Time Steve x Nerd!Reader

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(Y/n) POV

Hi, my name is (Y/n) and I love reading books. I get teased a lot because of that, being called a nerd or a bookworm but I don't care, I take them as compliments. My favourite place in the world is the Great Library where there are endless bookselves with all the books I could wish for. I go there everyday and stay there reading for as long as I possibly can. The bad thing about this is that I became anti-social and I always stutter and get nervous when I speak to anyone other than the Great Librarian cause we've known each other for years.

As I was sitting on a chair reading my favourite book in piece a guy who was wearing a clock mask and was holding a book sat next to me and took his mask off before reading his book.

I got a bit nervous since he was next to me and thought he'd start a conversation with me at a random point tho I ignored that thought and kept reading my book.

I saw him take a glance at my book then look at me.
"Sorry to interrupt you from your book miss but is this (f/b)?" He asked me and I got to say that his voice was very cute and attractive for me.
"O-oh um, y-yes, it is. It's not a very popular book tho so h-how do you know about it?" I answered his question then asked mine to which he gave me a smile that melted my heart.
"I've figured that the old and unpopular books are the best so I always try to find them and read them" he answered which surprised me.
"I do too. They are always so interesting and you can read them for hours on end" I said with a smile.
"I know right. Oh I'm Time by the way" he said and held his hand out.
"(Y/n), nice to meet you Time" I smiled and shook his hand.
"Like wise (Y/n)" he said with his own smile.

Me and him started talking about books and our favourite characters from them. I haven't talked like that to anyone other than the Great Librarian and it feels nice to talk to someone new that likes the same things as you. (Too bad it's rare to find those people)

We'd talk and read together from that day on and to be honest, I can't help but have a huge crush on him. He was just so innocent and sweet and kind and cute and interesting and.....ok now I sound like an obsessed fangirl and I need to stop before I actually become one.

I knew I needed to confess one day and today was gonna be the day. I've read lots of romance books so I think I know how to do this.

I arrived earlier than Time and grabbed the book that he'll read today, yeah he told me which is good. I took out a folded piece of paper and put it on the first page before putting it back and grabbed mine before going to sit down.

Soon enough Time arrived and grabbed the book that I put the piece of paper in and sat down next to me.
"Hey (Y/n)" he greeted me with his famous warm smile.
"Hey Time, ready to read?" I asked to which he nodded and opened the book to see the piece of paper.

He was confused and picked it up.
"What's this doing here?" He asked.
"I don't know, maybe you should read it to find out" I said a bit nervous and my voice cracked a bit.

He took a small glance at me before unfolding the paper and read it only for his face to turn red and me hide my already face.

He put the paper down and sat up making me shake, thinking he'll yell or make fun of me but non of those things happened.

He lifted my head so I looked at him in the eyes and the next thing I knew he was kissing me.

Oh, my, god, it was so amazing, the kiss was full of love and was gentle and soft. Absolutely perfect. Ok I'll stop now but for real, the kiss was amazing.

When he pulled away he said the words that have been waiting to here from him for so long.
"I love you too (Y/n)" he said softly as I smiled and pulled him in a hug which he gladly returned.

I never thought that this library could get any better but it did and that's why it'll always be my most favourite place forever.


I'm pretty sure that not many expected this one shot to be like this but I liked the idea and wanted to write it so I did and I really hope that you like it too. This was requested by MelissaC2000 and inksanslove229
Bye little devils and angels!

Minecraft Lores and Entities X Reader One-shotsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant