Chapter 77 The opera troupe

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The pig pancreas is really easy to use, and its detergency is very strong. Mrs. Ji took a piece of pancreas in her hand and turned it over and over. She didn't know how such a small thing could easily remove the mark that she couldn't get rid of after thousands of attempts. Cleaned up.

"Master, although this servant is a servant, she has also done things in a big family's house. I have seen a lot of good things. This is the first time I have seen this kind of thing called pancreas. It should be a lot of money, that's all. A small piece?"

Zhou Jing smiled, "It doesn't matter who it is, for some people, a hundred cents is still too cheap. So I will continue to launch haute couture models, and a few taels of silver are not unreasonable. Possibly."

Mrs. Ji felt that the pancreas would be hot in her hand, and it cost a hundred bucks. How could someone make it? A pound of pork costs only 20 bucks, so you can buy four pounds. Four pounds of fat pork is enough to eat. for several months.

Mrs. Ji silently put the used pancreas on the table. This is a valuable thing. She must not dare to manage it without permission. If she saves a few dollars, she can steal it and sell it.

Shen Mo smiled when he saw her action: "Keep this pancreas, keep it with Sister Zhang for laundry, it can save a lot of effort, just come and get it from me when it's gone, it's fine." Mrs.

Ji then cautiously Closed, bowed back.

"Xiao Mo, it seems that we have to open a rouge gouache shop."

Shen Mo said, "Are you going to buy some rouge gouache and sell it together with pancreas?"

"Yes, but in order not to lower the level of the shop, rouge gouache can't be sold either. Buying cheap goods, I plan to discuss with Fan Xin after the year, there is no bird feather left or right at the Yuyi shop, and it can't open the door to do business. Why don't you ask him to go to the south, where he is familiar and can roughly Knowing the price and grade of some rouge gouache will not be deceived, you can buy some high-quality products and sell them back."

Shen Mo Ning said: "Can Fan Xin be willing? Now that he has money in his hand, it is better to do some business by himself."

Zhou Jing shook his head, "It is not so simple to do business in a foreign country. The reason why our sausage shop can be opened like this It went well because we climbed the head of Yang Zhao from the beginning. No matter whether our relatives are true or not, it is always right for Yang to cover us. Although the head of Yang is not big, it is better for the county magistrate to take care of it first. If you offend Yang Zhaotou, it will be a troublesome thing to find trouble in the future. However, with Yang Zhaotou's nickname, it is enough to cover a smaller business, so although our family has a unique dyed cloth in our hands I don't dare to do a single business in terms of craftsmanship, I want to do wholesale. I'm afraid that it will cut off other people's fortunes, and Yang Caitou's small catch can't protect us."

"Fan Xin has just arrived, and he is not familiar with the place of life. Now I have money, but I don't dare to show it, and I still have to rely on us. When I think about him completely gaining a firm foothold in Liuzhen, it will take three or four years. Then we will arrange the manpower to follow Fan Xin to run the goods. Now ."

"This is the most complete. It's just that the people who follow the runners have to choose from the village or another way. In short, we need our confidants."

"I'm thinking about this . Think about where to sell it."

The pancreas made of rapeseed oil mixed with honey and milk was left by Shen Mo, and the pure plum petals were given to Zhou Yu. Zhou Yu was not very interested in pancreas, he was just curious about how it was made.

In the blink of an eye, it was the fifth day of the first year, and there were actually troupes walking around in Wangjiacun.

This kind of troupe has no fixed place, and they perform wherever they go. If a wealthy master in the town invites them back to their home to perform for a few days, they will be in the right place. If there are no wealthy businessmen and gentry invited to perform in the mansion, they will settle down on the spot, encircle a plot of land and perform casually, and get a few pennies as rewards.

In previous years, more opera troupes from all over the world performed in the south, and fewer came from the north. Although the north is vast and sparsely populated, the years of wars in the past few decades have made life difficult for the people in the border areas. Individual prefects and county magistrates simply ignored the poverty of the people below, and blindly increased taxes and made people's livelihood harsh, resulting in the overall north being poorer than the south, failing economically, and naturally falling behind in other areas.

