Void Steve x Reader

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(Y/n) POV

Heya, my name's (Y/n) and I travel around the world with my best friend Galaxy and my two other friends Sabre and Rainbow. I met Galaxy years ago and ever since that day we've become very close, like siblings. We kinda lost each other for a year or two at some point but I found him again and he introduced me to his two friends who are super nice and have lots of stories to tell. I kind of envy Sabre cause he's very confident and an expert when it comes to machines plus he defeated powerful Steves that no one else could, like how cool is that?!

Tho as much as u enjoy being friends with all three of them and have tons of fun there is always something that can ruin it. Evil Steves. We've been attacked by Galaxy's brother, Void countless of times and we always have to run to try and escape him which isn't easy. We all nearly got caught at his traps especially me but Galaxy was always there and the first one to help me out which seemed to be making Void furious. I've noticed that every time Galaxy comes to save me from one of his traps he gets very angry and tries to stop him but when he touches me his eyes burn with fury which scared me.

Now we had ran away from him once again but that was about 5 minutes ago. We decided to build an underground base and hope that he wouldn't find us tho we had big doubts, can't blame us tho.

We found a small hill and started digging in it till we made a massive hole that could fit four small bedrooms, a small kitchen, a bathroom and a living room. It took time but it was worth it cause when we were done it looked awesome. We made the entrance as hidden as possible so no one could see it and break in and by no one I mean Void, who else?

By the time we were done it was night time but the boys had gone out to get more food and resources, leaving me here. I wanted to go and help but they didn't let me and told me to stay inside. I wasn't happy about it tho and that's why I made a plan to sneak out and come back before they did.

When I felt like they had been gone for long enough to not be around this area I walked out and around the dark woods. I wasn't scared and I felt very calm and relaxed. It was exactly what I needed to keep my mind off the trouble and danger me and the boys have been through and it felt nice to forget about them

Apparently I've been walking for a bit too long cause I could hear Sabre's distant voice calling my name and he sounded worried. Not wanting to be in anymore trouble than I will be when he finds me and takes me back to the base so I turned heels and started walking but when I only took three steps a hand wrapped around my waist, trapping my arms to my sides while another was pressed against my mouth to muffle my screams.

"Shhh, the less you struggle the less I'll do to you" a dark and deep voice whispered in my ear.

My eyes widened and I went stiff, knowing exactly who the person behind me was. Void Steve. I heard him let out a low and dark chuckle when he felt me go stiff and that I wouldn't struggle to get free.

I could hear Sabre was getting closer which made a small spark of hope appear inside me tho that didn't last when Void teleported us both to what seemed to be his world. He let go of me and I fell to the ground but quickly got up and looked around me

The sky was black with no stars or anything that could bring any source of light and everything else was different shades of grey. The trees, the grass, the dirt everything was just dull and grey.

It all looked sad and empty to me and I could not stop staring at everything, well that is till Void cleared his throat and made me bring my attention back to him.

I turned my head to face him only to find him way too close, so close that I could feel his body temperature and his breath which mixed with mine and hit both our faces. With a small blush and a yelp of surprise I stepped back to gain some more distance between me and him but he didn't like that and stepped towards me but I wasn't having it so I kept stepping backwards and him stepping closer to me. I only stopped when my back hit the grey tree and he instantly trapped me by slamming his hands next to each side of my head so I couldn't escape.

"W-what d-do y-you w-want f-from m-me?" I asked, stuttering at every word that came out of my mouth making him smirk.

He placed a gloved hand on my cheek and gently carrested it. It felt....nice but wrong at the same time.

"What I want? From a powerless human like you? Well at first all I wanted was to capture my brother and destroy him but then you came and then I realised..." he leaned closer but I turned my head away and I could feel his breath on my ear that was facing before he whispered "you're a much sweeter prize than his death~" he nipped my earlobe making me shiver and gasp a small bit as I heard him chuckle lowly.

"I'm not anyone's prize, get off me!" I yelled at him as I tried to push him away. Probably not the best thing to do but I didn't care at the moment.

His grin only got wider and he applied pressure on my shoulders making me whince in pain and stop struggling.
"How about this? You go hide and if I don't find you I'll leave you and your friends alone" he said which made perk up at the last part but I knew he wasn't done talking.
"And if you win?" I hesitantly asked.
"Then I get you" he whispered in my ear and my breath hitched.

We then teleported to what I think was the middle of a forest and he floated above me.
"Remember (Y/n), 30 minutes and you're mine" without another word I started running to find a place to hide.

It's been at least 25 minutes since I've been hiding in the shadows of this cave.
"5 more minutes and I'll be free" I whispered to myself as a small broke into my face only for it to disappear when I heard his dark and low chuckle.

I turned around only to let out a scream of fright when I was pinned to the wall. He had a cocky grin on, his gloves were no longer letting me feel his cold hands on my shoulders and his hood was down reviling his ashy grey hair.

"I win (Y/n)~" he purred which made me blush. Why was he doing this?
"Why me? At of all people why me?" I asked, my eyes welling up with tears.

His grin suddenly turned into a soft and warm smile that melted my heart as he gently rubbed my eyes to wipe away the tears.
"Because you're special and unique in my eyes. You may disagree with me but it won't change my mind. Your hair as soft as feathers, your eyes as shiny as the stars and your voice as lovely as an angel's melody. You're just perfect" his small speech made my heart melt completely, my cheeks turning red and me standing there frozen, shocked by what he said about me.
"N-no....no one has ever said anything like that to me before" I mumbled, his smile widening as he gently rubbed my cheek with his thumb.
"Then I'm glad that I was the first" he said in the softest voice I've ever heard and brought me in a gentle kiss. It was too good to not kiss back as I wrapped my arms around his neck loosely and he wrapped his around my waist.

He wasn't evil, he was lonely and tired of being forgotten by all. He's sweet, gentle and kind. If only the others could see too and understand the situation to try and help him, like I will from now on.

For a long time I found myself as nothing but a simple and common female human that won't find a real lover. But he proved me wrong and I'm glad that he did.


This was required by MelissaC2000 I really hope that you like it. This was also inspired by a oneshot Omniknight11 made in one of their books with Void and Rainbow so please check them out, follow and vote their books cause they are awesome.
Bye little devils and angels!

Minecraft Lores and Entities X Reader One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now