Herobrine x Reader

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I was just walking around the forest near my house like always. I didn't like living in cities or villages or near them because I was never really a Notch fan and I didn't want to be bullied or abused. Why I'm not a Notch fan you ask? Because of what he did to his own brother. I never believed to Notch's rumours about Herobrine because he could be lying and if he was a good brother he wouldn't banned him or make Steve to replace Herobrine, almost everyone is afraid of him but not everyone. I've also heard that Herobrine is looking for a queen and a lot of girls have been going to the Nether so they can win him but no one has won him yet, probably because they only wanted fame and his money and planed on winning him with their beauty while he wants someone who will love him for him. I have no interest on becoming a queen and marry someone that I don't even know.

As I was walking I saw a pool of lava and then remembered that I have a bucket of water. I could turn the lava into obsidian and make a portal to the Nether and explore. And that's what I did, I made a Nether portal and jumped in. While I was in it I felt a little dizzy but when I got to the Nether everything was super hot. I walked around and I saw a lot of lava and netherrack, not surprised. I also saw some pigman, ghast and wither skeletons, I waved at them and they did the same. I never hunted any mobs because they are living beings like me and they never did anything to me, instead I kill or hurt the people that hurt the mobs, I even had some mob friends, some from the overworld and some from the Nether. I walked around some more until I saw a castle at the distance and walked towards it to check it out. At the entries I saw two pigmem with armour and swords. "Excuse me but who does this castle belong to?" I politely asked one if the pigmen. "Why to Lord Herobrine of course, are you here to try and be he's queen?" he asked me. "Oh no, I was just passing by and saw the castle, I have no interest on being a queen" I explained and turned around to continue exploring the Nether but the guard put a hand on my shoulder. "I'm sorry miss, but if a woman comes in the Nether they must come to see the Lord even if they don't want to" he explained to me and he sounded a little sad, probably because he has to force me to do it. I looked at him in disbelief, "Are you serious? Ugh fine, I'll go in besides he'd never pick a girl like me, besides it's not your fault for having to do this" I smiled at him to make him feel some-what better. He smiled back at me and let me in.

Once I got inside I saw Herobrine sitting on his golden throne. He looked at me and raised an eyebrow. "Weird, I thought you would be dressed all fancy like the other girls that came here" he said with a confused tone. "Well, I didn't want to come here, I just wanted to explore the Nether and I don't really have an interest on becoming a queen" I explained trying to be as polite as I can. "And why is that?" he asked, "I don't think a girl that's kind if a tomboy and I little bit gothic like me would make a good queen" I simply told him. I thought for moment, "I'll be the judge of that and keep you here for a little bit, you've perked my interest a little bit" he told me. My eyes went wide, "I'm sorry but I have a home that I need to get back to, I can't stay here, you have to let me go" I said quickly trying to convince him to let me go back home. He raised a hand to silence me, "I've made up my mind. Maids take her to one of the bedrooms and make her feel comfortable" he ordered some maids that brought me into a very nice looking room. It was big with I big window and a queen sized bed and everything was black and dark grey.

 It was big with I big window and a queen sized bed and everything was black and dark grey

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The maids gave me some pyjamas and waved at me. "Have a good night miss" one of the maids told me. "You too and I'm sorry that you have to do this just for a simple girl like me, by the way call me (Y/N)" I said to them. She nodded her head and exited the room. I sighed and put my pyjamas on and slept on the super soft bed, it was like I was sleeping a cloud.

The next morning I woke up to see Herobrine staring at me and I almost fell off the bed. I glared at him while he smirked, "Why the heck are you watching me sleep?" I asked in an angry tone. "Because you look so calm and pretty while sleeping and that's not something I say to everyone" he simply said making blush a little. I huffed and got up. I got some clothes that I found in the closet and looked at Herobrine who has locked his eyes on me. I cleared my throat getting his attention, "I'd like some privacy please". He blushed a little and nodded before leaving the room. I changed into the clothes and they were pretty nice.

I walked out of the room to Herobrine waiting for me. 'This guy just won't leave me alone for 10 minutes will he?' I thought. "So, ready to got have breakfast?" he asked, I just nodded. He took me hand and lead me to the dining room, (F/F) had been served and I smiled. We ate our food and now we were in the living room talking. "So, what do you think about my brother?" Herobrine asked me. "I'm not a fan of his that's for sure and if you ask why because I'm pretty sure the things he said about you are lies. I've made friends that are mobs and happy about that and if he was a good brother he wouldn't banned you or spread rumours about you or replace you with someone else" I said. He looked at me with a surprised look, guess I'm the first one that is not afraid to show that I don't believe Notch.

We were walking outside in the Nether talking about stuff when I saw a couple of female looking mobs getting harassed by a guy that was a human and guess what? The female mobs were my friends. I could my blood boil, I stomped over to the guy and tapped his shoulder. "Excuse my sir but what do you think you're doing harassing these poor female mobs?" I asked him in a very angry tone. "How about you mind you're own business?" He told me in a rude way. "I won't mind my own business if I'm helping someone, you should mind your own business because you're not doing any good right now" I glared at him. "I'll do whatever I want, which means I can make them my slaves and that's what I'm gonna do" he smirked at me. Oh that is it! I punched him in the face and kept on hitting him until he was out cold but I wasn't done yet. I grabbed his feet and through him in the lava.

I walked up to the girl, "You girl's ok?" I asked them. "We're fine, thank you so much (Y/N) but what are you doing here?" My blaze friend Blazel asked. "I came here to explore and now I'm stuck in his castle" I quickly explained while pointing at Herobrine who had his mouth open and his white eyes looking at me in shock making me giggle a little.

~~~Time Skip, couple months later~~~

Me and Hero have been friends for quite some time now and I've had a crush on him but I said nothing, I'm way to scared to say a thing. He even showed me to his friends and they were all very nice and fun to hang with. Hero was nowhere to be seen today and I've been searching for him all morning.

I went into the little indoor garden that he had and found a table with two chairs and some candles. 'Huh, what are these doing here?' I thought to myself. And then Hero came out of the shadows with a smile on his face. "Hello (Y/N), glad you came" he said and took my hand leading to the table. "Is this what you were doing all morning?" I asked, he nodded. He pulled one of the chairs and let me sit as he sat on the chair across from me, why is he acting like a gentleman all of a sudden? We ate our food and chatted but I was still a little confused about this whole thing. Hero looked a little uneasy and that got me a little worried.

"Hero are you ok? You look a little uneasy" I asked him and he just sighed. He got up from his sit and got on one knee infront of me and pulled out a small little box. "(Y/N) we've known each other for quite some time and my feelings for you are making go crazy, you're the first girl that actually understood me and that's I would like to ask you to be mine" he said. I couldn't speak, this was the best thing ever. I started to cry and I hugged him tightly, "I do" was all I could say. He slipped the ring on my ring finger and kissed me passionately.

From then on me and him have been ruling the Nether and were a really great couple. I couldn't be more happy with how my life turned out.


Shoutout to Soul_Of_Cayde-6 for requesting this story and hope you enjoyed.
Bye little devils and angels!

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