This time, the Han family chose to come to the north because when they were performing in a wealthy businessman's mansion in the south, they heard the wealthy businessman mention Liuzhen, and especially talked about a master surnamed Zhou. The old class master remembers it very clearly. It was when several local businessmen and famous squires got together to chat, because they were all local celebrity businessmen. They looked at people through their nostrils on weekdays, and said the name of a junior from their mouths, and they praised them endlessly. , I think I can't compare, so the old class teacher has a particularly deep memory.

I still remember that the rich gentleman said that the old man lived in Liuzhen, his surname was Zhou, he was young, he was born with a dragon and a phoenix, and he had an unmistakable style, a steady demeanor, and a good businessman. The unpredictable tricks will be able to operate and create momentum. Let's just say that the Chidori feather coat has made a lot of money, and it has earned gold and silver that others can't earn in a few lifetimes. What's more, I learned a good trick from him, and if I get any rare treasures in the future, I will also make a huge auction, so I don't worry about selling it and not making money.

The old class leader ran everywhere, but fortunately, he played all the way from the south to the north. When I arrived in Liuzhen, I found out that the old man surnamed Zhou was going back to the countryside to celebrate the New Year, and the old class leader came to Wangjia Village.

Stepping on the stone road, looking at the environment that was completely different from the surrounding only a few miles away, the old class leader sighed in his heart, this Master Zhou is really a kind-hearted businessman and celebrity, even if he is rich, he will not forget his duty and contribute to the village Such a neat stone road was built. Even if it's snowing and raining, it won't be stuck in the village and can't get out.

"Oh, the troupe?" Shen Mo was amused, "I watched it once when I was a child, when I followed my father to the town, and the performance was to break a big stone on my chest. Then a large piece of bluestone was pressed on my chest. It can make me feel angry, but they still need to use such a big hammer to smash it down, and the man underneath is not at all, and he is still alive and kicking, how strange!"

Zhou Jing saw that Shen Mo was in high spirits and said, "Then invite them to stay for a few days. It happens to be the first month of the year, and there is nothing to do at home.

" I haven't seen it before, it's lively and lively together. The performers in this troupe watch more to have the atmosphere."

"Okay, listen to you, but you should wear more clothes, it's cold outside, don't freeze." Zhou Jing turned around and instructed Mrs. Ji Invite the old boss in.

"What will your troupe perform?"

The middle-aged man standing next to Zhou Jingxian bowed his head in a proper manner, then lowered his head and said, "Nowadays, the small troupe who are in the midst of the ups and downs will sing it, and I have made up a few of them myself. Small stories, I don't know what the master likes to listen to, but it can be played by the villain team." The old class leader bowed his head in a polite manner when he spoke, his eyes were fixed on the ground, and he didn't dare to look around.

"My husband likes novel things, such as smashing a big rock in the chest and throwing a frying pan with empty hands. Can your troupe know these things ?


Looking at Shen Mo, Shen Mo nodded.

Only then did Zhou Jing say: "You can play whatever you know. We are still living in the country for three days, so we will invite you to perform for three days, two hours in the morning, two hours in the afternoon, and one hour off at noon. Three lunches a day. We offer, but we only prepare dishes and rice noodles, and you need to make your own. You can live in my house for three nights, but you can only live in the front workshop, and you are not allowed to run around in the house, otherwise don't blame the master I'll send you an officer on the charge of stealing." The

old class leader hurriedly knelt on the ground, "The villain must strictly restrain the disciples in the troupe, and never dare to disturb the palace."

"Then go down and prepare." After listening to the master's stern instructions, the old master turned his head and said to his husband in a very soft tone: "Go back and wear a thicker coat, put on a cloak, and I'll ask someone to bring a few hand stoves for you to hold, and the seats are also covered with thick fur, so they don't freeze."

This thoughtful and meticulous exhortation is rarely heard in a large family's home from the master who is the master of the house. Lang said that usually the husbands asked the masters at home.

The old class leader couldn't help but wondered what kind of beauty that Zhou Fulang was, to be treated so tenderly and meticulously by such a big man, so he dared to secretly glance at him.

