Nightmare Steve x Reader

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Hi there! My name is (Y/N) and I live in the Rainbow Town with my friends Sabre, Lukas, Light Steve and Rainbow Steve. It's really fun hanging out with all of them and I love all of them as friends of course. Rainbow Steve is like a big brother to me, really overprotective, treats me like his little sister ect, but I don't mind. As you can probably guess I fight the bad Steves with them, especially Nightmare Steve. For some reason he is trying to kidnap me or something but that'll never happen.....or so I thought.

I was sitting on the Rainbow Tree Of Life watching Sabre and Lukas building a machine like always. I was to busy watching them to notice a Steve sneaking up behind me.

"BOO!" shouted the Steve scaring the poop out of me and making me scream. I turned around to look at Rainbow Steve or just Rainbow for short laughing at me. I glared at him and pushed him down, he was still laughing. "What the heck was that for!?" I asked in an angry tone. "Relax I just wanted to scare you a little. Anyways what are you doing up here?" He asked. I shrugged "Just watching Sabre and Lukas build that machine, nothing new" he nodded and sat next to me. I started thinking on why Nightmare Steve attacked the others but not me and for some reason I asked Rainbow. "Hey Rainbow?" I said quietly, earning an 'hm?' from him to show that he was listening. "Don't you think it's weird that Nightmare is always attacking you but not me?" I asked while looking at the sky which was turning dark. "Now that I think about it you're right that Is a little weird, should we talk to Sabre and Lukas about it?" he asked me, I nodded, I feel like it would be good to tell them what's been going on. Rainbow grabbed me be my hands and flew us down to the others. "Hey guys" we greeted them as the waved at us and smiled, but those smiles faded when they saw my worried face. Why I had a worried face? Because I think that Nightmare is up to something since he doesn't attack me and that really worries me. "(Y/N) are you ok fam? You look worried." Asked Sabre which earned him me shaking my head. "I'm worried because I've noticed that Nightmare hasn't attacked me when we fight him and I feel like his planning something." I explained. Sabre and Lukas looked at each other and then back at us nodding. "Lets go to the Rainbow House and talk about there, I feel like someone would hear us if we talk about it out here." He said. We nodded our heads and walked inside the house and talked about the Nightmare not attacking me thing.

Time Skip

We have been talking for about an hour and we were getting tired so we agreed to talk about it tomorrow and go to sleep. When I walked in my room I was met with a yellow and black Steve smirking evilly at me, Nightmare Steve. I screamed at the sight of him and ran out of my room and yelling at the others to help me which caused Nightmare to chase after me. Everyone ran out of their rooms with their weapons and attacked Nightmare while Rainbow had me in his arms and carried me towards the banker. I glanced at Nightmare while Rainbow carried me and I swear that I saw steam coming at of his eyes as he glared daggers at Rainbow. 

We finally made it to the banker. Rainbow put me down and told me to hide until he comes back with the others. I nodded my head and went to hide in one of the chests in the back room as he ran out to get the others. I waited for at least 10 minutes until I heard the door from the banker open and close. Thinking that it was my friends I got out of my hiding spot and ran out of the back room, big mistake.

Instead of seeing my friends I saw to my horror Nightmare Steve. I staid still, I was to scared to even say anything, all I could was stare at him with fear as he smirked at me. He walked towards me as I slowly walked backwards until my back hit the wall. Where were the others, did he do something to them? I finally got the courage to ask him "What did you do to my friends?". He smirked once more "They're alright, probably trying to find me" he pins me to the wall making yelp and shake in fear "too bad that they have no idea where I am". That's when I got an idea, I could scream and they would be here in a flash. I took a deep breath and screamed "GUYS H-" before I could make another noise Nightmare pressed his lips on mine. My eyes widen and I struggled to push him away but he was stronger than me.

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