F I F T H Y - F I V E

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It's so boring at this damn condo

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It's so boring at this damn condo. Why did Dave leave me? I wanted him to stay with me. Been gone too long.

"Can you open twhis?"Kairi ask me while holding a bag of chips up in the air. I open the bag of chips for her and gave it back to her. She smiled and ran away to where ever.

Demi was asleep in her room which is good cause I don't have time for the whining and crying tonight.

My phone was ringing on the counter by the fridge. I hurried up to it and answer it.


"Keegan?" Who is this breathing all hard in my phone? 

"Yeah, who is this?"

"Kee, this is Bianca. Shit! I'm going into labor!!"

"Oh shit!!"I drop my phone which crack my damn screen. Now I need a new damn phone.

I hurried up and went to Bianca condo which was next door. Why she didn't call the police or doctor? I knock on the door like a crazy ass bitch knocking for some crack cocaine.

"WHOLE UP DAMN!!"I heard Bianca scream. Damn she in pain. She open the door breathing all hard. 

"Okay bee, ima need you to take a deep breath for me okay. You can't keep breathing all hard like that"

"Why the fuck not!!?"she yelled.

"Cause you pressuring yourself. I don't know"I said.

"Oh My God, I can feel his head!!!"bianca yelled in my ear.

"Shit we have to.....We have to....."I look at her couch. "Fuck it, you have to give birth here"I said to her.

"What!! Ewwww no way. That's so unclassy"Bianca said.

"Where is your phone?"I ask.

"Here"she gave me her iPhone X. I called the police first then call Dave.

"What bee?"

"This ain't bee. She's giving birth at the condo. I need you here to get Kairi and demi cause the police are on they way"I hung up.

"Why you called Dave? I don't want him to see me like this"Bianca said.

"Trust me, he don't"I said.

"God!!! He's coming. Are you ready?"bee ask.

"Not really. But are you?"I ask her.

"Yeah"she nod her head.

"Okay, ready. 1...2...push!!"I said. She push hard then took some deep breaths.

"You didn't say 3"Bianca said.

"Bee, just push. 1...2...push!!"

Bianca push for 4 seconds. Finally I saw a head. She's close. "We close bee"I smiled.

"Okay. One last go"she said. 

I nod my head. "1...2...push!"

Bee push out her baby boy. I grab a towel that was already on the counter. Her baby was already breathing and crying. I wrap him up in the towel to keep him warm. He had a lot of hair.

"It's a boy"I smiled. Bee smiled so wide.

"I want to hold him"she said. I gave her baby to her.

"What's his name?"I ask.

"Keith. Keith Powers Jr"

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