Elemental Steve x Reader pt2

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Third person POV

(Y/n) had woken up in a room that she did not recognize. She was laying on a red bed and the room looked like it was made from all the four elements of the world.

She sat there and tried to remember what happened but when she did she was terrified and quickly got up from the bed. She made her way towards a wooden but before she could open it it flew open making her fall backwards. The person that had opened the door nearly made her scream in terror because infront of her was the Nightmare King. He looked at her with a frown that made her shake in fear.

"Get up" he hissed at her and she flinched before getting up.

He motioned for her to follow him before turning around and started walking. She hesitantly followed but stayed as far away as possible. As they walked she saw a redish orange glowing string on his neck which got her curious but said nothing. She'll figure out herself.

Eventually they reached an iron door and then Nightmare spoke.
"Go in there" he simply told her.

She hesitated a lot but knew she had no choice so she took a deep breath and walked in tho when she touched the door nob Nightmare had disappeared. It was like he didn't want to be anywhere near Elemental but she couldn't blame him.

When she entered she was faced with her kidnapper sitting on a chair behind a desk. When he saw her hid eyes filled with delight and grinned before getting up and walked towards her. Once he was infront of her he placed his lava like hand on her cheek and caressed it with his thumb.
"I'm so glad you could come and join me my dear" he said with that low and dark voice of his.
"I didn't have much of a choice but I did I wouldn't have come at all" she replied, feeling all her fear being replaced with anger.
"Now now dear, there's no need for that." He said as his got wider as if he enjoyed her anger and struggle to hold back from trying to hurt him.

He moved his hand from her cheek to her wrist and grabbed it before taking her out of the room.
"Where are you taking me?" She asked.
"To show you something great that I've build" he answered her which got her a bit scared cause she knew that whatever he made or did was for evil purposes.

Once they got there it was his actual base. Her brother told her what it looked like and was always curious of what the thing in the middle was for. Since she felt like she could ask she was about to but he started talking.
"Isn't it wonderful? With this machine I'll be able to destroy this world and build my own where I'll be it's creator and you'll be there by my side, my dear" he said before turning to face her.

Her face held terror and anger as she glared up at him and did something that no one would expect or ever dare to do. She slapped him but it's just a small slap it was a hard one which almost made her hand turn purple. He took a few steps back and held his cheek before looking at her with a shocked expression.

"Is this really what you were planning all along?! Destroying the world just because you want to be it's creator and then involve me into this?! Do you even realise how much I'll miss my friends and family if I loose them forever?! I'd never forgive you! I'd rather die with them than be with you! Who are you even gonna rule over when everything and everyone is gone?! No one will live except you! I can't believe Time still loves you after what you, his big brother have done to him!" She shouted at him as a few tears fell from her eyes.

The last part really got to Elemental as he felt his own tears well up his eyes, realising what he has done to everyone around him, to his brother who was his own family and (Y/n) who he fell in love with. He had hurt all of them and he felt guilty for everything.

"W-wait (Y/n), i-i'm sorry please listen to m-" before he could finish she yelled again.
"No, I've had enough of this! You'll regret for ever messing with my friends and brother!" With that she ran back to try and find the exit as Elemental stood there, tears falling down his face.

(Y/n) ran through the long hallways, trying to find the exit but as she was she bumbed into Nightmare who glared at her.
"You're not suppose to be here" he snarled at her.
"I don't give a shit, I'm leaving and you're not gonna stop me" she snarled back which he didn't like and went to grab her and lock her in her room but she was quicker and moved away.

She was still curious about the string so she grabbed it and pulled it off tho when she did he froze in place and he changed into a normal Yellow Steve.

She got confused and flinched when he unfroze and stared at his hands.
"I-i'm free....I'm finally free" he mumbled in disbelief and looked towards (Y/n) who gulped and waited for the worst.

When she thought he'd hurt her he hugged her tightly and laughed in joy.
"You freed me, after all these years I'm finally free and it's all thanks to you!" He kept thanking her and told her what Elemental did to him. She became more furious at him for that but was happy for the Yellow Steve and let him go and be free. Now she needed to find the exit like she'd been trying to for ages.

After a few more minutes of searching she found what she was looking for and ran towards the door that led to her freedom but as she was about to grab the handle a pair of arms that she knew all to well pulled her away and to a hard and muscular chest. She cried out in surprise and tried to get out of his grip.

"Let go of me!" She yelled.
"Not until you listen to me" the man who had her in his grasp said.
"Why should I?! I bet whatever you say will be a lie like you told my friends and brother!" She yelled again.
"Please just hear me out and believe what you want after" he said.

She knew she had no other choice but to listen so she stopped struggling and let him speak. She listened at how he always wanted to know who his creator was but never could, at how he was sick of Time thinking he had become power hungry just because of that and how he thought that since he can't know who his creator was he'd make his own world where he'd be the creator. She was saddened by his story and now knew that non of the two brothers were the bad guy nor the good guy.

"Elemental even tho you had a reason to do all of this doesn't mean you should have. Time did misunderstood you but that doesn't mean he didn't love you, you are his big brother and even after all the things you've done he can't help but miss his old and happy old big brother. I know you miss him too and I want you to ask yourself, if your creator did show up one day and saw what you've done, would he be proud?" She told him after turning to face him.

He bowed his head as he shook it and let a few tears fall from his eyes.
"I was just filled with anger and jealousy of Time since he was so innocent, loved and happy that I never thought what it'd be like if he was gone and out of my life forever. I wanted to feel the same way, to be loved by someone" he said in the saddest voice she'd ever heard.

She felt so bad that she could not hold herself back from granting his wish and kissed him dead on the lips. She felt him tense up and freeze which made her scared that she messed up but that thought soon changed when he kissed back and wrapped his arms around her. The kiss lasted for about 10 seconds before they pulled away and smiled at each other.

"I thought you hated me" he said
"That was before I knew the full story but now I've changed my mind about you. You still need to apologize to the others for your actions and make up with your brother" she told him.

He sighed and nodded before they went to her friends and brother. They were all worried half to death and were thrilled to see her safe and sound but Sabre nearly lost it when he saw Elemental and if looks could kill, he would be buried 6 feet underneath. As they were about to attack she stopped them and explained everything. Rainbow was understanding, Sabre was still on edge and Time felt awful for knowing that he was the reason for his big brothers behaviour. They both apologized, Elemental returned Rainbow's powers that he stole back and is slowly earning their trust. He even went to find Nightmare and apologized and thankfully he was forgiven.

Elemental had changed a lot ever since that day. Sure he still feels guilty and those bad memories haunt him but he doesn't care as long as his beloved (Y/n) and brother are here with him to help him.


Requested by gh13457. Extremely sorry for the wait and I hope it was worth it.
Bye little devils and angels!

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