S I X T Y- S E V E N

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Finally I made it to the party  at disney land or world. Whatever the name is. I didn't see the girls yet but I did see ballons that was blue and pink. I followed the ballons till I got to place. Everyone was here.  Kyle family, basketball team, and his friends.

"Oh My God!!! My best friend is here!!"milah dance towards me then hug me tightly. She then kiss demi cheeks. "Where is Dave?"

"Girl. Who knows"I said rolling my eyes. "I need a drink"

"You having a baby Keegan. You can't drink"milah said.

I shook my head looking at the team. Some of them was fine but others wasn't. "When will Angel and Indyia get here?"I ask.

"Indyia lied and said she was on her way and Angel should be here with August and her pregnant ass stomach"milah rolled her eyes.

"It's weird that we all pregnant"I laugh.

"What the hell so funny?"I heard Angel loud ass mouth. I turn around so excited then hug her.

"I miss you bitch"I said.

"I miss you too. You should of bought kaitlyn ugly ass down here"Angel said.

"Oh you haven't heard the news"milah said. "She already down here"

"Oooouuuuuu, send her my way so I can fuck that bald headed bitch up"Angel said.

"Let me see aliya. Hi aliya"milah went up to August hugging him then kiss aliya cheeks.

"Girl, don't be kissing my child. Where your lips been?"Angel said.

"Anyways. What's been happening in your life"I rubbed her stomach.

"Girl, Every thing as you can see. My baby shower will be in two months or one"Angel said.

"Gender reveal or....."

"Gender reveal dumbass. Cause I really dont want people buying my daughter ugly clothing. I want to pick out her clothing"Angel said.

"Yeah and a three month supply of baby diapers"I said.

"Thank you"she said. Me and Angel sat at the table waiting for kylan and Indyia to get here.

Right when the door open, I turn around seeing Dave holding Kairi and then Anna walk in behind him. What the fuck? Who this nigga think he is?

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