Blue Steve x Reader

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(Y/n) POV

I was sitting down near a small lake, fishing while humming a little tune. I liked fishing and swimming but most of all I love water. After I decided that that was enough fishing I got up, grabbed my things and made my way back to my cabin.

Oh, where are my manners. My name is (Y/n) and I live alone in a small wooden cabin but I don't mind, in fact being alone isn't as bad as you think because you have peace and quite with no one to bother you. I'll admit that it gets lonely from time to time but that's why I have my pet ocelot with me it's name is (O/n) (ocelot name) so I'm good.

As I walked in my cabin (O/n) greeted me with a meow making me smile.
"Hey (O/n), missed me" I asked him/her as she meowed which I assume is a yes.
"Well I got a little treat for you" I said before holding out a raw fish making him/her jump up trying to grab it. I laughed and put it in his/her bowl so she could eat it before putting a raw fish in the oven for me to eat.

When it was done it carefully took it out of the oven so I don't burn myself and started eating it. For some reason (O/n) jumped on the kitchen counter that was near a window and started hissing at something outside tho when I looked I saw nothing.

"What are you hissing at?" I asked him/her but the only thing he/she did was to continue hissing.

I looked outside again and that's when I noticed it. A silhouette hiding behind a tree and was looking straight at me. The moment it noticed me looking at it it disappeared like it was never there making the hair on the back of my neck stand up in fear.

"You know what? It's too late for me to try and think what the was so off to bed, but first" I said to myself before going around my house making sure all of my doors and windows were locked.

After I was done I went to my room with (O/n) following me. I got into my pjs and laid down on me bed before closing my eyes and falling asleep.

The next morning I did my normal routine and off to hunt down some more food cause I was running low. I had a bow, arrows and a stone sword with me. I had completely forgot about that silhouette from yesterday so I didn't think twice before going out.

As I was walking around and killing a few animals to collect their meat I stumbled across and lake and of course I walked towards it to relax a bit. But as I threw down my sword, bow and arrows I tripped on a rock and fell straight in the lake. I tried to swim back out but I couldn't and when I looked down I saw that my leg got caught under some heavy rocks.

I kelt trying to move the rocks but it was hopeless, I was loosing strength and my breath. Knowing that there's no chance of escaping I stopped struggling and waited till I drowned.

As I my lungs filled with water and could feel my consciousness slip away from me I saw a figure as blue as the water dive in and swim toward me but before he could get too close everything went black.

I don't know for how long I've been out but I was sure that I wasn't dead. I could feel my heart beating and my lungs burning but everything around me was still black. After awhile I woke up and coughed violently, trying to get the rest of the water out of my lungs.

Once I calmed down I looked around me to see that I was in a blue room that looked like the ocean. It looked nice but it wasn't my room and I don't know who's is it or where I even am.

I carefully got up from the bed, feeling a little dizzy but I didn't care. I walked to the door and slowly opened it to see a hallway. I walked through the hallway and tried to find the one that saved me from that lake, I needed to thank them of course.

As I was walking I saw a room with the door open and the light on. 'They must be in there' I thought as I walked over to that room and looked inside.

It seemed to be the living since there was a small coffee table in the middle, two arm chairs on each side and a sofa in the middle. I noticed that on one arm chair sat a guy with dark blue hair and was wearing an aqua shirt and blue jeans.

I didn't want to startle him so I cleared my throat making him flinch a little and look my way. The moment he looked at me I saw a gorgeous pair of blue eyes that made my heart race and make me feel like I have butterflies in my stomach.

"Oh, I see you're awake" he said with a kind voice and a sweet smile.
"U-um, yes. Thank you for saving me" I mentally cursed myself for stuttering.
"Well I couldn't just leave you there to drown." He simply said and motioned for me to sit on the arm chair to which I did.
"I'm (Y/n), you are?" I asked.
"Blue, nice to meet you (Y/n)" he said with the same smile that melted my heart.
"Nice to meet you too Blue" I said with my own smile.

We kept talking for awhile, getting to know each other more before my stomach growled making me blush in embarrassment and him to laugh.
"Looks like someone's hungry" he joked but he shut his mouth when his stomach growled too making me smirk.
"You were saying?" I asked teasingly making him blush and huff in embarrassment.

He took me to the kitchen and made something for us to eat. As we ate we kept talking but I also caught him staring at me a few times but every time I did he would look away like nothing was happening.

~~~Time Skip~~~

Me and Blue have been friends for over 7 weeks now and I have to admit that I've started crushing on him tho I can't tell him, scared that he won't feel the same and it'll ruin our friendship, that would be a nightmare.

Right now we were at a cliff and under us was the ocean, it was night time and the moon was touching the water so the view was beautiful.

I noticed that Blue looked nervous which got me concerned.
"Blue is everything alright?" I asked.
"Y-yeah, why do you ask?" He asked but his voice held nervousness.
"You look and sound nervous and it's concerning me. You know you can tell me anything right?" I told him to which he sighed and looked at me in the eyes.

"There's something I need to tell you" he said to which I nodded so he can continue.
"I.....have a crush on you ever since I saved you but I was way too scared to say anything. It's ok if you don't feel the same" he said before getting ready to stand up.

I didn't let him as I grabbed the collar of his shirt and kissed him. He tensed up from that but quickly relaxed and kissed back while wrapping his arms around my waist as I wrapped mine around his neck.

After awhile we pulled away due to the lack of air and stood there panting and looking at each other with love filling our eyes.
"I love you (Y/n)" he whispered.
"I love you too Blue" I whispered back

Ever since that day we never stopped loving each other and who knows, we might become something more than a couple but only time will tell.


This one was requested by TheCookster2 I hope you like it.
Bye little devils and angels!

Minecraft Lores and Entities X Reader One-shotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon