Entity 303 x Reader

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Third person POV

(Y/n) is a simple girl, no powers, human body parts, (e/c) eyes, (h/c) hair and normal clothing. Even tho she's a normal human doesn't mean that her friends are too.

Yeah, that's right. Her friends are the lores. Some may ask how did they even spare her life? Wellll. She's been secretly supporting them ever since she learned about them and their past and tried her best to bring happiness in their lives even if she never met them until she did. One night when she was out mobs were trying to kill her but as she thought her life would end her saviour appeared and saved her. His name? Entity 303 who has not become her first friend but also her crush. When he saved her he introduced her and she was shocked to hear that they knew her and were grateful for her support. Ever since that day she had friends that she never thought she'd ever have.

Her and 303 are very close but she always wonders if he has the same feelings she has for him tho she doubts it a lot. She things she's way too simple and boring for him plus he's a lore while she's a normal human. Those thoughts always made her heart ache but she ignored it and kept smiling for him and only him. She was very thankful that she could hide her emotions very well so she doesn't get questioned by her friends.

Another shocking part that happened is that Notch found out tho he wasn't angry. He was happy that she brought them happiness in their lives and is slowly bringing their sanity back. Notch told her the real story of what happened between him and his brother and felt sorry for both and like promised that she'll try her hardest to bring all of them back to their old selves.

(Y/n) has been hanging mostly with 303, if you couldn't tell but one thing that she hated him for was that he tickled her and she's very ticklish which means that even if your tickle her just a tiny bit she'll jump up and squeak which he finds is cute. (No kidding. Whenever someone tickles for more than 2 seconds I burst out laughing and try to get away, acting like I'm going tortured)

That's what happened today at (Y/n)'s house. They were sitting on her couch, talking and laughing about random stuff. (Y/n) was bare footed and she had her feet on the couch, facing him. 303 of course noticed and thought of a small plan to tickle her.

As she talked but was looking away his eyes travelled all around the living room before he saw the feather fluff of one of her quills.
'Perfect' he thought as a small smirk creeped on his face. He quickly and secretly took the quill and hid it behind his back.

(Y/n) finally faced him and saw his smirk which confused her.
"Uhh, why are you smirking?" She asked, suspicious.
"Well I looked around the room to find something to entertain myself with and then I had this amazing idea" he said as his smirk got wider.

She got even more suspicious and scooted away but he scooted closer.
"And what might that idea of yours be?" She asked again as his smirk got insanely big.

Within a second he had grabbed both of her feet with one hand and tickled them with the quill. (Y/n) burst into loud laughter as she tried to get away but was unable due to 303's strong grip on her feet.

"303 stop! I'll do anything but please stop!" She shouted between her loud laughter. What she said made him stop and look at her.
"Anything?" He asked.

(Y/n) realised the mistake she made and tried to get out of this but he tickled her feet again making her laugh.
"Ok ok, anything just stop!" She said between her laughs again.

He put the quill down and let her feet go. When she was about to get up from laying down on the couch 303 stopped her and pushed her back down gently.
"All I want you to do is stay still and close your eyes" he simply said.

She was sceptical but obeyed and closed her eyes, staying as still as she could. At first nothing happened but then she felt pressure on her soft lips making her eyes shot open to see 303 on top of her, kissing her lips.

Her whole face became red as her heart raced but she slowly melted into the kiss, enjoying it.

She felt 303 slightly smirking in the kiss making her face go even more red but she didn't care, she did not break the kiss till she was out of breath.

Once they pulled away (Y/n) panted a small bit to get some air and looked at his red piercing eyes but she noticed that his hoot was off reviling his black hair making her heart jump. He noticed her staring making him smirk as he leaned close enough for her to feel his hot breath.
"Like what you see?~" he purred.
"Yeah" she said in a dreamy way.

He chuckled and looked outside seeing that it was night time and he frowned since he was suppose to go. (Y/n) noticed and felt sad but 303 wasn't gonna let that happen.
"I'll tell my brothers that I'll be going home tomorrow" he said to her making her smile.

"Now, where were we?~" he asked with a smirk and kissed her again as she kissed back instantly.

All I can say is that this was (Y/n)'s best day ever.


This was required by Amilia_The_Ghost and MelissaC2000. I hope you like it and all the rest of your requests will be done maybe in a week or two. I literally have 15 requests left to do plus school work so please be a bit patient with me.
Bye little devils and angels!

Minecraft Lores and Entities X Reader One-shotsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