Chapter 53

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Chapter 53 - All in or all out

12th March 1979

After the distressing message from Narcissa, Lord Black stepped into the fire instantly and floo to where she and Sirius were.

"Wait! Can we come through too?" Rosaline called back at Lord Black but the green flame returned to its usual wavering golden. She let out a frustrated sigh, "Oh, come on!" She threw a cushion at the fireplace which luckily did not fall into the fire.

"I'm going to get Dorea," Charlus stood up, sprinted through the room and dashed out of the door.

Rosaline could not focus on anything in the room except for her own thoughts, which were getting louder and louder. 'He's bleeding out', Narcissa's words echoed in her mind. She kept picturing Sirius, lying on the stone-cold marble floor, lifeless. His muggle rock band t-shirt and leather jacket were soaked with crimson, his handsome face was beaten and scarred.

The last time she saw him was during a Potter family dinner a week ago. They went on with their usual argument about some stupid things, that time about whether or not water was wet. Rosaline believed that she had won the argument until the next morning, she woke up in a bed surrounded by a pool of water. She was so determined to get him back, that she prepared a little surprise for him in his bedroom in Potter Manor. But now, all she ever wanted to do was to go to where he was and see if he was fine herself.

"Stop pacing, you're driving me crazy," Harry called out, which put her out of her trance. She wasn't even aware that she was out off the couch in the first place.

"I can't help it," Rosaline said irritably back to Harry. "Our friend, Sirius, has possibly returned from a dangerous mission and he's hurt in the process. We don't know what he has done, how hurt he is, where he is, and we are just expected to sit here and stay calm? I won't, I can't! He could have lost an arm, or a leg, or he got hit by a very dark curse that-"

"Enough," Felix commanded and stopped Rosaline's rambling. "You are going to have to wait whether you like it or not, Rosaline. Lord Black will announce the condition of his grandson whenever he sees fit, you will not find the answer unless you are planning on breaking into all his houses. So cease your ranting, find something to occupy yourself in the meantime, and wait."

Rosaline huffed loudly and replied, "Fine. Harry, I just remember that I took a hoodie from you the other day, it's in my room, do you want to have it back?"

Harry narrowed his eyes and looked up at her suspiciously, "What hoodie?"

"You know, the grey one with a lion on it," Rosaline said, her eyes signaling to the door in urgency.

"I don't-"

"Just come and get it, will you?" Rosaline basically grabbed Harry's arm and led him out of the sitting room.

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