Chapter 8

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Chapter 8 - the first day

2nd September 1977

Rosaline walked into the great hall with Narcissa and Olivia, she saw that the staff were all in their human states, eating their breakfast. When the marauders and Harry walked in, Professor McGonagall got up abrupted and shouted, "Potter! Black! Lupin! Pettigrew! Detention and fifty points from Gryffindor for creating mayhem!"

James tossed his head back and grinned at the professor, "Just a little warm welcome to our new students here, it's a perfectly friendly gesture. Besides, no one was hurt and everyone enjoyed it."

"Yeah, without some fun and mayhem, how would you remember us? You will miss me when I'm gone, won't you, Minnie?" Sirius winked at McGonagall.

Professor McGonagall's lips twitched for a fraction of a second, "Yes, Mr. Black, but I miss the peaceful time before your admission more. Detention this Saturday, report to Mr. Filch." She returned to the staff table.

"It's the same every year," Olivia rolled her eyes, "I don't know how Potter became the Head Boy with all that trouble he's causing."

"And that idiotic cousin of mine," mumbled Narcissa, pouring herself a cup of tea.

Professor Slughorn walked over and started handing out timetables.

"Miss Black, Defense, Potion, Herbology, Charms, and Transfiguration. How is your father, my dear?"

"He's well, thank you, professor." Narcissa took her timetable and read it.

"Miss Greengrass, same subjects as Miss Black. The both of you wanted to become a healer, isn't it?" Slughorn smiled at both the blond girls. They both nodded.

"A good one you'll make." He commented. "And Miss Potter, oh, you are Fleamont's daughter, aren't you? I'm so sorry that he died, he was one of my favorite students. Here is your timetable. Ho, ho, you are taking seven subjects, you are certainly qualified for it, but are you sure you can handle the workload? Seventh year is tough." Slughorn raised his greying eyebrows.

"Positive," Rosaline answered curtly.

"If you say so, my dear. I'll see you three in the potion class." He continued with handing out timetables to other students.

"Slughorn isn't joking, you know. Seven subjects are a lot for NEWT levels." Olivia glanced at Rosaline's packed schedule.

"I'll manage. My father hired some very good tutors when I was in America, so I already have the basics for this year's materials." Rosaline continued eating her breakfast.

She noticed Regulus Black walking in, talking to a skinny boy with brown curls. Narcissa pointed her wand at her cousin, whispering an incantation.

"What did you do?" urged Rosaline.

"You will find out very soon," Narcissa said mysteriously.

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