Null x Enderwoman!Reader

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(Y/n) POV

Olleh-ahem! I'm sorry, I meant to say hello and my name is (Y/n). If you couldn't tell by the way a spoke a moment ago I'm an Enderwoman. Most people will say that only Endermen exist but that's incorrect. Enderwomen exist as well but we don't like being seen by humans so we live a bit further than were the Enderdragon and most Endermen are. That is also were all the Enderchildren live, with us and their fathers come very often and stay for as long as they can.

No it's not like the old days in the human world were men could do whatever they wanted and women stay in the house to clean and take care of children. No no no, we Enderwomen have equal rights with Endermen so don't start freaking out.

Sadly I don't have a lover but I do want one and start my own family but I want to find the right one for me and not try my luck by going out with different Endermen like some Enderwomen do, that's just not right for me. I'll just have to be patient and wait till I find the right one.

Since I don't any kids I babysit my friends kids when their away and it's always so much fun to take care of them since they're all such angels and well mannered.

Things have been pretty weird lately tho. I've been getting random love letters by someone unknown but that's not the weird part. The weird part is that instead of getting them in my mailbox I've been finding them all around my house like someone's coming in here and leaving them. It scares me a bit but I remain calm and make sure everything is locked and secure. They still came tho which means that it's not an Enderman but something else, something more powerful and that got me very scared.

I never opened one letter to read tho due to my fear and kept them all in a small box that I had laying around. They kept coming tho no matter what I did. I felt like I'd go crazy.

I then thought that maybe if I read them they'll stop coming so I took the box and took them all out. I read all of them from the first to the last one. The letters were so sweet and romantic that I felt my face go a beet red. I felt like I have fallen in love with the one that has been sending me these, I wanted to meet him so badly and I felt kind of ashamed for keeping these letters in the dark for so long and just read them.

"I may not know who you are but I can tell that you're the right one for me, I just know it. I cannot wait to meet you" I said aloud to absolutely no one....or so I thought.

"Well you're in luck then my dear" I deep and dare I say attractive voice said behind me making me gasp and swiftly turn around to see the man that has apparently been sensing me the letters but was also the man that only humans feared but also some Enderpeople.


"You don't have to fear me dear, I could never hurt a beauty like you" he said sweetly and carressed my red cheek.

I was speechless. I couldn't believe that he has been the one who has send me such sweet letters and has fallen in love with me. But I felt a strong connection towards me, like he's really the one.

His dark mist that surrounded him wrapped gently around me and brought me closer and closer. Our eyes slowly closed as the gap between us slowly closed too till our lips touched one another.

The kiss was so...magical, I felt like I was dreaming and if I was I hoped to never wake up but it was real and I couldn't be more happy about that.

Once we pulled away he kept my close and whispered these four words that I've been waiting to here for years.

"I love you, (Y/n)"


I'm so so sorry it took sooo long but I finally did it. This was requested by Omniknight11 Amilia_The_Ghost MelissaC2000 and Gamer_Poky. Damn, Null is getting lots of love. Anyways I hope you all like it and if you don't....I don't blame you.
Bye little devils and angels!

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