Evil Steve x Reader

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(Y/n) POV

Sup, I'm (Y/n) and I live in a world named Minecraftia. I live with my best friends Shark and his girlfriend  Emma. Some may think that Emma doesn't like me cause she'll think that I'm trying to steal Shark from her but she doesn't, me and her have been friends since kindergarten and she trusts me plus I have no feels for Shark other than a best friend.

We've been dealing with a few Steves and lores now and then but nothing too big. Our biggest problem tho was Evil Steve. I get chills down my spine by just thinking of his name and I try to avoid him as much as possible. I've been noticing that he's been attacking way more than the other lores and steves and his target is always me! Why?! What did I do to him?! Whatever it doesn't matter, my friends are always there to help me and we always win.....well, until that one day.

Me and Emma were hanging out outside the house like we usually did in the afternoons and we talked about random stuff. As we talked tho a fireball nearly hit us but it did made us jump from fright and looked up to see Evil Steve.

"Great, here we go again" I said in an annoyed tone and Shark ran out with our weapons. We grabbed them and the fight began.

Shark was trying to slash Evil Steve with his sword but even he did it did very little to the said Steve. Emma was firing arrows at him but he dodged most of them. As for me I was trying my best to block his attacks and get a hit at him which was really difficult. I don't know if it's just me or he has become way better at fighting then last time.

We've been fighting him for about 20 minutes and we're all getting exhausted except for Evil Steve who seemed pissed that we would not give up.

"Enough of this!" He yelled and send a bunch of fireballs towards all of us. We weren't quick enough to dodge them and it led with us on the ground injured, both Shark and Emma knocked out while I too slowly lost my consciousness. The last this I saw was Evil Steve walking towards me with an evil grin then everything went black

~~~Time Skip~~~

I don't know for long I've been asleep but when I woke up I was in a room that looked like a cell. I was so confused and my head was killing me. I tried to remember what had happened till I did and I was scared for my life and about my friends. Are they ok? Did he kill them? Are they still at the house and now looking for me?

My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a metal door opening. I looked over to see who had walked in and to my horror it was the one that brought me here, Evil Steve still with that evil grin that haunted my dreams.

"Why did you bring me here?" I asked him with a fearful voice that made him grin even more wide.
"Well I couldn't just leave you there to die" he replied with an 'innocent' voice that was fake and it made me frown now part of my fear being replaced by anger.
"But I bet that you gladly left my friends there and you would have left me too since you're evil" I said with anger.
"Well I didn't and I don't see why you should worry about those other two fools that you call 'friends'" he said the word 'friends' with disgust.

Now all of my fear was replaced by anger and I got up before walking towards him.
"They are not fools and they are the best friends I've ever had in my life. You may think that they are weak when really they're stronger than you'd ever be!" I yelled in his face.

This seemed to anger him cause his grin turned into a frown and I felt him pull my hair harshly. I yelped from the sudden pain and gripped his hand to make him let go but he didn't.

"I am in control here doll and there are rules you'll have to follow or there are gonna be consequences, understand?" he hissed at me.

I gave him a glare only for him to pull my hair harder. I knew I couldn't escape so I just nodded but he didn't seem satisfied.

"Oh (Y/n), I need an verbal answer, understand?" He said again as his eyes glared daggers at me
"Yes!" I said loudly due the amount of pain I was feeling on my head.

That made him smile and let go of my hair. "Good girl" he petted the spot where he pulled my hair to ease the pain. It felt weird and wrong but I said nothing so he doesn't do anything worst to me.

He took hold of my wrist and dragged me out of the cell and up some stairs that led to the back of a living room. Guess we're in his house, quit nice in my opinion. It wasn't dark and spooky or evil looking, it looked normal and welcoming, too bad that the owner couldn't be like that.

"You must be hungry after the fight" he said, interrupting my thoughts.
"Um, yeah, kind of" I awkwardly answered before he took him to the kitchen which also had a dining table near it and they both looked very clean.

He sat me down on a chair and went to make something for me after making sure I wouldn't try and escape, not like I could cause I bet he locked everything and even if I try to hide he'd easily find me.

As he was cooking I got lost in my thoughts wondering about my friends still and why he wanted me here of all people. Why was he even being nice-well as nice as he can to me? What does he even want from me? Is he doing all of this to trick me and gain my trust? If he gonna kill me and my friends in the end?

These thoughts kept racing through my head and I was getting more scared than I was before. I didn't even notice Evil walking towards me or calling my name until he placed a hand on my shoulder making me let out a scream and fall off my chair.

He put the plate of food on the table and went to pick me up but I crawled backwards away from him till my back hit a wall.

"(Y/n)? What's wrong?" He asked clueless to why I was acting this way after I seemed calm a few minutes ago.
"D-Don't come any c-closer! Y-You're only trying to t-trick me before k-killing me and my f-friends!" I yelled, stuttering at lots of words that came out of my mouth but I didn't care if I stuttered or not, I just wanted to go back to my friends and stay alive.

He seemed taken aback by my yelling but also angry and....hurt? Since when does he feel hurt by someone's words?! Ok that sounded mean cause he's also a living being with emotions like all of us.

He pinned me to the wall as I tried to get up and he leaned in dangerously close.
"You think I'm nothing but a monster that destroys whatever it sees and touches, don't you? Well you're wrong, if I was to kill you I'd have done a long time ago but I didn't because I want you alive, here, with me. Keep that in your head" he growled at me before smashing his lips to mine and trapped me in a rough kiss.

Ok, I was 100% sure that my face looked like a tomato and I wasn't sure if I should kiss back or try to pull away. I felt him put a hand behind the back of my head and deepen the kiss and chose the first option for me.

Eventually he pulled away so we can get some air and looked at me in the eye.
"You're mine" he growled lowly.
"I'm yours" I said but I don't know why, I wasn't even thinking of saying anything like that. I feel like I'm not in control anymore, but I felt this feeling in my chest and an urge to kiss him again so that's what I did.

He seemed a bit surprised but kissed back non the less. Guess he isn't as bad as everyone thinks he is, you just need to get on his good side to see that which isn't easy but it's worth trying. If you succeed you'll find out that he's like a teddy bear which is very shocking.

All I can say is that I'm happy to be lucky enough to see this side of him.


This sucks so much, I'm terribly sorry! Well this was requested by Amilia_The_Ghost and I am very doubtful that you'll like it since it's straight up trash.
Bye little devils and angels!

Minecraft Lores and Entities X Reader One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now