Entity 303 x Null's child!Teen!Reader

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(Y/n) POV

I was flying around the End with my friends, the Enderdragon and was helping her watch over her egg. For some reason more Minecraftians have been coming which is a bit weird but we never had a problem getting rid of them. But my father, Null, got a bit worried and asked one of his.....'friends' to come and help him figure out what is happening since they happen to live in the Overworld.

Today I wanted to stay home and relax but dad told me not to stay, saying that this 'friend' that he called over isn't exactly the nicest person and he didn't want him to see me.

I didn't think much of it and did as my father said, not wanting to start an argument or anything. When we do have an argument things get very ugly and I'm not in the mood to clean up blood and patch up wounds.

Because of our rare fights the Endermen and Enderwomen think that Null should have never been a father which pisses me off. Just because he's quiet, serious and straightforward doesn't mean he doesn't love me. He's actually the best father I could ever ask for and its normal for a daughter and a father to have arguments, ours are different because we aren't humans and handle things differently.

Anyways. As me and Ashley, the Enderdragon, were flying around we spotted my dad and another man, who I guess was his 'friend' that he was talking about. He had black skin like us, was wearing a white hoodie, very, very dark grey pants and dark brown shoes, he also had ruby red eyes.

He seemed to have felt me stare at him cause he stopped and looked towards me before giving me an evil grin, showing his....gold teeth? His teeth are either gold or yellow for not brushing them for years. Oh well, I quickly looked away when he did that and kept flying with Ashley.

Null's POV

I noticed 303 looking up and grinning at someone. Confused I looked up to where he was looking and my eyes widened when I saw that it was my daughter.

I knew what that grin meant and I was not gonna let this jerkward anywhere near (Y/n). With a growl I angrily grabbed the back of his hoodie and dragged him away and made him look at me.

"What the hell man?!" He asked angrily.
"I saw you grinning at that girl over there. Stay. Away. From. Her." I snarled and he smirked.
"What? Is she your secret wife or something?" He asked jokingly which only angered me more.
"She's my daughter and I want you nowhere near her or not even your brothers will be able to save you. Got it?" I threatened.
"Whatever you say boss" he said sarcastically.
"Go back to the Farlands and don't let me see you here again" I growled before turning away to go back home. But then I heard him chuckle.
"Can't keep that promise Null. Your daughter is too cute for me to not visit her" I heard him say.

I let out an angry yell and threw a fireball at where he was but when I looked he was already gone. I cursed under my breath and flew to (Y/n).

"(Y/n), we're going back home" I said, grabbing her wrist.
"Now!" I cut her off.

She flinched a bit but nodded and said goodbye to Ashley before flying back home with me. When we got back and sat down at the living room she asked me what was going on. I sighed, how was I going to explain to her that the guy that I brought was now after her?

"That guy, 303, saw you and....that grin meant no good. I need you to stay here and away from him till I make sure he never comes here again." I tried to explain without freaking her out.
"B-but what did I do to make him come after me?" She asked scared.
"You didn't do anything dear. He's just that kind of idiot that if he sees someone he finds interesting he'll go after them." I told her.

She nodded but kept her head down, obviously still scared. Feeling bad and not wanting her to feel that way I hugged her and rubbed calming circles on her back.

"Don't worry, I'll make sure he won't lay a finger on you" I reassured her.

When I felt her nodded I let go of her and gave her a small smile that she returned and went to her room. Now I'm stuck to think of a way to keep that bastard away.

(Y/n) POV

I went back to my room so I don't bother my dad. He seems stressed and honestly I don't blame him. I still don't get why that guy, 303 was his name? Weird but oh well. I don't get why he'd go after me for no reason. It doesn't really matter, I need to help my father by not getting kidnapped by 303 which means I'll have to be extra careful from now on and have my guard up 24/7.

I sighed in annoyance from that last thought and had only one question in mind. Why me?

Whatever. It's getting late so might as well get some sleep. I got under the covers and got comfy before slowly closing my eyes.

I was waken up a few hours later to the feeling of being watched. I got up and looked around but saw nothing yet the feeling was still there. I took a step back and hit something behind me.

I swiftly turned around to see 303 smirking down at me. I went to scream but he wrapped an arm around me, trapping my arms and the other hand covered my mouth, muffling my screams.

"Quiet gorgeous. Don't want your dad coming in and ruining our fun, now do we?~" he purred quietly making me blush and shiver.
"Now be a good girl and stay quiet" he said before slowly taking his hands off my mouth.
"What do you want? Didn't my dad tell you to never come back?" I asked angrily.
"He did but I don't take orders from him plus who would be able to stay away from such a pretty flower as yourself?" He flirted which he was good at since it made my cheeks burn up a lot.

I tried to get out of his grip but he wouldn't let go. Instead he leaned in slowly till I could his breath on my lips.

"You're not getting away love. You're mine now" he whispered before connecting his lips with mine.

My eyes widened in shock and I stood frozen. My mind told me to pull away and I tried but it was hopeless since he had a hand at the back of my head and his grip was too strong. As my mind screamed at me tho my heart raced and took over making me slowly melt in the kiss. He smirked in the kiss but didn't break it till I was desperate for air. Once he pulled away I panted a lot and we stared at each other's eyes. He still had that smirk while I smiled.

We went in for another kiss....but the door slammed open startling as both. And guess who shouted at us, well mostly at 303.


Uh oh.


Requested by MelissaC2000, damn that took a lot of time and I have more to do. Fml.
Oh well, I'll het through it.
Bye little devils and angels!

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