O Come, All Ye Faithful Part Two

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Klaus and Kiara were talking with Hayley. Hayley had just informed Klaus and Kiara about everything.

"Are you fucking serious, Hayley?" Kiara seethed.

Hayley explained about Tyler's plans, Caroline and Stefan being held captive by the hybrids that were all unsired, etc...

"Before you kill me, let me explain." Hayley pleaded.

Klaus and Kiara were very mad.

Klaus being the one who was more mad.

"If you don't get on with it, I'll kill you." Kiara snapped. She wouldn't kill Hayley obviously.

So Hayley told them everything, Klaus remained calm but Kiara could see the anger practically steaming out of him as Hayley walked away.

She couldn't tell what he was about to do.

"Nik?"Kiara called out as he turned away, facing the hybrid in anger.

No reply.

"Nik?" Kiara spoke louder.

He ignored her.

"Klaus?" She rose her voice slightly. The hybrid turned to her, his face cleared of emotion.

"What?" Klaus asked, the tone of his voice made Kiara roll her eyes.

"What are you gonna do?"Kiara demanded as he placed her hands on her hips, staring at him as he clenched his jaw in anger.

"What do you think?" He drawled sarcastically, earning another eyeroll from the tribrid.

"Right, hybrid execution, got it." Kiara told him, clicking her tongue in annoyance.

He sighed, turning to walk away before he asked "Are you going to help me or not?"

"I've got nothing better to do." Kiara shrugged, watching him.

"Then come on, then." Klaus says, nodding.

Kiara watched him walk away with a sigh as she said "Great."

Kimberley, Adrian's girlfriend, and the other hybrids stood boredly in the woods waiting for Hayley and the witch they were supposedly bringing.

"Where the hell is the witch? Adrian should be here any minute." Kimberley asked, the concern groaning in her.

The other hybrids stared at her blankly, uncaring for the absence of her boyfriend. All they were waiting for washer the witch, the hope of finally putting Klaus calmed them.

A twig snapping behind them caught their attention, turning to find Adrian.

"Kim." Adrian breathed out before his body fell limp as his heart tore from his chest.

"No!" Kimberley cried out, watching as his body fell to the floor revealing Kiara and Klaus, the latter stood with a bloody heart in his hand before he dropped it to the ground.

"Now this is what I call a party." Kiara laughed giddily, while Klaus stared at his hybrids in rage, his grip on the hunter sword tightening.

Then suddenly, all hell broke loose.

Klaus rushed at Kimberley, slashing her back with the sword before turning away from her as another hybrid advanced toward him, ready to attack.

Before she could, he easily sliced her head clean off, her head rolled down the mud and dirt of the woods, finally resting in a ditch.

Klaus jaw clenched as another hybrid rushed at him, gripping the sword tightly he began to make his way to her only for her to roll of her body.

Klaus looked up to find Kiara stabbing the hybrid with her Stygian Iron Sword and the hybrid's body disappeared in a pile of dush.

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