The Truth Is Out

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Few days later, at the Levesque mansion, Kiara and Nico were training in the training room that Poseidon had constructed.

Nico was wearing a sweater with a jean and some boots.

Nico was wearing a sweater with a jean and some boots

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"Let's train."Nico said as they grabbed two staffs.

They fought with the staffs. Kiara tried to hit Nico with her staff but Nico avoided the attack and he hit Kiara with his and Kiara falls down.

"You need to watch your footwork." Nico remarked as he helps Kiara up and they fought with the staffs again.

"Have you studied The Art of War?"Nico asked her.

"That's not on my reading list at school."Kiara stated.

"You should learn it. Sun Tzu gives excellent advice."Nico told her as they continued to fight.

"Like what?" Kiara asked.

"Move swift as the Wind and closely-formed as the Wood. Attack like Fire. But my favorite: To know your enemy, you must become your enemy."Nico smiled as he used his staff to floor Kiara.

"You know in another life, you would so be a child of Ares or Athena."Kiara teased.

"Very funny."Nico scoffed while Kiara used her own staff to floor Nico.

Later on, Nico and Kiara had skipped school and went to the Salvatore Boarding house with Will, Jason and Annabeth for a meeting with the gang who thought they were on their side. How pathetic of them to think that.

They arrived the same time as Bonnie and Elena did at the house and as they arrived in the living room, Stefan vamp sped toward Kiara and started to strangle her.

Annabeth was wearing a top with a floaral jacket, a pant and some boots.

Annabeth was wearing a top with a floaral jacket, a pant and some boots

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"Kinky."Kiara smirked while Elena and Bonnie yelled "Stefan, what are you doing?!"

Will used his light abilities and blast away Stefan with the lightening away from his girlfriend.

Kiara walked toward Will and said while Stefan while groaning in pain to the floor "I love when you do that. It turned me on."

Will smirked and kissed her.

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