Ghost Steve x Reader

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(Y/n) POV

Hello my name is (Y/n) and I nice but a bit shy girl. I've lived in the Rainbow town for about a month after Rainbow and Sabre freed me from Nightmare's grasp and it's been amazing, they are so nice and fun to be around.

We were now walking out of the Rainbow Town and around the forest till we saw a destroyed village with a graveyard. When we went towards the graveyard the name really creeped me out "Land of the Lost Steves" it clearly freaked Rainbow out too. We hesitantly went in and it instantly turned from day to night. This place was getting creepier and creepier.

We saw a grave that had a warning about a thief and a curse I think but I don't know I didn't really read it. Since we couldn't decided on who should dig it up Sabre being the brave one did it and opened the grave tho nothing happened or at least that's what we thought. In the far right corner was a stone house thing and it's door was closed but now it's open.

We slowly walked in and down the stairs and saw a tombstone. Sabre wanted to open it and as much as I wanted to do so too I didn't want to disturb the spirit of the one that was in there tho Sabre could not help himself and opened it.

To our surprise instead of seeing a dead body or something we saw stairs.
"Catacombs" Sabre said as we all rolled our eyes already knowing
"Thanks captain obvious" I said before walking in and down the stairs the others following me but I heard Sabre huff like a little kid to which I ignored.

We kept walking down the long, musty stone hallways and I noticed that everytime we thought the hallway would be over it kept going and when we turned around to go another way a new hallway would appear or disappear. It creeped us out but no one said anything until we had enough.

"Ok please don't tell me that I'm the only who thinks the catacombs is changing it's hallways on it's own" Sabre said loudly.
"I-i noticed too and i-i'm getting a bit scared" Rainbow said scared and Sabre hugged him to make him less scared. I fangirled mentally thinking that they look so cute together (Sabre x Rainbow for life bitches)

"I'll go one way while you guys go another way" I suggested.
"What? No! What if it changes again and we can't get you out?!" Sabre asked panicked.
"Relax, I'll be fine. The exit is already blocked, what's there to loose?" I said.

Sabre sighed and nodded before going to another hallway and I continued going down the hallways we all once walked at. I'm not sure how long I've been walking but ever since I've been alone I could feel someone was watching tho everytime I looked I saw no one.

Eventually I reached a room that had small ponds of water on the sides and vines full of leaves in the corners and the room looked clean compare to the rest of the catacombs. I also noticed a grey bed in the middle of the room.
"Is someone else trapped in here too?" I asked aloud.
"Lots of steves are but non are alive" a voice said which made me jump and swiftly turned around to see a Steve but it looked like a ghost. A Ghost Steve maybe? I don't know.

"Oh sorry, I didn't mean to startle you" he kindly apologized.
"It's ok, I just didn't think anyone else but me and my friends would be here" I said.
"Well, my name is Ghost Steve but you may call me Ghost" he told me.
"I'm (Y/n), it's very nice to meet you Ghost" I said with a smile to which he returned with his own smile that made my stomach erupt with butterflies.
"Like wise (Y/n)"
"Not to be rude but were you the one that has been changing the catacombs?" I shyly asked.
"No, I didn't. The catacombs has a mind on it's own and it changes the way it wants and lead whoever it wants to different places that I probably still don't know about" I explained.

That makes sense but why would it bring me here? The same feeling of butterflies in my stomach came back but I tried to ignore it.
"Do you think it'll let us leave? We can't stay here" I said. He seemed disappointed at the last part, making me feel bad but it was true, we couldn't stay here, we have no food, clothes, beds or anything.
"That I don't know tho I hope so" he said but when he said he hoped so it sounded like he was lying. Can't really blame him, he's been here alone for years on end and finally having someone else here with him feels nice. I sure know how that feels.

"Maybe....I can stay here for a bit longer than my friends and keep you company" I said with a small smile.

He seemed surprised but smiled widely and hugged me.
"Thank you, you don't know how lonely it is down here" he said.
"I may not know how lonely it is here but I've felt the same way when I was captured by someone evil" I said as my smile dropped, remembering how things were in Nightmare's castle.

We sat down on his bed and told each other our stories of our lives. He seemed mad and sympathetic when he heard mine but when he told his to me I felt so sad and sorry for him that I couldn't help to hug him tightly and try to comfort him.

We talked for a small bit and we became very good friends just like that. It's amazing to see how fast you can make friends and how fast you can gain a crush on someone that isn't even alive but has a heart that you wish you could have.

Everytime he laughed, smiled or hugged me I'd blush like crazy and feel like fainting but I contained myself. I did notice his cheeks had a small dust of pink a few times when I laughed or giggled and smiled which brought up a bit of hope that he likes me back tho I doubt it.

After we talked for what seemed like hours I went to find my friend to which I succeed to my surprise.

'The catacombs must be feeling nice today, I guess' I thought.

I told then everything about Ghost as we walked towards the exit tho when we got there I said I'll be spending the rest of the day here and come to the town tomorrow. They didn't mind and let me. I could barely contain my happiness when I run back to Ghost's room and tackled him in a hug.

I told him I could stay and he nearly jumped in joy. We had fun the entire time which was the best time of my life.

Right now we were dancing as I put some music that I had downloaded on my phone. I tripped at some point and fell backwards tho he caught me by my waist. I blushed madly but it didn't bother me. I saw him blush too tho instead of pulling me back up he leaned closer and closer.

I could feel my whole face began to burn and slowly closed my eyes knowing where this was going and I was correct. When I fully closed my eyes I felt his lips press against mine and to my surprise his lips weren't cold nor dead or plain air. They felt soft and just straight up amazing. The kiss was gentle, full of love and I would be a big fat lier if I said I didn't enjoy it.

Once we pulled away he brought me back up and held me close with a smile.
"You've made me so happy (Y/n), I wish I come with you out of this place but sadly I can't" he said with a bit of sadness in his voice which I didn't like and needed to get rid of.
"Then I'll live here with you. I'll go visit the others once in awhile but when I am not I'll always be here with you" I told him.

He was a bit unsure since he didn't want to make me stay with him unwillingly but I made up my mind and I'm staying here with him.

The catacombs welcomed me happily and I made new friends with the spirits of other dead steves that live with us here. For a long time I've felt us if I never belonged anywhere but I was proven wrong the moment I stepped in here.

I finally found my home.


It's literally 12:30 at night but I stayed up just to finish this. It's ok tho, I need to finish all of them. Not today but as much as I can. This was requested by Amilia_The_Ghost so I hope you like it, if you don't then I don't blame ya.
Bye little devils and angels!

Minecraft Lores and Entities X Reader One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now