Origin Steve x Child!Reader

766 18 16

(Y/n) POV

I was in my room trying to sleep but the voices of my parents fighting didn't help me and it made me very sad. The two have been fighting like this for years and I can't even remember the time we were all a happy family, maybe it never happened.

My parents are Origin and Alex, I have been told that the two were so in love that it was shocking to see them fighting like this especially infront of a 6 year old that was me.

I got up from my bed and quietly exited the room to see what was going on. My parents were yelling loudly at each other, mom's eyes were red and dad's eyes glowed brightly in anger.

It scared me to say the least but my fear rose when I heard mom talk about them getting a divorce. I have heard what that was and I prayed to Notch to not hear my parents say that word but my prays apparently were never heard.

Dad stood there frozen in shock and sadness for a moment, his eyes stopped glowing and the anger was long gone. He begged mom not to leave him but she made her decision. She turned over to where my room was to get me but froze too when she saw me staring at them with tears in my eyes and my body shaking like a leaf. The red in her eyes were gone and they were back to green as she tried to come closer to me and explain but I didn't want to listen to anything they had to say.

I grabbed my teddy bear and ran out of the house as fast as I could. Both my parents were yelling my name and trying to catch me but I ignored them and kept running as fast as my little legs could go.

After I couldn't hear nor see them anymore I stopped running and fell on my knees. I cried my eyes out as I thought of all the times mom and dad fought, how many times I've seen them hurt each other and how they were going to get a divorce. Was it me? Was it all my fault that they don't love each other like they used to?

Those questions were now stuck in my head which made me feel even more awful. I never wanted things to turn out this way, I just wanted a normal happy family. Why does life have to be so unfair?

I eventually started feeling tired so I laid down on the cold ground and hugged my teddy bear tightly as I closed my eyes and let sleep take over my body but I failed to hear the running footsteps that were coming closer and closer to me.

When I woke up I wasn't where I was before, I was back in my bedroom. Was this all just a bad dream? Are mom and dad still together? I had to find out so I jumped out of bed and ran out of my bedroom and in the living room where my dad was.

His head snapped towards me when he heard me and ran up to me before hugging me tightly.

"What were you thinking?! Why would you run off like that in the middle of the night!? I was worried sick about you!" He yelled through small sobs.

So it wasn't a dream...

"Where's mom?" I asked him and his expression changed.

He sighed and picked me up before sitting back on the couch with me on his lap.

"I'm sorry kiddo but your mother...left. She tries to take you with her but I couldn't let her, I couldn't loose you again like I almost did last night" he explained.

I couldn't hear anymore by that point. I just got off my dad's lap and ran back to my room before flopping on my bed and cried on my pillow.

Why?! Why me?! Why has my life to be so unfair?! What did I do wrong?! Did they divorce because of me? Was the reason this all started?

Those thoughts kept running my mind I didn't even notice my dad walking in my room till he started stroking my hair.

"I'm sorry that you have to go through this kiddo but you have to understand that we couldn't keep going like this. I know it's hard for you but we'll get through this together" he tried to comfort me but it only made me feel worse.
"Was it me...?" I asked quietly.
"What?" He asked.
"Was it me? Did you part because of me? Was it my fault that you started fighting?" I asked as more tears fell from my eyes and he could see how hurt I was.

He stayed quiet and I got scared thinking that I made him angry. When I looked he had an angry expression on his face that scared me. I looked away afraid that he'd hit me but he just pulled me into a tight hug.

"Never blame yourself for any of this ever again. Non of this is your fault, it just wasn't working for us and we didn't want to keep fighting infront of you anymore. We both love you with all our hearts and if you want you can stay at both our places for as long as you want whenever you want. Just know that nothing will make us love you less than we already do" he said his tone angry at first but it became soft at the end.

I hugged him back just as tight and was happy that non of them hated me. I still had the thought I did something wrong to make them part but it'll go away eventually.

I'm just glad that I can still spend time with both of them and even more than before.

They'll never stop loving me and I'll never stop loving them. They'll always be my parents no matter what.


Requested by MelissaC2000 hope you enjoy.
Bye little devils and angels!

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