" Zhou Jing looked at Shen Mo with a gentle expression, his eyes seemed to be able to squeeze water. "It is said that marrying a wife and marrying a virtuous family means that having a virtuous wife in the family will naturally bring blessings to the door."

In such a large audience, Shen Mo was so embarrassed that he forgot to continue to be nervous. Wang Ren only felt that his brother-in-law was not only a role model for his struggle in business, but also his goal of learning emotionally. Look, how well he coaxes his little husband, he also has to learn. Thinking of this, he secretly glanced at Shen Lin, only to find that Shen Lin seemed to be a little cold, rubbing the goose bumps on his arms.

With the live signboard of the county magistrate's wife, the show posts that people didn't want to receive in the past have suddenly become a hot commodity.

Some of the ladies who got the show posts first didn't care at all, and threw them away, knowing that the county magistrate's wife was going too, and the family was turned upside down.

"Go over there and take a look under the cabinet. Is there nothing? How could it be gone? I didn't throw it away at all."

"Miss, don't worry, if you really can't, ask the master to ask them for another one. As a master, I'm afraid that I won't come."

"Yes, I'm going to talk to my father." The masters in

the various houses have been summoned by their wives and daughters, and without exception, they are all invited to ask for a show post. of. It stunned the gentlemen, Xiu? what is that? This unintentionally brought the Zhou family's show that no one had seen and no one knew about to a climax. Almost all the rich ladies and the rich ladies are discussing the show ten days later.

The threshold of the Zhouji shop was almost breached. This is the first wave of gentlemen who have friendships but do not know how many times they have come to ask for a post.

Zhou Jing said with a regretful expression: "Sorry, but there are really no more. There are only thirty posts in this post, and there will be no more posts when they are all posted."

This master was entrusted by all the women in the family to ask for a post, but he didn't expect it to come.

Not only was he annoyed: "No, just write me a few pictures now, what's so urgent about this thing."

Zhou Jing explained: "It's not that I don't give you face, I deliberately humiliate you, you can understand it after listening to my explanation. What's going on? This show is a private show, not open to the public. You can enter at will. The people invited are only the ladies and ladies of the family of a master with status and status like you. I'm afraid of fish eyes The confusion hit the nobles, so the posts are all based on the venue. A total of 30 tables can be placed in such a large venue, and each table has a show post, which is just right, and no more tables can be placed. Now. You come and ask, I can write it, but if you write a show post, your wife and the lady at home enter the venue but have no place to sit, so they have to stand. Wouldn't this be hitting you in the face. This matter It's all my fault. Back then, I only cared about your status and wealth, and I was afraid that you wouldn't look down on my little show, so I didn't dare to come to bother you."

The old man was relieved by Zhou Jing's flattery, and after listening to the explanation, he understood that it was The venue reserved in advance was not large enough, not for him, but because he didn't dare to send it because he was afraid that he wouldn't be able to climb up. These were of two natures.

No longer entangled, just said that next time there is this kind of show or other novel things, it is necessary to stay close to his house. Zhou Jing patted his chest again and again to assure.

The front foot had just sent the person away when the hind foot Wu Butcher came in.

He just heard the last few words and said with a smile: "It's such a coincidence that the show post is gone, and my wife asked me to get one for her mother's sister."

Zhou Jing looked out from the door of the shop and saw that he had just come The master who wanted the show went far away and said, "I know that once the rumor that the county magistrate's wife wants to come to the show is released, you will all come to me to ask for more show posts, no, I specially kept my hand, just for you. These old friendships."

Butcher Wu patted Zhou Jing's shoulder and said intimately: "Good brother, if there are novel things, you should be close to brother."

The Zhou family's show finally arrived in the spotlight. The location of the show was the newly rented shop in the town by the Zhou family. The rent for this shop only cost 180 taels of silver a year. The shops facing the street are divided into upper and lower floors, with a total of 21 square feet. There is a 27-square-foot back house behind the shop. There is a garden in the house. There are hundreds of flowers in the courtyard, small bridges and flowing water, pavilions and rockeries. The environment is beautiful.

The show is built in a garden, with trimmed fatong and peach trees on the left and right, where the tables where the nobles watch the show are placed.

