God Steve x Angel!Reader

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(Y/n) POV

I was currently talking with Demon Steve, my boyfriend's brother. I know, angels and demons aren't suppose to talk to each other but once you get to know him he'll show his soft side and he's honestly a sweetheart. I've learned that he has a pet lizard and has brought it for me to see and pet. My boyfriend, Guardian, isn't really fond of him and has told me to not get close to him or talk to him but I didn't listen.

I knew all Nether would break loose so I sneaked away when I could to hang out with him. But then things got ugly one day...

I just finished changing and was walking towards the front door to see Demon again when Guardian caught me.

"And where do you think you're going?" He asked me in a mad tone.
"I'm going out? I told you before I went to get ready" I told him.
"Yeah, out to see that monster I have to call brother!" He yelled at me making me flinch.

By now I've had enough of his behaviour and I exploded at him.
"He. Is. NOT. A. Monster! He may seem rude at first but I got to know him and he's a sweetheart unlike you! He's more of an angel than you!" I screamed at him, taking him by surprise.

"What did he ever do to you to make you hate him so much?! And don't you dare say that it's because he's a demon because that's the oldest excuse in history! You can't tell me who to be around and I can make my own choices! Now, if you excuse me, I'm going to go see my friend!" With that I slammed the door behind me and stomped away from the house.

After a few minutes I reached the abandoned park where Demon waited for me. Once he saw me he smiled happily and waved.

"Hey (Y/n), what took you so lo-" he didn't finish his sentence when he looked at my teary eyes.

I started sobbing as he pulled me in a hug and waited till I calmed down enough to talk. Once I was calm enough we sat down and I wiped my tears away.

"I'm guessing he found out..." he said as I nodded.
"I love him but I can't stand the way he treats you. I want him to see that you're a nice person" I said.
"Well, I'm not all that nice ya know" he said.
"I know but still. It's not your fault you were born a demon. You're his brother, brothers are suppose to help each other" I said.
"Not all brothers are like that. Don't worry though, I've gotten used to his names so I'm fine" he told me but I could hear how sad he was.

I pulled him in a hug that he gladly returned and we talked for a bit till he came again. Guardian.

We got up with me infront of Demon who was looking away from him. I crossed my arms and watched Guardian land infront of me but his face showed no emotion but guilt.

"Why are you here?" I asked angrily.
"I.... I came to say sorry..." he said in a low, sad voice.
"Depends on who it's for" I said.
"It's for both of you. (Y/n), I'm sorry for not allowing you to see him and act like such a jerk. And Demon, I'm sorry for being a terrible brother. I know this won't make you forgive me but I still wanted to apologize and promise to change" he said, his head down the whole time.

Demon looked at him surprised before smiling and hugging him. Guardian flinched in surprise but soon hugged back with a smile on his face. I watched with my own smile and let them have their moment.

After they broke the hug, Guardian pulled me close and kissed me. I gladly kissed back and wrapped my wings around him as he did the same to me.

From that day on, mine and Guardian's relationship has been way better and he and Demon have spend lots of time together.


Requested by inksanslove229, hope you like it!
Bye little devils and angels!

Minecraft Lores and Entities X Reader One-shotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora