Negative Steve x Reader

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(Y/n) POV

Hello, my name is (Y/n) and I live in the woods with my brother Lucas. His friends Sabre likes to come over often and hang out with him which I don't mind but when they leave I'm all alone and it's not the best feeling tho I don't mind. Until he started leaving more often than usual, that's when I really started feeling lonely.

I wanted to talk to Lucas about it but I never had the guts to do so. This ended up with me bottling up my feelings and crying in my room whenever he wasn't home but always tried to act like I was fine. I would sometimes catch him giving me worried glances but I would always fake a smile to tell him all's good even tho it isn't. One day tho...

"Sis, is everything alright?" Lucas asked me out of the blue.
"U-um, yes. Why do you ask?" I asked him.
"You've been acting a bit strange lately. Is there something you want to talk about?" He gave me a worried look.
"N-no no no, i-i'm fine, really." I said with a fake smile but I don't think he was convinced.
"Look sis I'm very worried about you and I want to help you. I can't if you don't tell me what the problem is tho" he said and he finally broke me.

I started sobbing and told him how I felt these past weeks when he left me and how lonely I've been. He felt awful which is why I didn't want to tell him but then he explained why he's been gone for so long.

Apparently him and Sabre are trying to catch two Steve that are twins and have been causing lots of trouble. I offered to help but he didn't allow me due to how dangerous they are. Well I don't feel like being alone anymore so I kept insisting till I finally broke him and he allowed me to help.

Nobody can ever win against my stubbornness >:3. (Sorry, I just had to)

The next day when we left to Sabre's place he was very confused and a bit worried when he saw me.

"Um Lucas, why is your sister here?" He asked worried.
"I couldn't leave her alone anymore and I can never win against her stubbornness" he said with an annoyed groan but I just smiled victoriously.

Sabre chuckled with a small shake of his head and explained to me what was happening with details which made me understand the situation better.
"Oooh, now I understand. Lucas didn't explain to well to me back at home" I said.

Lucas shouted an 'HEY' at me as Sabre laughed and Lucas chased after me. When he caught me he messed up my hair and I had to fix it. Once that was done tho a bunch of lighting started happening near us making me scream in fear and Lucas pulled me behind him.

When the lighting was finally done infront of us were the two Steves that my brother told me about. Positive Steve and Negative Steve. God, they looked even scarier up close and knowing what they've done and what they can do makes them even scarier.

The twins grinned evilly at my brother and his friend but I noticed Negative look towards my way curiously till Lucas blocked his view. This seemed to give the Steve an idea and whispered something to his brother. They both smirked and snapped their heads towards me and Lucas making me gulp in fear.

"Lucas, take your sister and get out of here" Sabre mumbled to Lucas.
"What? What about yo-"
"I said go!" Sabre cut off Lucas with a yell.

Lucas flinched a bit but nodded and grabbed my hand before bolting it. The twins were about to chase after us but Sabre stopped them and started fighting them. I was very worried for him but Lucas was probably even more worried.

Once we felt like we ran far enough we stopped and sat down to catch our breaths. I felt awful, it was all my fault Sabre might be badly hurt right now.
"I'm so sorry Lucas. This is all my fault. If it weren't for me Sabre and you could've beaten them by now" I said in shame.
"Oh (Y/n) you did nothing wrong. This was bound to happen one day. It has nothing to do with you" Lucas said while giving me a hug.

I smiled and hugged back. Lucas was such a good brother to me.
"I love you big bro"
"I love you too lil sis"

After awhile we saw that it was getting dark and we wouldn't be home soon enough so we'd have to camp out here. Lucas had gone to get some wood to make a fire while I stayed there and waited.

He has been gone for quit some time and I'm getting worried but knew better than go and look for him cause I'll just end up getting lost. I just hope he's ok and comes soon.

As I was waiting tho suddenly strong vines wrapped around me and prevented me from moving. I screamed in fear till a hand covered my mouth. When I looked to see who's hand it was I could my heart had gone to my throat. Negative had tied me with the vines, silenced my screams and was now smirking down at me while I was freaking out.

"Relax doll, I'm not gonna hurt you" he chuckled but his nickname made me mad, not like I could do anything tho but it still made me mad.
"Now, will you be a good little girl and not scream?" He said like I was a little kid.

Instead of answering like a nod or something I growled but for some reason he took that as a yes and removed his hand from my mouth.

"Why are you after me? Where is my brother? What did you do to Sabre?!" I exploded at him with questions till he silenced me again by putting a finger on my lips.
"Calm down, you're friend's just knocked out for a bit and my brother is taking good care of your brother" he answered two of my questions but I got super worried when I heard Positive had my brother.

"Go tell your stupid twin to get his dirty hands away from my brother or so help me Notch you're both dead!" I screamed in his face. No one hurts my big bro and lives another second to tell the tale.

I don't think he liked me threatening him and calling his brother names cause he slammed me into a tree and I groaned in pain.
"I wouldn't speak like that to someone who had me tied up if I were you doll" he told me with a sickening grin on his face.
"Well you aren't me and you didn't answer one of my questions. What do you want from me?" I asked with a growl.
"Isn't it obvious?" He asked
"No, not real-hmmp!" He cut me off with a kiss that I did not expect.

I was so surprised when he kissed me that I gasped and he took that chance to dart his tongue in my mouth. I tried my hardest to pull away but he wouldn't let me. I was starting to feel light headed due to lack of air but he still didn't let me go till I was way too weak to even keep my head up.

When he did I was panting heavily and I felt the vines around me disappear but I couldn't move just wait.

It wasn't long till he go his second wind tho and started attacking my neck and made me a moaning mess, barely giving me any time to catch my breath.

Once he felt satisfied which was after my neck was covered completely with his hickeys he turned me around and rested my back on his chest.

"W-what w-was...?" I tried to ask but I was way out of breath to speak properly.
"This wasn't the first time I've seen you my dear (Y/n). Me and my brother would follow Lucas after a fight and watch you. You are so innocent and full of life that I couldn't help but want to make you mine. It disgusted me when he left you all alone and let you cry but now I understand why" he told me which shocked me.

I wanted to say something but a wave of sleepiness hit me and my eyes slowly closed.
"Go to sleep my dear, me and my brother will protect you and Lucas" was the last thing I heard before I fell into peaceful sleep.

Third person POV

When (Y/n) had fallen asleep Positive walked over with a sleeping Lucas in his arms and sat next to his brother.

"We finally did it brother" Positive whispered to his brother so he doesn't wake the two human siblings.
"Indeed brother. Now they belong to us and no one will ever take them away from us" Negative whispered back.
"They're all ours" they both whispered at the same time.


Requested by Amilia_The_Ghost and MelissaC2000 so I hope you like it.
Bye little devils and angels!

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