The troupe camped in an open space in the village, put on the stage, put on makeup and eyebrows, put on costumes, and prepared to perform.

Five tables were placed one meter in front of the stage, reserved for Zhou Jing, Shen Mo, Zhou Yu, Shen Lin, Wang Ren, Wang Fulu, Hao Yulan, and the two brothers and sisters of the Wang family.

The elder sister-in-law of the Wang family also followed, but she was quite nervous. When she greeted Shen Mo and Zhou Jing, her hands and feet were restrained, and it was obvious at a glance that she felt guilty. Shen Mo guessed that something happened that he didn't know, but Shen Lin was in good spirits, and his face was not depressed. Besides, this was not the place to talk, so he didn't ask, he just didn't know.

A few people sat in the front, and the back was full of people from the village. The troupe rarely came to the village to perform, and it was a rare opportunity. Almost the entire Wangjia Village was dispatched.

In the crowd, Aunt Shen's new daughter-in-law put her hands on her hips and tutted her tongue to judge: "Master Zhou is really a big hand. I heard that the troupe will be invited to perform in our village for three days. It will cost a lot of money."

"No, but this is a small amount of money for today's Zhou family. Look at Cheng Yu, who worked with Master Zhou, how poor he was in the past. He said that it was because he was short and could not be called a daughter-in-law, but who doesn't know that in fact, other girls are all I think his family is poor. How long has he been working with Master Zhou? You can see that he bought a homestead and built three large tile-roofed houses. This Cheng Yuniang was also worried about her son, for fear that others would not know that his son had After the separation, Cheng Yu bought land and built a house, which is not just telling the villagers that he has money and skills, and the girls can rely on him, even if they come to ask for relatives. Don't say it, this trick is really good, I don't know about our village, and several young girls in the outer village who are only seventeen or eighteen have asked me about him. I heard that if the homestead and the three large tile houses are It's Cheng Yu's own, so he's very willing to marry him."

A woman next to him said, "This is Cheng Yu's luck. I think who had your mother-in-law's beauty back then, you were the one who took care of you the most when Mr. Zhou's family first got up. In the mother-in-law's house, she made the clothes, and also made the chicken and duck business for her family, and also asked her son to work. This is because the husband of the Zhou family is grateful to your mother-in-law for reaching out to him when he was poor. At that time, you didn't know The envious eyes of many people in the village have turned green. But later, I don't know what your mother-in-law thinks, and she thinks that Zhou Fulang's younger brother will actually like her son. , it's fine to look down on it. With the character of Master Zhou and his husband, he wouldn't say anything, but who would have known that your mother-in-law made a bunch of unreasonable demands, so as not to give Master Zhou face. Master Zhou was so angry at that time He threw the matchmaker out, and when the steward Wang took over, he directly refused to let your mother-in-law's house supply the goods, and even refused to find a decent reason, obviously venting his anger on his husband."

Wang Baichuan pouted, "I don't even urinate according to her son's virtues, not to mention that the husband and wife look down on him, that is, I was not willing to marry because the old goddess deceived me that her family had a supply business with the Zhou family. In the end, hehe, it was actually a scam. That old pious woman still had a criminal record, and took pity on the child in my belly. With such a grandmother, she would have no career until she was born."

Everyone in the village knew that they wanted to No, there are not many people who read, but I still add two sentences.

As he spoke, the stage began to perform, and the first act was the broken boulder on the chest of Zhou Jingming's name.

The crowd that had been noisy just now calmed down in an instant, and watched as a large mouthful of stone was pressed against the chest of the skinny man, and the other took a terrifyingly gigantic hammer and smashed it down in turns. A few timid little women covered their eyes and screamed in fright, not daring to look at it.

There was also a sigh of cold air all around, but it turned into a burst of applause and applause in just a moment.

The men coaxed their mother-in-law, "Look, that person is fine, and he is jumping up and down again. I don't know what kind of kung fu this is. Could it be that this is the legendary qigong!"

