Demon Steve x Badass!Reader

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Third person POV

(Y/n) and Blue fell from the sky and to the grassy ground below them. Both of then screamed as they fell and prepared themselves for the impact but when they reached the ground non got hurt, not even a scratch which surprised a lot.

They looked around as (Y/n) chewed and blew bubbles with her gum that she had in her mouth.

"Where the fuck did that guy teleported us at?" She asked as she looked around.
"I-i think that he teleported us to a place called The Spiritless World, at least that's what he said" he said as he looked around as well. (I got the name of the place wrong 100% I'm very sorry)

"What are we even looking for here?" She asked again.
"I think someone named Demon Steve? I'm not entirely sure but we should be careful, his name is sketching me out" he said nervously.
"I wonder why. Lets go and find him so we can get out of here already" was all she said before she started walking with Blue following close behind.

As they walked they heard lighting near by so they walked over to see what caused it only to see a Red Steve with a weird black and white pattern on his shirt, one white eye while the other was black. (Y/n) had to admit that he looked quit handsome but she wouldn't let his good looks get in her way of finishing her job.

They hid behind a giant rock and (Y/n) pulled out her notebook and a pencil before drawing him and they two observed him, her writing whatever she could about him, his abilities etc. She would always do this to gather information of her enemies or creatures she felt the need to learn about.

So far so good, they got all the info they can get and not once did he catch them spying on him tho (Y/n) did have a wonder. What is he like when he's angry.

She looked around and found a few small rocks making her smirk and pick them up as Blue looked at her suspiciously.
"What are you planning?" He asked her in a whisper.

She just gave him a 'you'll see' look and threw a rock at Demon before hiding again. The rock hit him in the head as she wanted and he let out a small yell of pain before looking around angrily. (Y/n) tried to hold in her laughs and threw more rocks when he wasn't looking as Blue was scared for their lives each time.

At one point tho when she was about to throw another rock and Blue had popped his head out to see what would happen Demon snapped his head towards them and made them freeze in their spots.

He growled and ran towards them as (Y/n) dropped her rock and booked it with Blue but not before she grabbed her notebook. (Y/n) could run pretty fast but Blue wasn't so lucky and as you thought Demon caught up with him and put him in a chokehold as Blue screamed in fear.

(Y/n) heard and stopped dead in her tracks and now it was her turn around and glare at Demon. She took a glance at Blue who was trying her hardest to get out of Demon's hold but to no avail. (Y/n) felt awful since she was the one who put him in danger and she had to be the one that pays the consequences.

"Let him go!" She shouted at him
"Why should I? You two threw rocks at me and now you'll pay" he said and tightened his grip on Blue making him couch and struggle to breath.
"I was the one who threw the rocks, he did nothing wrong. Let him go and I'll give you my life willingly" she offered which instantly got Blue's attention.
"No (Y/n)! Don't!" He begged her.
"It's not like I don't deserve it Blue, I even deserve to be dead and go to the Nether" she said like she didn't care.

This broke something inside Demon and he sighed before letting Blue go and crossed his arms. (Y/n) gave Blue one last hug before telling him to go. Blue refused to go at first but eventually did unwillingly and would glance at her constantly before he was out of view. (Y/n) sighed and walked to Demon before waiting for him to kill her but instead he grabbed her wrist and dragged her away. She didn't ask where he was taking her since she knew he wouldn't answer and forcefully followed him.

After awhile they reached a building that she guessed was his base or house. He took her inside and locked the door before turning to her. She crossed her arms and waited for him to kill her but he never did.
"Well, aren't you gonna kill me?" She asked impatiently.

"Who said I'd be killing you. I was thinking of keeping you here for myself instead" he chuckled and looked at her up and down as she frowned and it took everything in her power to not punch him in the face.

"Whoa whoa whoa, hold up bud. I did not sign up to be your slave nor your toy, I sign up for death and that's what I'm waiting for" she said angrily.
"Why do you want to die so much?" He asked her.
"Well if you must know I've done lots of bad and awful shit in the past that cannot be forgiven and I know that I deserve die. If I accept the truth then I'll hurt less and it'll make my death and fate less scary for me" she explained and looked away.

Demon was very surprised by her answer and felt like she was very important to her, like he met her before until it clicked to him. He walked closer to her and turned her around. He glared at him but was confused when she saw him smile but it wasn't an evil or sinister smile, it was a happy one.

"It's been awhile, hasn't it (n/n)?" He called her by her nickname making her eyes widen.
"I-it can't be.....babe?" She asked in disbelief, not being able that she was talking to her boyfriend that was murdered years ago.

He nodded and hugged her tightly as she returned the hug with tears in her eyes. Once she calmed down he pulled away so they were facing each other and kissed her as she kissed back.

It's been years since they saw each other after Demon's death and they missed each others kisses dearly. Now they'll make sure that not even death can do them apart.


Requested by night-wolf-core I hope you like it and I just realised that I'm almost done with the requests. It's been ages since I've fully focused on any other book and I really need to do that so the quicker I finish these requests the better. Doesn't mean you should stop requesting tho, I'd never do that to you so keep on requesting as much as you want.
Bye little devils and angels!

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