Kicking Some Asses

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The next day, the gold eyed girl kicked the door open to the Salvatore boarding house. An evil grin emerged on her features as she stepped into the house. Clearly she was up for blood.

Kiara was wearing a T-shirt with a leather jacket, a pant and some boots.

Stefan walked into the room after hearing the sound of the door breaking

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Stefan walked into the room after hearing the sound of the door breaking. He looked at her unimpressed and crossed his arms, asking "What do you want?"

Kiara wandered around the room and said "What makes you think I want something?"

The Levesque girl stood right in front of him. Stefan raised an eyebrow. A moment later, the vampire was punched in the gut. He clutched his stomach from the impact and groaned. Kiara twisted his arm backwards and broke his knee with one swift kick. The action made him fall. Stefan tried to push himself off the ground, only for the curly haired beauty to body slam him to the floor.

Kiara laughed "I've always wanted to do that."

Stefan quickly got off the floor and moved fforward to attack her, but she dodged it. Se skillfully judo flipped him onto the ground. Kiara thought Annabeth would be so proud.

Stefan groaned again. Kiara broke off a piece of the railing near the staircase.

The Salvatore was standing again. He saw the makeshift in her hand and asked mockingly "What? You're gonna try kill me?"

Kiara moved towards him and said "Aw, don't get too excited. We're just gonna have some fun."

She threw him into the wall. Slumping to the floor, he got frustrated. The hybrid girl brought her foot down on his hand, crushing it as she shoved the stake into his stomach. The Salvatore tried to remove it with his other hand, but was unsucessful in his attempt. Kiara broke off a piece of wood, so a fraction of it stayed in his stomach.

Then, she plunged it into the side of his neck. Leaning in closer to his ear, she whispered "See? Aren't you having fun?"

Stefan reached his hand out to choke her, and Kiara broke his wrist. She stepped back and encouraged him "Come on, get up. Come on, show me the big bad vampire."

He tore the stake out of his neck and threw it to the side.

The Salvatore sped at her. The curly haired beauty's hand shot into his chest. Her fingers gripped it tightly. Stefan tried to raise his hands to stop her but she stopped him"Ah, ah, ah. I wouldn't do that, Stef."

He narrowed his eyes at her. Damon enetered the room and saw what was happening. He used his vampire speed to rush at the hybrid girl. Kiara swiftly removed her hand from the vampire's chest without taking the heart out. She stepped to the side in time for Damon to tackle his brother to the floor instead of her.

Kiara smirked "I think you missed."

Damon sped at her again. The gold eyed girl siphoned magic from Damon's arm making the vampire groan in pain as he felt himself becoming weak before she used magic to snap his neck.

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