The kung fu on the stage was changing props, and there was a chatter in the crowd. Sound, Shen Mo, who had seen it when he was a child, was also excited, applauding and applauding. Shen Lin looked at him without blinking. Wang Ren was afraid that he would startle the child in his stomach, so he reached out to cover his eyes, and was slapped by Shen Lin, staring at him in dissatisfaction. Wang Fulu and Hao Yulan didn't have time to pay attention to the young couple next to them, and they were all fascinated.

The next step is to insert the frying pan with empty hands, and throw a small dough into the hot frying pan and it will fry instantly, but the man put his hand in it, causing a series of screams, but nothing happened. This is a strange thing for the people in the village, and there is a lot of discussion. This is to know that it is a miscellaneous performance, or it is really regarded as a god. Those who are not afraid of frying are not gods.

After that, he performed fire-breathing and tightrope walking, and then he acted in drama. They are all familiar folk stories, such as Huangmei Opera, Wang Po scolding chickens, and it is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice. Hearing Shen Mo was fascinated, and after the noon show was over, he was still unfinished and discussed tirelessly. What's rare is that Zhou Yu actually likes it very much, and the always quiet child chatted with Shen Mo a few times. Zhou Jing sighed with emotion whether the child was a child, or whether he liked strange things.

The Wang family all came out to watch the play, but they all forgot about lunch, so Zhou Jing left them behind and asked the two old ladies in the family to add a few more dishes.

As soon as he entered the hall, it was steaming hot, Zhou Jing hurriedly asked Shen Mo to take off his shoes and go to the stove to bake, and then took off the hand warmer to cover Shen Mo's hands.

With so many people in the room, Shen Mo was so ashamed that he hurriedly hugged him before he stopped.

There are dumplings and steamed buns for lunch. There are two kinds of steamed buns, one is pure white flour, and the other is mixed with white flour and corn flour. This kind of mix is ​​exactly what Zhou Jing likes. He comes from later generations, and rice and white noodles are not uncommon, but coarse grains are on his mind. Although it is coarse grains, not all coarse grains are mixed with shells and stones that the villagers eat. The coarse grains Zhou Jing eats are also fine and expensive. I made ten dishes, namely: chicken stewed with mushrooms, egg pancakes, pork with plums, pickled fish, braised lion head, shredded potatoes with vinegar, braised saury, fried fungus with cabbage, stewed tofu with sauce, and fried pork with fungus. Must be wild boar. At the end, there is a radish soup to remove the greasy.

Many dishes were made by Zhou Jing's two wives, so the Wang family never tried them. The adults are okay, they can eat it no matter how much they like it, but the children are not good enough, and they gobble it up. This made Hao Yulan and Wang Fulu look embarrassed.

"It's all a family, it's not that particular, the children can eat as long as they like." Zhou Jing greeted with a kindness, while serving dishes and dumplings for several children.

Two or three big cows took out such a big lion head, "Uncle, your food here is really delicious, much better than my family's. Children in the village say my family's food is delicious, but they don't. I've eaten uncle's dishes from your house, it's full of oil, water and meat, it's really enjoyable to eat, it's like New Year's."

Zhou Jing smiled: "Eat more if you like it, and you can come to Uncle's house to eat more in the future."

"Hmmm." Daniel is already sensible, understands some truths, knows that Zhou Jing is not his uncle, these words are just polite, if they can't be true, he just perfunctory ummm, hurry up and eat two more pieces Meat.

Even though the opera was sung for two days in a row, the villagers couldn't get tired of listening to it, and Shen Mo went there every day.

This evening sang a story written and acted by a drama troupe. It was about a poor family. The parents died early, and only the elder brother and the younger brother were left to make a living. The two brothers were young at the beginning and earned money Without money, they were starving, picking up rubbish to eat, and begging on the streets. In short, life was very miserable and pitiful. The two little actors were children. In order to act realistically in the winter and twelfth lunar month, they wore tattered and thin clothes. When they picked up the food that was thrown out of the big family and didn't want to eat it, they were kicked by the family members of the big family and they were not allowed to eat. They really earned a lot of tears from women and girls, and they all cried Weeping, pity the two children, and scold the servant of the big family.

Later, the two men finally grew up and became tall and strong men. They were both diligent and quick-witted, willing to endure hardships, and found work to do, and they got up slowly these days.

