Chapter 32

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Chapter 32 - the mystery of Narcissa

9th August 1978

Rosaline had finished her training more than a week ago and became an official Curse Breaker. However, she still had not had enough experience to choose her own job, she had to act as Fabian's assistant at the moment. This morning, Gringott informed them that they had collected a cursed item from a customer. The item looked pretty much like a normal music box, but if it was played, anyone who heard it would fall asleep permanently. Rosaline and Fabian were struggling to break the curse until 2 pm, they finally succeeded. Rosaline marched out of the bank happily after that, as it was her first job and it was a success. Then she saw Narcissa, whom she had not spoken to for nearly a month, shopping alone in Twilfitt and Tattings.

Rosaline had attended Narcissa and Malfoy's wedding. Narcissa looked absolutely stunning but unhappy in her wedding dress while Malfoy just looked like a smug peacock. But to sum up their wedding, it was a boring affair with a lot of pureblood propaganda. After that day, Narcissa never wrote back to Rosaline again. Rosaline knew that Narcissa was probably threatened not to send letters to those so-called 'Blood Traitors', but why didn't she use the notebook that she had given Narcissa? Rosaline kept writing in there but there was no reply, so she gave up. But she still wondered if Narcissa was well. And today was the first time that she had seen Narcissa ever since the wedding, so she rushed into Twilfitt and Tattings.

Rosaline approached her and greeted her with a smile but her face showed no recognition, so she spoke, "Hi, Cissa. I haven't seen you in a long time. How are you?"

Narcissa fixed her with a tight smile, "I am well, thank you. And please don't speak to me in such informality, Potter. I am Lady Malfoy now."

Rosaline was confused, she had never seen Narcissa act so snobby before, "I'm sorry, Lady Malfoy. I just thought Liv and I are your friends, we are not required to speak to you in a formal manner. It seems like I'm mistaken."

Narcissa gave her an unfocused look, "I have no friends. The only ones who can address me in such familiarity are my family and my beloved husband."

Rosaline dropped her jaw, "Beloved? Since when are you devoted to him?"

"Since the day I married him. He taught me the right way to see the world and that you shouldn't be talking to me, blood traitor," Narcissa walked out of the door.

Rosaline stood frozen at the spot until the owner asked her if she was buying anything. She left the store still confused. That behavior was certainly not how the normal Narcissa would behave. She thought about the way she held her posture, her words, and the glassy look in her eyes, it hit her. The Imperius curse. But what if Narcissa was not under any curse, she was just angry with her for something she had done? She had to wipe out this possibility before doing anything, so she decided to visit Olivia to confirm that.

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