Herobrine x Dreadlord's child!Reader

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Dreadlord's POV

I had left my home to head off to the Nether, where Herobrine had called me to talk. I had a bad feeling the moment I was told to come but I had to go.

Right now I am in the meeting room with him, in his castle.

"What did you want to talk about?" I asked him.
"Do you remember the deal we made?" He asked back.

I thought for a moment before it hit me. Back then when my wife had my daughter, (Y/n), she died giving birth and (Y/n) had a terrible disease that could kill her. I didn't have the power to heal her and keep her alive so I asked Herobrine to let her live. He agreed but only if I agreed to let him make her his queen when she was 20. I didn't want to loose her so I agreed but as the years went on my worry for her grew stronger so I hid with her and forgot about the deal. Herobrine didn't tho and managed to fine me.

"Herobrine please think this through. She doesn't even know you and I'm very sure that she'd be livid to hear that she has to be your queen. I don't want to loose her cause of that" I said, hoping that he'd change his mind.
"You made the deal with me Dreadlord and I have gave you more than 20 years like we agreed to. Bring me the girl or I'll take her by force" he growled at me.
"Can you at least let her to get to know you and decided for herself?" I asked, now angry at him.
"Very well, she has one week to decided but she'll be staying with me for that week" he said.

Without another word I got up and left as quickly as I could. I felt the guilt eat me up and knowing that I had to tell (Y/n) of what I've done made me scared. I didn't want to do this but I didn't want to loose her as well. Now I'm afraid that she'll hate me forever.

When I got home I saw my daughter waiting for me on the couch and was happy to see me. That smile fell when she saw my worried expression as I sat next to her. With a deep breathe I told her everything. Once I was done I didn't dare look at her, fearing the worse. I was shocked when she hugged me and seemed so calm.

"I understand why you did this dad and I'll do it. I'm happy to know I have such a loving father that would even break such a deal to keep me safe and happy" she said in a kind voice.

I let a tear fall from my eye as I hugged her back.

I can't believe I have to let that bastard take her and force her to marry him.

(Y/n) POV

For the rest of the day I spend most of my time with my father and packing some stuff I wanted to have with me while I stayed in the Nether. I could tell my father was guilty but I tried to cheer him up as best as I could. I knew why he did this and I don't blame him.

Once I had everything packed up I went to sleep early and woke up the next morning to see two pigmen waiting for me outside. With a sigh and gave my father one last hug before following the pigmen to the Nether portal.

As we walked I could see them giving me sympathetic looks and when they saw that I caught them I gave them a reassuring smile which made them feel better.

We soon arrived to Herobrine's castle and my smile dropped as a frown made it's way to my face. The pigmen took me to the throne room where he sat on his throne that was made of obsidian, netherrack and gold. He did not seemed surprised by my expression as he got up and walked towards me.

I kept my back straight, chin high and showed no fear. I wanted to show him that I did not play any games.

"Glad you could make it, my dear" he said.
"Not like I had a choice" I said bitterly.
"Now now, is that any way you should talk to your future partner?" He asked with a smile that I wish I could wipe off his face.
"No, but this is how I talk to selfish people like you" I replied angrily.
"Selfish? What makes you think I am selfish?" He asked.
"You took me away from my father and you are forcing me to rule with you!" I yelled.
"I am just taking what I asked from the deal I made with your father" he said in a serious tone.

Before I could say anything else he ordered his servants to take me to my room to make me comfortable. I went with them and I didn't put up a fight, not wanting to hurt them. Once they got me to my new room they put my stuff in place but I helped.

"We are really sorry that you have to go through this miss (Y/n)" the blaze maid said quietly.
"You don't have to be sorry, non of this is your fault. Also you can just call me (Y/n)" I said politely.
"Oh, but we can't do that. Our lord has strictly ordered as to not call you by just your name" she said a bit scared.
"Well since I'll be the queen I order you to call me by my name and if he has a problem tell him to come to me so we can discuss it" I said and gave her a reassuring wink.

She smiled and we finished unpacking my stuff and they left me in peace although it didn't last long when Hero came.

"What do you want?" I asked angrily.
"I thought I'd give you a tour of your new home. Don't want you getting lost in these halls" he said and took my hand before leading me out of my room.

He showed me all the rooms and told me which ones I wasn't allowed to go in. I didn't give those rooms too much thought and kept following him. When we got back to the throne room I saw that another throne was added next to his. It was a little smaller and had my favourite jewels attached to it. I let out a sigh as looked away from it.

He noticed my discomfort and took me out of the room and to the dining hall. He sat me down before sitting down himself. I saw the same blaze maid come and give me my food.

"Thank you" I said with a kind smile.
"Anything for you (Y/n)" she said with her own smile.

Hero's eyes widened as he stood up and glared at the maid.

"I thought I ordered you to not address by just her name!" He yelled at her making her whimper in dear.

I growled and stood up before marching to him.

"I told her that she could address me by just my name. I do not like to be addressed with such formality and I want to seem as a friend as well as a queen in this castle. If you have an issue with that we will discuss elsewhere" I said firmly.

He looked shocked but calmed down and let the maid leave. I sat back down and ate my food, not wanting to talk to him.

As I was about to finish he spoke.

"I'm sorry"

I looked up at him and he indeed look sorry and guilty.

"I'm sorry for forcing you into this and being so rude. I just don't exactly know how to act nicely to others" he continued.

I frowned sadly and felt sympathy for him. I knew his story and I remember that he saved me from dying and leaving my father alone so I guess I did owe him for that.

I gently placed my hand on top of his and he looked up at me. I gave him a small smile.

"It's ok, I forgive you. And I'm sorry too" I said softly.
"You don't have to be sorry" he said.
"I do. I was so rude to you even though I knew that you saved me from dying." I said.
"Still, it wasn't right to force you into this" he said and looked away.
"You just don't want to be alone anymore" I said.

He raised his head up again to look at me and it looked like he was about to shed tears. I got up and so did he as I took both his hands in mine.

"You let me live so my father wouldn't be alone. Now I have-no, want, to do the same for you. I want to stay here with you and rule by your side" I told him.

He let a tear fall from his eye as he pulled me in for a kiss. I froze and my eyes widened by his sudden action but slowly melted to the kiss, closing my eyes and wrapping my arms around his loosely as his wrapped around my waist.

We soon ended the kiss and stared into each other's eyes with a smile on our faces.

"(Y/n), will you be my queen and rule the Nether with me? Willingly?" He asked me.

I smiled more and pulled him in a hug before whispering.

"I will"


Requested by MelissaC2000 hope you like it!
Bye little devils and angels!

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