By chance, the younger brother and a girl from a family in the village fell in love with each other, and the younger brother begged his eldest brother to invite someone to match. But the girl's father looked down on his family, disliked his family's poverty, and was unwilling to marry the girl to his family. But unable to hold back her daughter's pleading, in a fit of anger, she offered three taels of silver as a dowry. Three taels of silver, how can the two brothers get it, but if they can't, the girl's father will marry his daughter to someone else. There was really no other way, the elder brother secretly joined the army. At that time, the dynasty was at war, and the treatment offered by volunteering to join the army was very good. The three taels of silver, not much or not, was just enough for the younger brother to marry his wife.

The eldest brother left like this. He had no eyes on the sword and sword on the battlefield. He survived several times by luck, but when he returned home, he found that the younger brother's family was dead except for a three-year-old baby who couldn't speak. The child was only three years old, and he didn't know how he survived. The man brought him back from the beggars on the street.

The eldest brother finally found out how his brother and sister-in-law died after inquiring in many ways. It turned out that his younger brother found a long-term laborer in a large family. One day, the mother-in-law went to deliver meals at noon, and he bumped into the master of the large family. When the master saw the beauty of his younger brother-in-law, he had lustful thoughts and secretly followed after the delivery. Behind the returning woman. Followed all the way to her house, and found that there was only a little woman and a child in the house, so he was wicked and dared to smother his sister-in-law.

The younger sister-in-law refused to give in to all kinds of coercion and inducement, but she couldn't beat an adult man. Seeing that the villain was about to succeed, she could not bear the humiliation and bite her tongue.

Coincidentally, after his mother-in-law left, the younger brother felt terrified and panicked. He always felt that something bad was going to happen. It's a pity that he came back one step later, his mother-in-law was already dead, and the rich man was planning to destroy the corpse. The younger brother couldn't stand the excitement and was about to kill the rich man, but he didn't expect the rich man to escape, but instead brought the yamen to beat him up, saying that their husband and wife had set him up. The county magistrate and the rich people were in denial, and they put the younger brother in jail and tortured him alive.

How could the eldest brother bear it after hearing it, the younger brother was brought up by him, and in a fit of rage, he even forgot about the younger nephew, and did the thing of taking a knife and sneaking into a big family to kill the rich man. There are many nursing homes in the rich people's homes, but nothing happened, but they were sent to prison.

Because no one was hurt, and the crime did not lead to death, the county magistrate ordered someone to give him a tattoo, stabbed the word villain on his face, and made him a criminal slave.

When the tattoo was staged on the stage, the man who was kneeling and acting was arrogant and unyielding, and only a pair of eyes stared viciously at the ya servant who was playing the tattoo, and the ya servant who acted was frightened almost to think that it was not an act but a real thing. Fortunately, looking up at the crowd of village talents under the stage, they stabilized their minds and continued to perform.

Prisoners after tattooing had two distributions in the dynasty, one was to serve in the bitter cold land, and the other was to sell them as criminal slaves.

And this eldest brother sold it as a slave because he didn't kill anyone. His little nephew didn't know how to talk, and he didn't know how to use the money that the man returned from his service to find an old class leader who ran performances in various places and begged him to buy it with money. That guy.

Since then, the man and his nephew have followed the old class master around and acted out his stories.

This play is excellent in singing and writing, and moved many village women and girls who have not left the cabinet. They usually live frugally, but now they are willing to give a few pennies to the acting child secretly, holding him for various comforts , also sent some food. And to comfort the girl who played the younger sister-in-law. In short, this scene is very brilliant, and earned a lot of sympathy and tears.

After dinner in the evening, Zhou Jing got a hot towel and put it on Shen Mo's eyes.

Helplessly said: "It's all fake. It looks like your crying eyes are swollen. There are so many tears in the ice and snow. Tomorrow this face should be chapped. It hurts you."

Shen Mo still feels depressed when he thinks about it now . , There is a stuffy breath in the chest.

"Although it's false, who knows if such a thing really happened in a place."

"You, you know how to think about it. The old class master said that the story was made up by him."

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