Neko!Galaxy Steve x Werewolf!Reader

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(Y/n) POV

I was roaming around my territory in the woods looking for food for me and my three pup siblings. If you haven't noticed yet, I'm a werewolf. I have (f/c) wolf ears and tail, (h/c) hair, (e/c) eyes and (s/t) skin.

I look a lot like my mother while two of my pup siblings look like my father and the other which is the youngest one looks like both of them. They loved all of us dearly and so did we till hunters came. My parents protected us from them but it took their lives. I promised to them to protect my siblings with my life like they did for us.

I wasn't finding anything but I couldn't go back empty handed. As I kept walking I heard screams of help which caught my attention and I ran over to see what was going on, but what I saw made my blood boil.

Three hunters dragging away a hurt male neko. With a growl I launched at them and ripped them apart. One of them got me a bit on my cheek but it didn't hurt and I killed him before he could do anything else. Welp, here's my dinner.

I went back to the neko who looked terrified and tried to crawl away.

"P-please d-don't h-hurt m-me" he whimpered in fear.
"Don't worry, I won't. I'm here to help you. Oh, I'm (Y/n), what about you?" I asked with a warm smile that made him relax a bit.
"G-Galaxy" he answered.

Galaxy, that's such a beautiful name. Ok, what did I just think? Bad mind!

"It's nice to meet you Galaxy. Want me to take you to your home?" I asked but then his face fell.
"I...don't have a home" he said sadly.
"Well, you can stay at mine till your leg heals and we find you a home" I said with a smile to cheer him up a bit.

Galaxy tried to politely refuse but I insisted. I took the dead bodies of the hunters and helped him walk to my small wooden house. It wasn't really big but big enough for me, my siblings and him.

The moment I opened the door I was tackled in a hug by my three little brothers, (b/n1), (b/n2) and (b/n3). They all smiled happily as their little tails wagged and welcomed me back making me giggle.

They noticed Galaxy and looked at him curiously before asking me a bunch of questions.

"Who is that big sis?"
"A new friend?"
"Is he going to stay with us?"
"Can we play with him?"
"Is he your boyfriend?"

Ok that last question made me want to shut them up immediately.

"Whoa whoa whoa. One, this is Galaxy a new friend. Two, he is injured and doesn't have a home so he'll be staying here with us for a few days. Third and final, he is not my boyfriend" I said to them.

They whined at the last part but I could tell that they were planning something inside those little heads of theirs. I got everyone inside and led Galaxy to our guest room before laying him down. I grabbed the first aid kit and patched up his injured leg.

"Thank you (Y/n), you didn't have to tho. You already have three little brothers to take care of, I don't want to be a bother." He said.
"Nonsense, I can't just leave you out there with that leg of yours. What if you ran into more hunters and get more injured?" I asked.

He said nothing and I went to cook the dead bodies for dinner. I know that's gross but hey, it's like eating dead animals and if that's what we get then we'll take it.

A few days later his leg finally healed and he could walk, run etc. When I would go out hunting he'd watch over my brothers and play with them. They seemed to really like him and begged the both of us for him to stay. I said I don't mind and that it was his choice. He didn't want to be a bother to me but also did not want to leave cause he didn't want to make my brothers sad.

To be honest, I didn't want him to leave either. I had grown to like him so much that enjoy every second of his company. I couldn't confess tho, I was way too scared to do so. What if he doesn't like me back and wants to leave for good? I mean I'm a werewolf and he's a neko, he couldn't possibly like me.

These thoughts filled my head and made my heart ache but I snapped out of it when Galaxy snapped his fingers infront of my eyes.

"O-oh, uh, sorry Galaxy. What were you saying?" I asked but he seemed concerned.
"Is everything ok (Y/n)? You seem sad" he said.
"What? What made you think that?" I asked with a fake smile.
"Your tail and ears have lowered, you have a fake smile on your face, your eyes hold sadness in them and I can sense it. What's wrong?" He asked.

Crap, he's so observant. Thank god my brothers are asleep or they'd be asking me a million times what's wrong till I snapped. I can't hide it anymore, I have to tell him a pray for the best. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes.

"I like you Galaxy but I didn't want to tell you cause I was scared you'd leave for good cause I'm a werewolf and you're a neko" I said quickly and looked away.

I heard nothing from him. I knew it, he never liked me like that. What was I thinking?

When I was about to leave he pinned me down on the couch and kissed me with everything he had, showing how much he lik-no loved me. He loved me and I loved him. With all my heart.

I kissed back and wrapped my arms around his neck as he brought us up and wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me in his lap. I felt his tail wrap around mine making me blush like crazy.

Once we pulled away panting he smiled and rested his head on mine making me smile too.

"I love you my little wolf" he said softly.
"I love you too my kitty cat" I said in the same soft tone.

He picked me up and walked to my room. He placed me on my bed and laid down next to me under the covers. We pulled each other close and let each other's heart beat and soft breathing to drift us to peaceful sleep.


Requested by inksanslove229 and yes the picture above was 100% necessary. I am literally one step away from making a Neko!Light Steve, I'll even make a drawing of him as a neko. He'd look so adorable and the story would be even cuter.
Bye little devils and angels!

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