Starting with the show stage, it is fan-shaped, and there are three rows of ten tables in each row. The gap between the tables can accommodate five or six maids for them to serve. In order to prevent the standing maid from blocking the sight of the nobles watching the show, Zhou Jing calculated and adjusted the distance separately.

There is a small hole in the middle of each round table. From the small hole, an oil-paper fan that can cover the whole round table is extended. The fan is painted with different flowers.

The table is full of eight china plates. Four of the four are used to place the fruit. The fruit is peeled and cut into small pieces, each with a small wooden stick. The remaining two plates, a plate of peanut and melon seeds platter, a plate of fructose, a plate of ice cakes, and a plate of don't forget to advertise their own food, are the sausages sliced ​​by Zhouji, and the three flavors are lined up separately.

"Ma'am, those two peasant family members are very attentive and dressed up in an ingenious way. You see, these apples are all frozen. They were all cut into small pieces and stuck on wooden skewers. They looked clean. Would you like to eat a piece to relieve the summer heat?" Tian Xiang followed the county magistrate's wife to watch the show this time, and the wife sat under the umbrella to enjoy the coolness, and she stood by the side to serve.

Zhou Jing made it clean and thoughtful. The county magistrate and wife ate a piece of it, and it was cool and comfortable.

The ladies at the tables next to them knew that the county magistrate's wife would come, and now they are still excited when they see it. They want to go up to say hello, but they can't.

It's not that the maids and servants under the county magistrate's wife stopped them from coming forward, but the maids invited by the Zhou family stood at each table a few times. When they sat down, they told the county magistrate not to disturb the magistrate's wife to watch the show, otherwise, please go out on the spot. . These people are well-mannered, so how can they care about a Zhou family who just heard about it, but they don't care today, because the house is guarded by yamen inside and outside, and they are very suspicious that if they have any disobedient actions, these yamen will even have a reason. No, just arrest them. It is said that these arrests were not brought by the county magistrate's wife, but were specially invited by Zhou Jing to maintain the order of the show. Many of them have heard the master talk about the relationship between the family of the boss surnamed Zhou and the people in the yamen. Even if they can't make deep friendships, there is no need to offend him. Therefore, for a while, the nobles stayed very honest, and no one dared to challenge the majesty of tolerance.

Outside the show, there are many nobles who did not get the show post, or lost the show post. They were honest, gritted their teeth and stomped their feet one by one, their eyes were full of anger, and they did not dare to bully others.

Now the Zhou family is engaged in the cloth village business, there is nothing else, but all kinds of cloth are available. First, in order to make himself famous, and second, in order not to lose his worth, Zhou Jing deliberately wore a long gown made of silk and satin.

Dressed in a dark blue long gown, covered with indigo gauze, with a tall and straight body, and a heroic and tough face, several girls who haven't left the cabinet have seen their hearts rippling. "He turned out to be the peasant man who

sold the lipstick to us at the beginning. This difference is too big." Tian Xiang exclaimed: "It took only a few months to develop this way."

The maid pointed to Zhou Da and said, "He is the owner of Zhouji Cooked Food, doesn't our wife really like his sausages?"

"So that's how it is, and now he has opened a cloth shop. This man has been in Hedong for 30 years and Hexi for 30 years. , in the end there is nowhere to look, but after all, it was Mrs. 50 taels of silver that helped them." The

county magistrate's wife didn't say anything, because Zhou Jing on the stage began to speak.

"First of all, I would like to thank Mrs. Su for coming to the show of 'Meet' Buchanan during her busy schedule. At the same time, you are also welcome to come to the show." Zhou Jing's clothzhuang was named 'Meeting' in response to the fact that he and his husband traveled through the millennium only for the purpose of Meant to meet. "I know that all the ladies are curious about what a show is, so I'll stop gossiping. I'll ask the models to come up."

"Models?" Before the ladies below figure out what a model is, a woman appeared on the show stage.

The woman was seventeen or eighteen years old, with a delicate face, wearing a long pale pink dress, accompanied by the slow playing of the piano, and walked out with a lazy gait.

When they approached, the nobles could clearly see the long dress on the woman's body, and they were immediately attracted.

