Great Librarian x Reader

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(Y/n) POV

Good day, my name is (Y/n) and I work at the Great Library with the Great Librarian who was my best friend since birth. We've spend almost all of our time together and to be honest, I've grown a huge crash on him back never said anything.

When I was old enough and graduated I asked him if I could work with him in his library and he gladly accepted me. I make sure everyone who comes follows the rules, help them find the books they want or need and maybe make a few new friends.

It's been great and I never want to work anywhere else but here with him. Lately I've been reading lots of romantic books and imagine that me and him are the main characters of the stories. I can't help but fall in love with him more and more with each passing day but I knew he'd never have the same feelings for me. Or so I thought.

It was on the last day of the library being open till closing for winter break, kind of like they do in schools. It was sad for me since I loved this place but I'd be seeing it in a few days.

It was an hour before the library opened and I was sorting out some books before I felt hands grab my shoulders making me let out a loud scream before turning around to see a laughing Great Librarian. I call him GL for short.

"GL! Why?!" I asked while laughing a bit too.
"Sorry, I just had to." He answered.

I just rolled my eyes and went back to sorting out the books.

"You stupid troll" I said with a smile but then he shushed me, trying to sound as me.
"Shh, follow the rules of the Great Library. No talking!"

I let out a fake hurt gasp and grabbed a book before throwing it at him making him laugh again.

"Ey, careful with these books! You don't find these everywhere!" He said in his fake voice of trying to sound like me.

I told him to stop but he kept going till I tackled him but I forgot that he was stronger than me. He grinned and flipped us over to he was on top of me making me blush.

He chuckled at my red cheeks as I tried to cover them with my hand but he moved it away.
"Aw, why would you hide those rosy cheeks of yours? Especially since they make you look so cute" he smiled at me.
"I-i'm not cute!" I pouted.
"You are to me" he said.

I huffed and crossed my arms then looked away only for his hand to placed on my cheek and made me look back at him.

"Please don't be mad at me" he said with a fake sad tone. Even tho it was fake I couldn't help but feel bad.
"I'm not but I don't like being cute since I'm not cute" I said.
"Fine I'll stop only if you let me do something without getting mad" he said.

I nodded and before I knew it he smashed his lips into mine. Omg, it was like I was in my favourite dream but instead it became true. Without hesitation I kissed back and wrapped my arms around him as he brought us up and did the same thing.

Once we pulled away we smiled like dorks and I pushed his glasses up to his eyes since they were about to fall off his face.

"I love you (Y/n)" he said softly.
"I love you too GL. This is one of the two reasons I wanted to work here, to be near you" I said which made him smile even more.
"Soo, will I be seeing you at that Christmas party?" He asked.
"Only if you promise to pull me under the mistletoe" I said jokingly.
"Deal" he said and pulled me in a hug that I gladly returned.

And just when I thought this library couldn't get any better.


Requested by Olisteve hope yous likes dis. (Sorry if it's too short)
Bye little devils and angels!

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