Herobrine x Angel!Reader

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Third person POV

(Y/n) was one of the purest angels in all Aether and was one of Notch's favourite, he couldn't help but love her like she was his daughter. She had lots of great friends but her best friends were non other than Alex and Steve.

They threw would hang out everyday flying around, talking, laughing, helping Notch with his work as much as they could and help other angels who needed help for anything. They did go to the bridge that separates Aether from the Nether and Notch knew that but was fine as long as they talked to non of the demons and flew away as soon as they saw one.

One day tho (Y/n) couldn't keep that promise.

One day when Steve and Alex had to go on a mission (Y/n) was left alone and all her other friends were very busy and apologized everytime she asked them but she didn't mind and understood. She had the thought of going to the bridge even tho she would be alone she still went. Usually she wouldn't go there alone, fearing that she'd get caught by a demon but today she didn't have that fear for some reason.

When she arrived she sat down at the edge and looked at the hellish land full of fire and lava. Such dirty and awful place near the clean and holy placed, it kind of hurt (Y/n) to know that people are forced there when they pass due to their bad deeds. Even tho they deserve it she still felt bad, Notch knew about that thought of hers and that's one of the many reasons she saw her as his daughter and called her one of the purest. She was just so kind hearted and innocent and he wanted her to stay that way. He didn't want her to end up like his brother.

He remembered how pure and kind his brother once was until tragedy stroke and he had to send him away to the Nether making him become the king of it. He missed him dearly and felt awful for having to banish him but he had no choice. (Y/n) knew the story and felt bad for both of them tho since she could only help one of them she would cheer Notch whenever he felt down from that memory.

As she looked at the Nether lands from where she was she failed to notice a shadow approach her till it was right infornt of her view making her let out a cry of surprise and step back a bit. The shadow chuckled but she knew who it was from the light of the Aether hitting him and his glowing white eyes. The Netherian King, Herobrine.

Any angel who come across him would run in fear and inform Notch but (Y/n) couldn't move, she was so scared that she froze in place. The Netherian king chuckled darkly at her state and it send shivers down her spine.

"What is suck a pure angel like you doing near such a sinister place like this, hm?" He asked her, his voice deep, dark and low.
"I-i'm not allowed to t-talk to you nor your d-demons" she stuttered and was about to walk away.
"Now that's just rude to say to someone, I thought angels were suppose to be nice and polite." He said and she could feel his smirk.

He was right, angels are suppose to be nice and polite but Notch set a rule to not talk to him or any demons. She didn't know what she should do now. It's either be rude and walk away without a word or break the rule and keep talking to him till she gets the chance to leave and inform Notch as well as apologize to him for breaking the rule.

"Still not talking huh? Well isn't that just rude for an angel. I just wanted to come here and talk with someone after so long" he spoke once again but by the tone of his voice she could tell that he was teasing her.
"If you don't mind I'd like to try something" he said gaining her attention as she turned around to face him.

She saw his hand slowly moved towards hers but before he could touch her they heard the yell of the Aether king.

They both looked to see Notch flying quickly towards them obviously angry and went to pull (Y/n) away but he was too slowly. Herobrine had taken her wrist and pulled her the other side of the bridge in the Nether.

She gasped when she entered, feeling just how much was filled with sin and she hated it, she wanted to go back to the Aether but Herobrine wouldn't let her. He had wrapped his strong and tanned arms around her and kept her there as she struggled to get away. She screamed and cried for him to let go as Notch yelled at him to bring her back but he didn't. Herobrine watched in pleasure and an evil smirk on his face as the angel in his arms slowly changed. Her soft and snow white angel feathers fell as her halo slowly faded. Her gorgeous (e/c) eyes turned dark, her bright (h/c) hair slowly turned dark too almost black, on her head demon horns started growing and a demon tail slowly popped out.

Notch watched in horror as his favourite angel turned into a demon and he tried to grab her even stepping into the Nether to get her but Herobrine wouldn't allow that, he moved away each time Notch moved closer and the longer he was there with them he grew weaker. His angel guards pulled him back to the Aether and watched in sadness as (Y/n) had finally turned into a demon.

She cried and fell on her knees, not wanting this. She wanted to go back to being an angel and be with her friends but she couldn't. Now she was stuck in the Nether as a demon and it's all because of him. She felt the urge to hurt Herobrine but didn't allow herself to do so, she could still be pure even if she was a demon or not.

"I know you want to hurt me so why hold back when I'm a free target?" He asked her obviously wanting her to loose or pure she had left.
"I don't care if I'm a demon or not now, I'll stay the pure angel I once was and the others knew and loved. I won't become like you" she said while glaring at him and suddenly black angel wings appeared on her back shocking everyone.

She wasn't a demon, she was a fallen angel. Notch felt himself smile, happy that she wouldn't give up and stay the same pure thing he knows and loves so much, all his guards smiled happy for the exact same reason. Herobrine of course wasn't happy about this but set his anger aside for now and grabbed her wrist before grinning.

"My my, you're more special than I thought sweetness. I wonder, how much would it hurt my brother if you became my queen?" His grin became wider when he saw the now fallen angel's eyes widen in fear and tried to pull away as Notch yelled at him to not even dare to think of making her the Netherian Queen.

He of course didn't listen and teleported to his castle as Notch fell on his knees and a tear slid from his eye to know that his once purest angel had to go through such cruel fate.

At the Netherian King's castle he had already announced about their soon to be Queen and what she was. All demons were thrilled but (Y/n) was not. She didn't want to become his Queen but she had no choice. Maybe, just maybe, she'll be able to keep him and his demons from hurting others if she rules with him and that's a risk she was willing to take.

As time passed on Herobrine had grown more soft to (Y/n). She showed him what light and pureness feels like and to his surprise he wanted to feel more. He didn't know how much he missed this feeling till now and it was all thanks to his Queen.

He truly was a lucky man to have found a lover like her and he wouldn't want to be anyone else.


Requested by Amilia_The_Ghost and this was inspired by Omniknight11 again because she makes amazing Steve Saga oneshots and it gives me such inspiration and ideas it's crazy.
Bye little devils and angels!

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