The material of the long skirt is brocade, the neckline is down to the front, and there are hand-sewn buckles, but it is not a long skirt. When the woman's breasts are full, suddenly there is a pink satin tube top like a cherry blossom. Embroidered on the chest is a rich peony. The waist is made of the same color and the same satin material to make a belt. In an instant, the woman's slender and slender waist was pinched out, as if it was too full to hold. Pleated from the belt, the skirt of the lower body is a light blue color like the sky. The upper body is pink and the lower body is light, which brings out a kind of tenderness to the woman who wears this skirt.

The model was showing the clothes on the stage, and Zhou Jing jumped on it.

"The long dress on this model is the first edition of our fascination series. What is fascination, at first sight, when the lights are dim, you are in love with you, you are in love with you, look back, fall in love at first sight, and never forget Zhou Jing introduced: "This long skirt is from Sichuan brocade, made by seven embroidered mothers who are skilled in Suzhou embroidery bathing and burning incense, and drinking vegetarian food for 14 days. The ladies can see the small flowers on the skirt. It's a rose, a symbol of love. Every rose is embroidered stitch by stitch."

"Ma'am, this long dress is really beautiful, and the style is novel. I haven't seen any of this style. And you look at the color. In the past, the two colors used to be dull, but his dyed it was light, translucent, and watery. Spiritual." Tian Xiang said: "Madam can buy a novelty dress." As soon as

Tian Xiang finished speaking, Zhou Jing said: "This 'Love Heart' series, there is only one piece of each style, and because it is from Sichuan brocade It's done , and the price is three hundred and eighty taels."

"What? Three hundred and eighty taels?" The teacup that Tian Xiang was about to bring to Madam Su was almost thrown away. At this price, even a woman with a status like Mrs. Su can't just wear novelty.

Mrs. Su glanced at her lightly, and pointed to the teacup in Tianxiang's hand.

"What's all the fuss about? Didn't you hear him say that this is Sichuan brocade? If it's really Shu brocade and learned embroidery from Suzhou Xiu Niang, with such manpower and material resources, it's surprising that it's a few hundred taels."

Tian Xiang hurriedly handed over the teacup and said with a smile: "It's because the slaves have short experience. Since I dare to invite the lady, I must not dare to order something good."

After that, the long skirts that came out one after another had their own characteristics. Even the plain looking white dress can cost 428 taels per piece, but the dress is indeed immortal, like a fairy in a dream.

In the end, the pajamas were the finale. The ladies who saw various beautiful dresses in front of them were not very interested when they heard that the next ones were pajamas that could not be turned out. I figured I had enough money in my pocket to buy a few pieces. I didn't expect that when the pajamas and nightdresses came out, there was no one who wasn't attracted.

At the beginning of the nightdress show, the men and the twins in the arena quietly retreated in an instant.

The pajamas and nightdresses launched by the Zhou family are not ordinary pajamas and nightdresses. It's the kind of sexy in later generations, the temptation to hold the pipa half-covered, the one who wants to show or should not show.

A woman from a good family would definitely not dare to wear such revealing clothing, so she invited the red card from the Spring Breeze Building. They have a kind of charm that is unique to women in the dust, and the romanticism in their gestures, plus wearing light clothes on their bodies, they can block the beauty that is unique to women, not to mention men, even this group of ladies can't wait to see them. Rush up to help them tear them off, and see as much as you want.

Mrs. Su gritted her teeth and hated: "Little goblin, no wonder the master doesn't come to me because he was hooked. Which man can stand it by dressing up like this." Not

only Mrs. Su had this idea, but several of the ladies present felt the same, It feels like opening a new world.

Those who are married are okay, and those who are not married will be embarrassed. The education they received before leaving the cabinet was that the skin of the body should not be exposed at will. Seeing that the girls on the stage were walking around with a lot of white skin, they lowered their heads shyly and didn't dare to look at them, but it was undeniable that these sexy pajamas and nightdresses fell in their hearts. Some girls secretly plan to buy one in private and wear it to the newlywed husband on the wedding day, so that his eyes can't be torn off from her body, and he will never look down on those little goblins outside.

The lady here is from a wealthy family, and the master of any family is not a group of wives and concubines. If you want to compete for a place among the many beauties, there are all kinds of means. Zhou Jing's nightdress show is exactly what he likes, even more popular than the skirts that were worn to outsiders before.

Mrs. Su and the others discovered it long ago when the men and the twins retreated. Without the opposite sex, everyone is not hiding and tucking their eyes wide open.

