The Murder Of One Part Two

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At the Mikaelson Mansion, Annabeth and Kiara began chanting as Kiara felt their energies connect to cast the spell, adding each of the siblings and Kiara's blood into the goblet "Phasmatos Ex Solves, Exis Paunos Animotos. Phasmatos De Conjunctos, Sua Facto Dux Male."

The chanting became more intense, as Rhea poured the blood in the blood onto the table. As they chanted some more, the blood started separating. The chanting grew, and the candles in the room flared up "Phasmatos Ex Solves, Exis Paunos Animotos, De Conjunctos Sua Facto. Phasmatos Devos Male."

And with that, the one big pool of blood separated into seven smaller pols, symboling that they were unlinked.

At the Mystic Grill, Sage and Finn spit out their drinks. Both of the vampires faces contorted in pain.

"Oh, what the hell?" Sage groaned.

"Vervain." Finn stated.

Finn turns his head and he and Sage see Stefan leaving. Stefan stops and stares at them, then walks out the door. Sage and Finn get up and go after him.

Outside the Grill, Stefan hides around the corner. Finn and Sage exit the Grill. Stefan goes to stab Finn, but Sage grabs him and throws him down on the ground. The stake falls down the stairs.

"Finn, the stake!" Sage warned.

Finn runs down the stairs to grab the stake and was about to grab the stake, when Elena a burst out a back door. Elena shoots Finn in the stomach with the crossbow and Matt comes in and and stabs him with another stake, directly in the heart.

"No!" Sage screamed.

Sage rushes down the stairs to Finn's side. Matt and Elena go back in the building and close the door. Sage cries as she watches Finn die and strokes his face. Stefan looks down from the top of the stairs and then leaves.

"Finn, no."Sage cried.

Finn's body catches fire and Sage backs up to the wall and continues to sob.

At the Mikaelson's mansion, Kiara and Klaus were escorting Annabeth out of the house. Rebekah comes out of a room, wiping blood off her hands.

"Aw, leaving so soon?"Rebekah smirked.

"You know for an Original, you are kinda amazing."Annabeth told her.

"Sister, be nice."Klaus retorted to his sister as he rested against a pillar, a small smirk tugged at his lips.

"Thank you, Annabeth. See you around."Rebekah smiled, walking away to reveal a strung up Damon.

"Someone had fun."Annabeth commented.

"Yeah, you'll have to excuse the mess. Apparently Damon hurt her feelings."Klaus muttered as he pushed himself off the wall, walking closer to the girls.

"Klaus muttered as he pushed himself off the wall, walking closer to the girls

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"We get it. He deserves it. No need to explain. But I think I'm gonna go."Annabeth says.

Kiara grabbed Annabeth's arm and escorting her to the door.

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