Yandere!Origin Steve x Shy!Reader

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Origin's POV

I watched Galaxy, Sabre and that girl (Y/n) as they walked around, talking and laughing. See those two fools with such a beautiful girl like her made me furious. I should be the one talking to her, making her laugh and have her as mine alone. But no matter, those two won't be a problem for too long.

(Y/n) POV

Sabre soon went away to grab some resources for us to build a house while I stayed with Galaxy. He talked more than me since I was the shy type and preferred to talk less than others. The guys didn't seem to mind tho and treated me normally which I really appreciate. I'm very glad I found them and can call them my friends.

A few hours passed and Sabre still hadn't come back which wasn't like him.

"G-Galaxy, do you know why S-Sabre hasn't come back y-yet?" I asked quietly
"No, I don't know. Maybe he got lost or something" he said which made me even more worried.
"I'll go and look for him. You stay here, ok?" He told me.
"B-But what if you g-get lost as well?" I asked.
"Don't worry (Y/n), I promise I'll be back with Sabre as soon as possible" he reassured me with a smile and gave me a hug to make me less worried.

When he hugged me tho I could feel someone's eyes glaring daggers at us but I tried to ignore the feeling.

He soon let go and ran off to find Sabre. I hope he finds him soon, I hate being all alone for too long, especially in the dark.

I sat down under a near by tree and closed my eyes while waiting. I tried to calm my nerves by listening to the sounds of the forest, the small wings blowing, the sound of the leaves above me rustling, nearby footsteps coming near m-hold on. Footsteps?!

My eyes snapped open and looked only to see the person I feared most. Origin Steve.

He was covered in blood and had a crazed look in his eyes as well as a wicked grin on his face.

I went to scream but his hand was placed on my mouth, muffling my screams.

"Quiet gorgeous, I don't want anyone else hearing you sweet voice~" he purred crazily.

I shook like a leaf, I was so scared I didn't know what to do other than to stay still and wonder if I'm going to be ok and if my friends are ok. Now that I think about it.

"W-what did you d-d-do to my f-friends?" I asked in a quiet voice full of fear.
"You don't need to worry about them. They won't be able to keep us apart anymore" he said with an even bigger crazy smile.
"W-What?! What did you do to them!?" I asked but then I realised where the blood had come from.
"I don't think I need to tell you that" he said, seeing that I've figured it out.

I started crying. I couldn't believe that it. He killed them, he killed my only friends. How could he?

He pulled me into a hug and stroke my hair which I didn't like because 1. He was the one that was doing it. 2. He was covered in blood which meant that he got some on me as well and I hated it. I didn't want to be covered in my friends blood.

I tried to push him away but I was too weak and his grip was way too strong for me.

"Don't worry my dear, I'll take care of you and once I reset all of the Steves we'll rule this world together" he said like it was a great plan but to me it was terrible.
"No! Let me go! You murder!" I shouted in fear but that seemed to anger him.

He grabbed my chin harshly and made me look at him straight in the eyes. I saw the amount of anger in him and it scared me even more. I knew how dangerous he was but not when he's this angry and I was in no hurry to find out.

"Listen here missy. If you don't want to get hurt then I suggest that you do as I say and keep your mouth shut. Understand?" He said in the most angry and harsh voice I've ever heard.

I slowly nodded my head but that didn't satisfy him.

"I need a verbal answer (Y/n). Understand?" He asked again but his voice got even more dangerous and his grip on me got tighter.
"Yes Origin!" I shouted in fear.

He grinned and teleported us what looked to be his castle. He then pulled me in a rough and passionate kiss that I had no other choice but to kiss back.

This was my life now. I was stuck here, with him as his now wife and there was no escape from any of this. I've gotten used to it through the months but what he doesn't know is that I won't be acting so shyly and nice for long.

I've learned to not by so shy anymore and to stand up for myself. One day I'll have my revenge, I'll avenge my friends deaths and I'll finish Sabre's job by saving the Steves and get rib of parasites like the one who I'm forced to call my husband.

Get ready Origin, cause your death will come sooner than you think.


Requested by Pinkcrystalwarrior
It may not be what you asked but is what I could do.
Bye little devils and angels!

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