A View To Kill Part One

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Kiara had a dream vision of Kol about being almost killed by Jeremy this morning. However, in the vision the white oak tree doesn't seem to have any effect on Kol. After this, she decided to have a meeting.

Klaus, Annabeth, Marie, Jason, Elijah, Kol and Will were there.

Annabeth was wearing a top with a leather jacket, a pant and some boots.

Annabeth was wearing a top with a leather jacket, a pant and some boots

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Kiara was wearing a top with brown jacket, a jean and some boots.

Kiara was wearing a top with brown jacket, a jean and some boots

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"So what is the update on the cure?"Annabeth asked.

"We don't need to wake up Silas." Kol said.

"Elena and her stupid friends beside Caroline will stop at nothing to get the cure." Jason told them.

"I had a vision about Kol this morning. They want to kill Kol."Kiara informed.

"What?" Klaus asked.

"Don't worry in my dream, they failed. The white oak three stake didn't work on you and I have a plan." Kiara explained.

"Probably because only the red white oak tree is the only thing that can kill me." Kol stated.

"So what is your plan?"Will asked.

"My plan is that Kol and I will go see Elena and pretend you want to make peace with her."Kiara answered.

"While me and Annabeth do the spell to completed Jeremy's hunter mark to stop them going after Kol."Marie spoke and Elijah nodded.

"Exactly. Elijah has put a vial of Kol's blood for the spell at the loft."Valerie told them.

After that, Kiara and Kol left the house.

Later, at the loft, using Kol's blood vial, Annabeth and Marie chanted the spell that would complete Jeremy's Hunter mark "Phasmatos Tribum Est praedae ma Mos certa. Phasmatos Tribum Est praedae ma Mos certa. Phasmatos Tribum Est praedae ma Mos certa."

Meanwhile while on the street, Kol received a call. Answering it, Kol spoke "Jeremy Gilbert. Nice to see I'm still on your speed dial, mate. Hey, you want to meet up at the batting cages in Denver?"

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