Entity 303 x Evil!Reader

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(Y/n) POV

Sup? I'm (Y/n) and I'm an evil bitch. Sure lots hate me for it but I don't care, I like being evil. It's fun messing things up and causing chaos. But I have lots of enemies.

The all known hacker for example, Entity 303.

That asshole is trying to ruin my fun all the time and I hate him for it. He's suppose to be evil as well so I don't know why he has to bother me!

I'm already making plans to get my revenge and I'm close. All I have to do is steal some more stuff before going to the Farlands where he lives at. I've followed him there before and I know exactly where his base is at.

Once I stole what I needed I geared up and ran off to the Farlands. It was a long journey there but in the end I managed to get there but I had to sneak around when I entered.

I knew he felt my presence when I entered the Farlands and I couldn't let him catch me. I've worked on my revenge for way too long to mess up and be defeated by that asshole.

As I got close to his base tho I felt a hand grab my shoulder making me tense up and freeze, knowing who it was. He found me but I wasn't gonna give up. I round house kicked him in the face making him fall backwards on his ass as I quickly climbed higher to get a better ground. He, of course, recovered almost instantly and wasted no time so he flew straight to me.

We both got out our swords and the fight began. Our swords hit each other, making loud metal clanging noises and I was loosing which wasn't good. He moved quickly and it got harder to block his attacks.

Unfortunately he had backed me up to the edge and with one more swing at me he made me fall off and as I fell I kept hitting nearby edges of other land, causing me even more damage.

When I finally hit the ground I could barely move. I heard him fly towards me and land near me before walking up to my. I could feel that damn grin in his stupid face. I felt blood in my mouth but I swallowed it back up, not wanting to so anymore weakness to him.

I clenched my sword tightly as I slowly got up, groaning in pain as I did. I glared daggers at him as his smirk got wider.

"Still not admitting your defeat, hm? I like strong women like you~" he purred making me anger rise.

He was fucking toying with me. I'll show that motherfucker just how strong I can be!

The fight continued but it ended quickly. I was so weak from the fall that I couldn't swing properly and I barely dodged his attacks. At some point tho he knocked my sword out or my hand and it was too far away for me to retrieve it. I turned back to face him only to find his face inches away from mine which got me to blush a bit.

Before I could back away his arm wrapped around my waist while the other grabbed my chin, keeping my head in place.

He stared into my (e/c) coloured eyes as I stared back at his red ones. His face slowly drew closer and closer to mine to the point where I could feel his breath on my lips which making my cheeks flush red.

"You really are something special. A strong fighter with a wild strength and an evil mind. Just the woman I've been looking for for years to claim as my own" he whispered before smashing his lips into mine.

My eyes went wide and my face turned as red as his now closed eyes. But I liked it so I slowly melted into the kiss. It felt nice and sweet. I could tell his liked the taste of my blood that was in my mouth cause he let out a happy sigh as he pulled away.

"I don't want to fight anymore, I want to work with you and be yours as you'll be mine" he confessed.
"I want that too. I want to cause evil while you are by my side" I said in a soft voice.

He smiled but it wasn't sinister or evil, it was an actual happy smile. I smiled back and pulled him in for another kiss.

From then on we've caused chaos together and made all plans together and to be honest its a lot better than doing it on your own.


Requested by Entity_303s_girl so I hope you like it.
Bye little devils and angels!

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