Mrs. Su hooked her fingers at Tian Xiang, and Tian Xiang leaned down. Mrs. Su said, "The red nightdress just now, no matter how much money you have, you must buy it for me."

At night, Mrs. Su sent everyone back and left them alone. Add incense. Put on a red satin dress, the delicate ketone body is looming under the dim candlelight, and it is very beautiful.

"Ma'am, you are so beautiful."

Mrs. Su smiled. She didn't know whether it was because the clothes were beautiful or the clothes were beautiful. It was a bit enchanting.

"Am I beautiful or the beauty in the master's room?"

"Of course it's Mrs. Su." Mrs.

Su nodded, "You go to her room to invite the master. If you don't say anything else, just say that I suddenly feel tight in my chest and want to see the master."

"Yes . "The

county magistrate, Su Bingsheng, has been fascinated by the concubine he brought into the door recently, especially after the doctor diagnosed that this concubine might be a child after being pregnant, she just kept watch day and night, and no woman in the backyard would go there.

The concubine was cuddled in Su Bingsheng's arms, caring for her tenderness. The two were in love with each other, adding incense to report, and Mrs. Su's chest was tight.

As soon as the concubine heard it, she knew that Mrs. Su made the trick, and she pouted her lips dissatisfiedly: "The madam is uncomfortable, but please ask the doctor to go. What do you ask the master to do."

Ruanxiang Wenyu was not very happy to go in Huaixian, although her face was gloomy. , but still said: "No matter what, she is the main room, and she gave birth to a son for me." The

concubine was reprimanded, and she immediately felt weak and wronged, "I know it's wrong, will the master come back later? ?" The

concubine admitted her mistake, and the county magistrate laughed.

"Master, where can I go if I don't go back to you, the little goblin?"

Looking at the back of the county magistrate's gradually receding back, the concubine became more and more hideous.

"Mrs. Su, ah, it's not certain who will be Mrs. Su in the end." She put her hand on her stomach slowly, "Son, you must strive to achieve your goals. One must be the one with the handle." The

county magistrate rushed to Mrs. Su's bedroom . , saw Mrs. Su lying on the collapse with the quilt, saw him, and called out, "Master."

"What's wrong, but I went to the doctor to see it, and it hurts because of how good it is."

Mrs. Su whispered softly, softly, "I think the master thinks about the pain in the chest, now the master is here, show it to me It doesn't hurt anymore."

Madam Su said and got up from the collapse, the thin blanket fell, and two balls of snow-white balls jumped out, the bright red satin wrapped around the two balls of snow-white, and the county magistrate's eyes straightened immediately.

"Master." Madam Su called out charmingly, her two slender arms resting on the county magistrate. The county magistrate immediately forgot everything, but felt that Mrs. Su seduced him tonight and didn't want to go anywhere.

A night ago in the streets and alleys, a shop called 'Meeting' Buzhuang was on fire.

When Shen Mo saw the huge profit on the account book, his hands trembled with fright.

"Brother Jing, it's really not that you made a mistake in your account. One day... just over a thousand taels?"

Zhou Jing smiled and said, "Of course not, only four sets of nightdresses were sold on the spot, how many are there? I'm sorry at the scene, when I go back, I will send a maid and a servant to buy it secretly, just wait, someone will come tomorrow."

Shen Mo looked up at the second floor, all nightdresses were sold on the second floor, and now he only felt that the second floor The nightdress on top is not a nightdress at all, but piles of real gold and platinum lying there.

"That's why I insisted on buying expensive silk Shu brocade from the south when I was making clothes. Good materials and novel styles are money."

Shen Mo said, "But Brother Jing, do we have to hire someone in our shop? It's a girl, or it doesn't seem good for me to follow when their wives come to buy pajamas and nightdresses. If I don't follow such expensive things, it will be worthless."

Zhou Xin said: "I have thought about this question for a long time . It's passed, but I haven't found a suitable candidate. We make such a big profit, and I don't feel relieved to let outsiders."

"I understand that guarding against others is a must, and I won't say anything about my brother. It's not that I don't trust him, it's just that the two of us have lived these days, and there are some things that only need to be known by the two of us. Zhou Jingjing said, "

Yes, but we are busy here, and the deli shop can't take care of it. Why don't we give it to the two of them, and the profit will be fifty-five cents."

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