Hypno Steve x Child!Reader

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(Y/n) POV

I was running as fast as I could. I couldn't believe what my dad did. I felt sick and angry at him, I don't think I'll ever be able to love him again.

Oh, let me explain. I was in my room reading my favourite book. I should've been asleep but that book was so good I couldn't put it down.

I then heard something that sounded like loud muffled screams and when I quietly looked I saw my dad, Hypno, stabbing my mom to death and he had a wicked smile on his face. That smile remanded even after he had finally finished her life but then he saw me standing there in terror and his expression changed from insanity to fear.

He tried to talk to me and explain himself but before he could I ran out of the house, I was so scared that he'd kill me too for seeing that. I am only 6 years old!

I kept running as fast as my little legs could go till I finally ran out of breath and leaned against a tree to rest. As I was resting under the tree I suddenly heard footsteps and I knew exactly who it was so I hid behind a bush big enough for me to fit.

I was right, it was him and he stopped right next to the bush I was in before he started yelling my name. I stayed as quiet as I could, not wanting him to find me. He had tears in his eyes, making me feel bad but I didn't get out, I was too scared to do so.

"What have I done? What have I done?!" He yelled as a few sobs escaped from him.
"I wanted to protect them from her, I didn't want to loose them cause of her, yet I lost them because of me" he finished and fell on his knees.

I didn't know what he meant by that but I couldn't bare to see him like this anymore. With all the courage I had left I got out of the bush and ran to him before hugging him tightly.

I felt him flinch violently before hugging just as tight and wiped his tears away.

"I'm sorry, please let me explain. I never meant to hurt not scare you" he begged me and I nodded.

When he told me everything I was shocked. Mom never wanted children but gave birth to me just so she could make dad happy. Because she didn't want to leave him but didn't want me she planned on murdering me and hide my body so it would seem like I was kidnapped.

When he found out about all of that he got so mad and protective that he killed her. I couldn't blame him now. It's a parent's instinct to protect their kids no matter what the cost.

He took me back home and I helped him bury mom's body, I didn't care how awful it smelled, I wanted to help him for saving me.

Things got way better now that mom was gone. I was free to do things that she never let me do and I spend a lot more time with dad.

I love my dad so much.


Requested by inksanslove229 so I hope you like it.
Bye little devils and angels!

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