Chapter 1

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Chapter 1 - letter

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Chapter 1 - letter

15th May 1998

"Finally! Home sweet home!" Rosaline exclaimed as she opened the front door of 12 Grimmauld Place.

It had been two weeks since the defeat of Voldemort. However, being the children who lived had never been easy. During the two weeks, Harry and Rosaline Potter had been staying at the Burrow, as Mrs.Weasley said they shouldn't be coped up at Grimmauld Place after the whole ordeal. The Burrow had been cozy and homey, but Rosaline just wanted some space from the crowds. After that historical day, she and Harry could no longer go out without having reporters stalking them, bombarding them with questions. It had taken Rosaline a tremendous effort not to lose her temper and fight off every single one of them.

Harry and Rosaline were twins born to James and Lily Potter. After that tragic night on 31st October 1981, they had been hailed to the Wizarding World as the 'Children who lived'. Rosaline hated the title, hated the fact that they were celebrated just because they had survived, without giving that much credit to her parents' sacrifice. Harry and Rosaline were very close, however, they are very different. Harry was the brave one, who would take punishments for Rosaline from the Dursley when they were little, then to out-flying dragons and dueling Voldemort. He is a Gryffindor through and through. Rosaline, on the other hand, was very smart, she was the mastermind behind all the battles. She used to scout and analyze the Dursley's daily routine so that she could send Harry out to sneak food into their cupboard. And in Hogwarts, she was usually the one who helped Harry plan for his adventures. She was quite the fighter as well, as it was she who killed Mulciber and Nott Sr. Despite all of this, she never wanted much attention, she preferred having a quiet life with only people whom she loved.

"Kreacher!" she called. A house-elf with wrinkly skin and a locket around his neck popped in.

"Yes, Mistress Rosie?"

"Could you fix us something to eat, please?" asked Rosaline.

"Right away, Mistress and Master. Right away," said Kreacher. After bowing very low, he popped into the Kitchen.

Minutes later, Kreacher popped back in with two plates of cream fish fillets.

"What do you want to do today?" asked Harry.

"Hm, I think I want to tidy up Sirius's room. Kreacher doesn't want to do it, since he said there is too much 'Muggle filth' inside. Then I'll do it. I mean, we can't just leave it like this forever." she answered.

"Yeah! I'll help," replied Harry.

"I know you'd like to stay with the Weasley rather than cleaning Grimmauld Place but it's just too noisy and crowded for me, plus I don't know everyone that well there. I don't mind staying here on my own, you know." Rosaline said, chewing on her last piece of fish.

"No, Rosie, as much as I'd like to stay there, I want to spend time with my baby sister." He smirked.

She smiled, "Oh I know you love me, brother. But for the last time, just because you are older than me by 8 minutes, doesn't mean you can call me a baby." She stood up and put the plate in the kitchen.

Sirius's room was on the topmost floor of 12 Grimmauld Place, directly next to it, was Regulus's room. Sometimes, Rosaline still wondered if Regulus would have died if he had reached out to his brother for help. She pushed open Sirius's bedroom door and grimaced. It was all dusty with cobwebs hanging on the ceiling and the chandelier. She opened the velvet curtain to allow more sunlight in, but immediately inhaled a fleck of dust and started coughing.

"Sis, are you okay?" Asked Harry. His eyes flickered over the posters of motorcycles and bikini women on the wall, then to the candle chandelier and curtains. " Fucking hell, it'll take longer than I had thought."

"Scourgify." Rosaline pointed her wand at the curtain and windows, then the chandelier and the corners of the walls.

"FUCK!" She screamed as a giant spider dropped on her lap from the ceiling. " Merlin's balls! Harry, can you do the walls and floor first? I'll handle the desk and the drawers. Hell, I hope there aren't any doxies in there." Harry nodded.

Rosaline looked through the pile of parchments and papers on the desk and the floor. The pile of parchments on the floor was mostly assignments and detention slips. She has also found his OWL and NEWT results in that pile. It amazed her how he could spend the majority of the night in detention while getting 9 OWLs and good grades in NEWT. There was another pile on the desk, which were letters from the Marauders and her mum, although there were occasional letters from his ex-girlfriends. Rosaline put them all in a file, she would read them thoroughly once they finished cleaning. Then she opened the topmost drawer and there was only a single letter. It was addressed to her and Harry. She opened the letter shakily and started reading it.

Dear Harry and Rosie,

If you've found this, I'm sorry that I have to leave you two again. I hope I'd died protecting both of you, that's how I wanted to go.

I admit that I haven't been a good godfather. I chose revenge over staying with the two of you twice, once when you've just lost your parents, once in your third year. I've never regretted anything more than leaving you two when you needed me the most. I hope you could forgive me for that, but I cannot blame you if you don't.

As you are my godchildren and I don't have any offspring, you'll inherit all the Black properties as well as the position of the Head of Black family. I too was in a bit of a shock when I found out that my Grandfather didn't disown me, I didn't want to burden you two with that, but I have to make you two heirs since I don't want any of that money to fall onto the hands of Malfoy or Lestrange. I will be able to tell you more about the duties of being the head of a family during the summer if I can make it past that. If not, what you have to do first, is to go to Gringotts and claim your headships, then enter the main vaults. There are plenty of portraits to guide you on being a good Head of House. If you don't already know this, the Potters are also a Most Ancient and Most Noble House, therefore you two are obligatory to fulfill its Head of house duties as well. Being the Head of these two Houses is going to be a huge burden on your shoulders but it also means that you are going to be very influential in the Wizarding World.

Anyway, I wish I had more time with you two, to tell you more about your parents, to teach you more about the Wizarding World, and to tell you how proud of you two I am. Remember, if you ever missed me, just look up to the sky and find the brightest star in Canis Major. I'm just there smiling and watching over the two of you. Now, don't dwell on the past, be happy, live for the future. I love you.



Rosaline collapsed on the floor, tears leaking out of her eyes. Harry walked over, eyes full of concern, but she could not stop. She handed the letter to Harry, sobbing on his shoulder. By the time Harry had finished reading it, he too had tears in his eyes.


That's it for Chapter 1. Please feel free to comment and let me know what you think.

See you next chapter


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