Elemental Steve x Reader

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(Y/n) POV

I stayed hidden in our base's secret room where I couldn't hear nor see the fight that was going on outside. You see I'm Sabre's little sister and I'm not the best fighter ever so he leaves me in here when they're fighting Elemental Steve. I don't mind being here but I'm always worried that the others will get hurt or worse. I've never seen Elemental before but Sabre told me what he looked like that if I ever see him I'd run back to them and tell them.

After what seemed like hours the door opened to revile Sabre and Time Steve who are both injuries. I rushed over to them with a first aid kit that I always have with me and started treating their wounds.
"Thanks (Y/n)" Time Steve said to me with a smile.
I smiled back and finished treating his wounds.
"Hey big bro, can I go for a walk?" I asked Sabre. He frowned a little,
"I'm not sure that's a good idea sis.". "Come on, the fight was like a minute ago and Elemental Steve won't be out" I whined.
He groaned but smiled and nodded, "alright but only for a few minutes and if anything happens you run back here".
I nodded with a bright smile and hugged him before running out the door.

~~Time Skip~~

I've been walking for I don't even know how long since I was so lost in my thoughts. When I snapped out of it I looked at the sky to see that it's getting dark. Jeez I've been walking for probably 3 hours or so, Sabre will be angry and worried, I thought. I turned around and started making my way back home but I didn't get too far before feeling strong and muscular arms wrap around me making me gasp and freeze in fear. I looked at the arms, one was red and looked like lava, the other one was blue and looked like water. I remember Sabre telling me who had arms like that and it only made my fear increase. Elemental Steve had his arms around. As if reading my mind he let out a dark and deep chuckle making whimper a little.

I finally managed to pull myself together and found the courage to turn around and face him. My eyes shot open as I stared into his golden ones. His dark brown hair swayed from the wind as a sly grin played on his lips, he was....pretty attractive dare I say but his voice is what caused me to blush.
"Did I scare you my dear?~" he purred softly, his voice was low and deep but very attractive and soothing in a way. I gulped and shook in fear, I needed to get away from him but how? Then I remember what Sabre taught me, I punched him in his chest as hard as I could and he surprisingly let go. Without wasting another second I bolted towards the house with him yelling and following me.

When I got there Sabre and Time were already outside waiting for me. "GUYS HELP!!" I screamed at them making then turn their attention to me. I could see Sabre growling probably because he saw Elemental behind me.

Time hugged me and tried to hide me from Elemental's view but it only made him chuckle.

"If you think that you can keep her away from me then you're gravely mistaking." He said in amusement as if this scene was giving him pleasure.
"Stay away from my sister!!" Sabre yelled at him.
"Sister? Another reason for me to take her for myself" he said with an evil grin and looking towards me making me whimper in fear as Time hugged me tighter.I could see through his clock mask that he was glaring at him. "You'll never take her, not on my watch!!" Yelled Time as Elemental smirked.
"And who's going to stop me? You? You're too weak to defeat me let alone fight me" he snarled.
"We'll see about that!" He snarled back before they started fighting.

Sabre turned his attention to me and even tho his eyes were hidden by the blindfold I could tell he was scared for me.
"(Y/n) run and hide." He told me.
"I can't do that, I can't leave you alone!" A said loudly in fear.
"You have to. Don't worry, we'll all be fine" he gave me a reassuring smile.

I let a tear slip my eyes as he gave me a last hug before I began running deeper into the forest. I could hear the lighting, fireballs and the shouts from all three of them but I didn't dare to look back nor stop running.

~~~Time Skip~~~

I don't know for how long I've been running but I didn't care. My lungs were on fire and were begging me to stop. My legs hurt and left as if they would give out on me anytime now. Eventually I stopped and leaned on a tree as I breathed quickly and heavily to get air in my lungs. My legs were shaking violently and were in so much pain.

I sat down to rest but as I sat down I heard a rustling sound behind me. I didn't look back thinking it was just an animal or something but then I heard footsteps. I swiftly turned around to see Elemental towering over me, the same smirk still on his face. I screamed and crawled backwards until my back hit a tree. He let out a low and dark chuckle as he walked towards me and knelt down to my eye level. I was shaking violently as my eyes welled up with tears but I refused to let them slip from my eyes, not wanting to show anymore weakens to him.

He took my chin in his hand and tilted my head from side to side as if examining me. Once he was done he brought my head back to meet his eyes, that's when he started leaning in. I was frozen to the spot, I didn't what to do or how to avoid this.

What do I do now?! I can't escape him so what can I do to-, my thoughts were cut off when I felt pressure on my lips and my face go red. He wrapped an arm around my waist pulling me closer to him. I didn't want to admit it but I enjoyed this but he's evil so I shouldn't be enjoying it. I tried to pull away but he just pressed his lips harder on mine.

I eventually needed air but he wouldn't pull away no matter what I did. My movements eased when I felt really lightheaded as the world around me faded to black.


I am so sorry this took so long and I promise to try and do the other request as soon as possible. This one shot was requested by gh13457 so I hope you like it and if you want a part too or a one shot with a person that I've already done but with a different scenario then tell me and I'll write it for you.
Bye devils and angels!

Minecraft Lores and Entities X Reader One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now