God Steve x Demon!Reader

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(Y/n) POV

What's good? Name's (Y/n) and I'm a demon. I do the usual demon stuff like start fights, steal things that I see and like and of course start havoc whenever I can.

Of course there's always someone ruining my fun and that person is non other than God Steve. That guy has a lot of nerves to show up whenever things get good and he comes to ruin everything. Ugh, can't he just take a break from saving others for just one day and let me have fun?!

Because of all the havoc I create he tries to catch me but he never could and will never be able to. I'm way to sly and sneaky for him, that's how I always get away.

Right now I was causing havoc once again but I had a friend with me, my best bud Evil Steve.

We just robbed a bank just for the fun of it and were now driving as fast as we could so the police don't catch us. But then he came.

God Steve had appeared into the sky, flying after us. Just great. People cheered as he pasted by them making me mad cause he wasn't anything special, just some guy with powers that plays as a hero. So what? Any could do that even me. The only problem is that I don't like playing as the good guy.

I smirked and looked at Evil.
"The fun police is here bud! Time to step on it!"

He smirked and drove at full speed, surprising both God and the police. I poked my head out and do the loser sign on them.

God didn't really like that which caused him to fly even faster to catch up with us.
"We're gonna have to jump soon Evil" I said to my friend.
"What if the van crashes and blows up?" He asked.
"With all the money in it? I'd love to see that" I smirked and he returned it.

He took out a brick and put it on the pedal things that the van has so it doesn't stop and we both got ready to jump.

When I shouted now we both jumped and flew in the air. We looked to see the van crash but sadly it didn't explode. Oh well.

"Lets get out of here!" Evil yelled at me and I nodded as he both started flying but of course God followed us, mostly me. Evil flew to his secret house which was-i don't even know myself but it didn't matter. I had my own problem with this dude chasing me and I knew I couldn't just fly to my house like Evil did cause then God would know where I live and probably destroy it.

I flew all around the place trying to loose him but he would not give up, he was right on my tail. You know what, fuck it. Time to start yet another fight.

I turned around when he least expected it and kicked him hard in the face and be flew back a bit. Sadly I didn't break his jaw but eh, maybe next time.

We fought for what seemed an hour but was really 10 minutes before I finally brought him to the ground and kept him there. I was on top of him and thought I won but he tricked me and tied me up with really thick rope that I couldn't break. Where does he get this stuff, I need to buy me some of this too.

The police arrived and were about to get me to the back of their car but God stopped them.

"I'll be taking this one with me." He said to the officers.

They looked at him confused but gave me to him and he took me to his base. Once we got there he put me down and locked everything to make sure I wouldn't be able to get out. Once that was done he came back to me and knelt down.

"Ok, listen here and listen good. The only reason I didn't let them take you was because I want to try and change you into a better person but in order for me to do that is if you cooperate with me" he said.

.....Is this dude serious?

"Well mister good guy, in case you haven't noticed I'm a demon and it's my job to be bad and do bad. If I did good I would be called a...angel bleh!" I said that word angel with disgust since those created disgusted me. Always being good, clean and pray everyday to Notch. I can't even continue without puking.

"Thought you'd may say that so I'll make a deal with you. If you cooperate and don't turn into a better person I won't stop you from doing bad for a whole month" he started which got me excited.

A whole month full of fun and no one ruining it. That's awesome! But then...

"But if you do become a better person even just a small bit you'll never do anything bad ever again. Deal?" He finished.

This was a bit if a risk but I live for risks so I accepted.
"Alright mister goody-two-shoes. I accept your challenge but first, could you get me out of this rope?" I asked and he looked at the rope before untying me.

"Where did you even this?" I asked.
"You don't need to know" he answered.

We shook hands to seal the deal and now we began.

At first I was a total bitch and would do the opposite of what he told me to do. One day tho he somehow managed to make me do as he said which was awful but I slowly started....liking being good. I didn't want to admit it but I started liking helping others and making them smile. It was weird for me since I was a demon but I couldn't hide the truth. He won the deal and now I could never do anything bad again.

Ok I didn't exactly stop, I was only bad to him a bit like I would steal a bite from his food when I felt just a bit hungry and would steal his wallet when I felt like being chased a bit cause it was fun. But this one time.

I felt like having a bit of fun today so when I saw God was about to leave I smirked and stole his wallet, the moron didn't even notice.

"Hey, did you get everything before you leave?" I asked.
"Yeah, I do" he answered.
"Then where's your wallet?" I asked with a smirk.

He searched his pockets but it wasn't there. He slowly turned to me to see me waving his wallet around. I gave him a wink before bolting it and he chased after me.

"(Y/n) GET BACK HERE" he shouted making me laugh and keep running.

Soon I reached a dead end and the moment I turned around I was pinning to the wall by God. I laughed and gave him his wallet back but when he took it he didn't let me go.

"Uh God, I gave you your wallet back. You can let go now" I said and tried to leave again but he didn't budge.
"And let you get away with breaking the bet? Can't do that, now can I?" He smirked and knew shit would go down so I waited for the worst but instead I got a kiss.

My eyes were wide as plates as he kissed me with passion. I slowly melted into the kiss and wrapped my arms around his neck as he wrapped his around my waist.

Once we pulled away for air we looked in each others eyes.

"There is another reason I didn't give you up. I wanted to turn you into a better person so I can be with you and finally I did" he said which made me smile.
"I'm glad you did. Doesn't mean I'll stop stealing from you" I said to which he smirked.
"Oh I have a solution for everything darling. Lets see if you want to steal from me again after you little punishment~" he purred making my face go red.

Lets just say.....I think I'll be stealing from him a lot more now~


Requested by inksanslove229 hope you like it.
Bye little devils and angels!

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