Void Steve x Child!Reader

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(Y/n) POV

I was walking around the woods at another dimension looking for my friends. I'm 5 years old and my friends are all adults but they are so kind to me and fun to be with unlike my father, he is cruel and mean to everyone. I can't even find the heart to call him dad or father or papa, I always call him by his name which is Void, he asks me why I call him that but I never answer him.

Void never acted anything close to a dad to me, he never spend time with him, he never lets me go anywhere and always hits me whenever I don't do something he wants me to when it comes to his plans. I hate it and I hate him. He doesn't know that I'm friends with adults who are his enemies, Sabre, Rainbow and Galaxy and I don't want him to find out ever.

Too bad he did tho....

When I met up with the guys we talked, said jokes and played games but then Void came. I tried to go and hide but I was too late, he spotted me and I could tell that he was beyond angry with me.

He grabbed me by my arm and teleported us back home before the guys could help me. He threw me down and glared daggers at me.

"What do you think you were doing with them?! You know far too well that they are our enemies!" He yelled at me.

I had enough, I'll show him just how angry I can get as well. I got up and glared back.

"They're not MY enemies, they are YOURS and they are my friends!" I yelled back which took him by surprise but stood his ground like I'm gonna do today for the first time.
"You cannot be friends with them! I have to kill them in order to make my plans work and you should be helping me! You are only 5 and they are adults!" He yelled at me.
"I don't care Void, they accepted me even tho I'm your child but they didn't care! They have hearts unlike you!" I yelled.
"For gods sake, stop calling by my name already! Why do you even do that?!" He asked.

That's it!

"Because you never acted like a true father to me! You never spend time with me, you never let me leave this stupid base, the only time you come to me is to make me do something that has to do with your stupid plans and hit me when I refuse! It's like you never even cared for me! If mom was here I bet she'd be very disappointed with you!" I yelled at the top of my lungs, letting out all the anger within me as tears fell down my face and my eyes were filled with hatred for him.

He stood there frozen and I could see that he had guilt in his eyes but I knew that I snapped something within him when I mentioned my mom. I pushed past him and stormed to my room, slamming the door shut and fell on my bed before crying my eyes out.

I missed my mother so much, she was the only one who truly cared for me ever since I was born but she passed away when I was 1. That wasn't the reason why Void acts like that tho, he was always like this even before I was born. Him and mom barely talked and he was never around us. I could tell he was devastated when mom died but I didn't care, why should I?

Eventually I stopped crying but didn't say a thing, I felt numb and empty like I had no emotion in me and I could care less for anything. I didn't even flinch when the door opened and closed again. I knew who it was but he was the last person I wanted to see at the moment.

Void sat at the foot of my bed and stayed silent for a minute before speaking.

"I'm sorry" he said quickly, nearly whispering.

Sorry? He really thinks that a simple sorry will fix anything?

"I know that I haven't been the best father and you have every right to hate me but...I never knew how to be a good person." He continued.

Never knew how to be a good person? How and if so how could mom even love him?

"You see Galaxy is...your uncle but he was always the one who was loved by all while I stayed forgotten in the shadows. I hated him and I wanted to kill him so that's why I am always busy with plans. Your mother wanted to help me stop and it did work for the most part, she showed me what love felt like. But when I crossed paths with Galaxy once again I started planning ways to kill him and this time your mother couldn't stop me. When we had you I felt so happy and I wanted to do nothing but spend all my time with you too but I couldn't. It broke her heart and I wanted to stop for her but I couldn't and when she died I was so sad that I spend all my time with plans to get my mind off her."

I was speechless. I started feeling sorry for him but I couldn't say anything to him. Tears started rolling down my cheeks again but he wiped them off. I turned my head to see that he had tears in his eyes too but would not let them fall.

"I'm sorry for everything (Y/n), I hope you'll be able to forgive me one day" was the last thing he said before he got up and started walking towards the door.

I quickly jumped off my bed and ran to him before hugging him as tightly as I could. I felt him flinch and look down at me.

I guess he saw my tears cause he knelt down and hugged me back as I cried on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry...I didn't know...i-i just...i" I tried to speak but my sobs didn't let me speak properly.

He shushed me and rubbed calming circles on my back as I kept crying.

"It's ok, this was all my fault. I promise to change and be a good father from now on" he told me in a soft tone that brought me comfort.

I eventually calmed down and he picked me up before setting me on my bed. I didn't realise how tired I was till I touched the bed and I yawned.

He tucked me under my blanket and kissed my forehead before walking towards the door.

"Good night (Y/n)" he whispered loud enough for me to hear.
"Good night dad" I said in the same level of voice.

I could feel his smile as he quietly closed the door and let me fall into deep sleep.


I was literally crying while writing this cause I could imagine how it'd hurt if it happened to me and the fact that I feel like I am failing my parents makes it worse. Oh, no one cares, ok then. This was requested by MelissaC2000 so I hope you like it.
Bye little devils and angels!

Minecraft Lores and Entities X Reader One-shotsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